Laze - Fokus - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Laze - Fokus

Fokus, fokus, fokus
Focus, focus, focus
Fokus, fokus, fokus
Focus, focus, focus
Fokus, fokus
Focus, focus
Aku banting tulang macam gulat
I hustle hard like wrestling
Lagu sihir penonton tetapi bukan sulap
My songs spellbound the crowd but it's no magic trick
Abaikan telfon malam ini ku pulang telat
Ignore the phone call, I'll be home late tonight
Kupu-kupu malam usahanya masih ulat
The social butterfly's efforts are still crawling
Tapi jangan kau sentuh (sentuh), diriku
But don't you (touch), me
Tak suka dibohongi namun penampilanmu s'lalu menipu
I hate being lied to, yet your appearance always deceives
Aku suguhi kau, batu dalam gelas
I offer you a rock in a glass
Kar'na aku dengar kau gemar minuman keras
Because I heard you like hard liquor
Cari pria lain aku hanya ingin tenang
Find another man, I just want peace
Tenggelam dalam sedih dan ku tak ingin berenang
Drowning in sadness and I don't want to swim
Dunia jungkir balik bagai gerakan pesenam
The world's upside down, like a gymnast's move
Keberuntungan belum datang bagai minum yang kupesan
Luck hasn't arrived, like the drink I ordered
Heran siapa yang menciptakan mesin waktu
I wonder who created the time machine
Sebab orang dari masa lalu masih ganggu aku
Because people from the past still bother me
Tapi hubungan kita telah lama berakhir
But our relationship ended long ago
Sekarang aku hanya pergi berkencan dengan takdir
Now I'm just going on a date with destiny
Aku fokus, fokus
I'm focused, focused
Aku bilang aku fokus
I said I'm focused
Jangan datang bawa bogus minta maaf bila ketus
Don't come with bogus, apologize if I'm short
Aku fokus, fokus (fokus)
I'm focused, focused (focused)
Fokus (fokus, fokus, fokus)
Focus (focus, focus, focus)
Lo kan pernah sayang sama orang
You used to love someone
Sayang banget bahwa
Loved them so much that
Dia susah lo bantuin
You could barely help them
Lu cari solusi
You searched for solutions
Lu kaya ngorbanin semuanya
You're like sacrificing everything
Kenapa ngga, lu cintai diri lu sendiri?
Why don't you love yourself?
Orang hampiri aku, lupa sopan santun
People approach me, forgetting manners
Bagai chandelier telfon aku biarkan menggantung
Like a chandelier, I let the phone hang
Aku hanya ingin semua urusan rampung
I just want to finish all the business
Jadi jangan hilang fokus bagaikan mata yang rabun
So don't lose focus like a blurry eye
Banyak pengganggu di dalam kehidupan
There are many distractions in life
Pancing emosi tapi ku tak menggigit umpan
They bait my emotions but I don't bite the bait
Buka amplop mereka kirim surat tantangan
Open the envelope, they sent a challenge letter
Karna ku lebih baik dari mereka tuk surat tantangan
Because I'm better than them at challenge letters
Dalam masalah selalu ada jalan
There is always a way in a problem
Di s'lesaikan dengan kepala atau dengan kepalan
Solve it with your head or your fists
Aku hanya ingin tenang
I just want peace
Kalian ingin serang
You want to attack
Tak hendak cet rambut tapi kau mau mulai peras
Don't want to dye my hair but you want to start squeezing
Aku fokus, (fokus) fokus, fokus
I'm focused, (focused) focused, focused
Aku bilang aku fokus
I said I'm focused
Jangan datang bawa bogus minta maaf bila ketus
Don't come with bogus, apologize if I'm short
Aku fokus, fokus (fokus)
I'm focused, focused (focused)
Fokus (fokus, fokus, fokus)
Focus (focus, focus, focus)
Jangan datang bila bawa bogus
Don't come if you bring bogus
Mohon maaf bila aku ketus
Apologies if I'm abrupt
Aku fokus
I'm focused
Aku fokus
I'm focused
Jangan datang bila bawa bogus
Don't come if you bring bogus
Mohon maaf bila aku ketus
Apologies if I'm abrupt
Aku fokus
I'm focused
Aku fokus
I'm focused

Writer(s): Havie Parkasya

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