No quiero perder el tiempo contando nuestra historia
I don't want to waste time telling our story
Quien es la victima quien fue el que fallo
Who is the victim who failed
Si fuiste tu o si fui yo
If it was you or if it was me
Por mas que nos lamentesmos el resultado sera el mismo
No matter how much we regret it the result will be the same
Y que lo sepan los demas no hara que regresemos
And letting others know won't make us get back together
Lo dificil no espir que o como se termino
The difficult thing is not why or how it ended
No lo dificil es lo que viene
No the difficult thing is what comes next
Donde estaras es la pregunta de todos los dias
Where will you be is the question I ask myself everyday
De las tardes nubladas y las noches frias
On cloudy afternoons and cold nights
Y precisamente cuando mas cala el frio mas me pregunto por que no esta a lado mio por que terminamos no lo recuerdo ya no a fin de cuentas y aqui solo estoy yo y salgo a la calle conbla ligera esperanza de quizas verlo de lejos cuando salga de casa y me atormentan esa y otras muchas cosas y si no esta y si paso y esta con otra es que hay otras ideas me hacen enloquecer no se que haria si lo veo con otra mujer no pudo reclamar dira a ti que te importa y como voya explicar que si que si me importa y que tambien me duele
And precisely when the cold cuts the most I ask myself why you're not by my side why did we end I don't remember anymore after all and here I am by myself and I go out into the street with the hope that maybe I'll see you from afar when I leave the house and I'm tormented by that and many other things and if you're not there and if I come across you and you're with someone else is that there are other ideas drive me crazy I don't know what I would do if I saw you with another woman I couldn't claim she would say to you what do you care and how am I going to explain that yes that yes I care and that it also hurts me
Ni yo se lo que sientes y tu no estas en mis papeles
I don't know what you're feeling and you're not in my shoes
Podria decirte que te exteaño pero no importa
I could tell you that I miss you but it doesn't matter
Luego viene la pregunta del millon
Then comes the million-dollar question
No puede ser a ese cavrokbes mi compa nena pero no te merece
It can't be you that son of a b**** is my buddy baby but he doesn't deserve you
Y a mi orgullo lo defiende mi despecho
And my pride is defended by my resentment
Y lo siento perobsi te veo no te hablo y si me sonries siento que me lleva el diablo
And I'm sorry but if I see you I won't speak and if you smile at me I feel like the devil takes me
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