Legendario - El Visitante - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Legendario - El Visitante

El Visitante
The Visitor
Debido al logico miedo de gran numero de ciudadanos y debido
Due to the logical fear of a great number of citizens and due
A los acontecimientos que se estan desarrollando, esta emisora,
To the events that are unfolding, this station,
Permanecera en el aire dia y noche para mantenerles informados de
Will remain on the air day and night to keep you informed of
Todo lo que vaya sucediendo, hasta el momento no existe realmente
Everything that is happening, so far there is really no
Ningun modo de advertirles de quien o que es lo que deben vigilar ni
Way to warn you who or what to watch out for or
De que deben resguardarse, el panorama puede describerse
What to protect yourself from, the panorama can be described
Perfectamente como un kaos, sigan atento a la radio y la television a
Perfectly as chaos, stay tuned to the radio and television to
La espera de instrucciones a medida de que se desarrolle la
Waiting for instructions as it develops
"Estaba ahi, habria solo unos 30 centimetros entre su cabeza y esa rama, de
"He was there, there were only about 30 centimeters between his head and that branch, of
Modo que mediria ... ¿dos metros y medio?, iba a meterme
So it would measure ... two and a half meters?, I was going to get
En la cama y casualmente mire por la ventana, al principio solo pude ver aquellos
Into bed and I happened to look out the window, at first I could only see those
Dos ojos rojos segui mirandolo, no podia parar, nunca
Two red eyes I kept looking at it, I couldn't stop, never
Habia tenido aquella sensacion de estar paralizada y luego supongo que ...
I had had that feeling of being paralyzed and then I guess ...
Simplente se fue"
He just simply left"
Cayo del cielo sobre un campo de trigo, eso dijeron,
He fell from the sky on a wheat field, that's what they said,
Maldijero el fuego y el ruido,¡hijos de putas!,
Damn the fire and the noise, you sons of bitches!
Os trajo la creencia, lo que no explico la ciencia,
He brought you belief, what science did not explain,
La nostalgia,¿por que aquel dia os sangro la encia?,
Nostalgia, why did your gums bleed that day?
Cambio el sabor del agua, los lazos familiares se desatan como bambas en fango,
He changed the taste of water, family ties are untied like shoelaces in mud,
El Visitante no parece hostil pero estaban mejor sin el,
The Visitor doesn't seem hostile but they were better off without him,
¿Infiel?, pa mi son fragiles como el papel,
Unfaithful? To me they are as fragile as paper,
Y ¿que busca?,¿que coño quiere aqui?,¿por que anda solo?,
And what is he looking for? What the hell does he want here? Why is he alone?
Si aqui ya de recurso natural menos que poco,
If here there is less than little natural resources,
Adopta una figura humana,
He takes on a human figure,
Le llaman hijo del fuego y la tierra, vuestro Dios os regala un drama,
They call him the son of fire and earth, your God gives you a drama,
Soy como un inmigrante, siente odio y me rechazan,
I am like an immigrant, they feel hatred and reject me,
Pa mi no hay privacidad el mundo es publico,¿darme caza?,
For me there is no privacy, the world is public, should they hunt me down?
Estais soñando comparandoos con el llanto,
You are dreaming comparing yourselves with crying,
Os odio tanto, os desvistos como Phantom,
I hate you so much, I undress you like Phantom,
El Visitante es un problema es un tu gobierno,
The Visitor is a problem, he is your government,
Un imprevisto, de mi hablan en la radio, escriben libros,
An unforeseen event, they talk about me on the radio, they write books,
Columnas intelectuales se creen con derecho a opinar de mi,
Intellectual columns believe they have the right to give their opinion about me,
Los segaria como al maiz,
I'd mow them down like corn,
El ejercito piensa en aniquilarme,
The army is thinking of wiping me out,
La ciencia quiere estudiarme,
Science wants to study me,
El resto espectante a El Visitante,
The rest expectant to The Visitor,
Algun millonario excentrico mi cuerpo en un estante,
Some eccentric millionaire my body on a shelf,
Mi cabeza entre en un leon y un elefante,
My head between a lion and an elephant,
Echarme el guante,
Throw down the gauntlet to me,
No infante,
No, infant,
Yo tengo un comedido aqui en tu tierra, no es por darmelas,
I have a comedy here on your land, it's not to show off,
De superioridad pero lo llevan mal,
Of superiority but they don't take it well,
Ahora ya se que el hombre sufre y es un dato interesante,
Now I know that man suffers and it is an interesting fact,
Todos hablan de El Visitante.
Everyone is talking about The Visitor.
El Visitante cayo del cielo como Adán, es intratable,
The Visitor fell from the sky like Adam, he is untreatable,
Me quieren en alcohol diseccionarme,
They want to dissect me in alcohol,
Maldicen cada rasgo de mi piel interesante,
They curse every interesting feature of my skin,
Me parece insuficiente,
It seems insufficient to me,
¿Cuantos quieren darle caza al Visitante?
How many want to hunt down The Visitor?
Pierden su pista, sabe bien como perderse,
They are losing his trail, he knows how to get lost well,
Algunos hablan del apocalipsis,
Some speak of the apocalypse,
Recurren al Iglesia, quieren salvar su alma de esta crisis,
They turn to the Church, they want to save their souls from this crisis,
Imbecil, lo veo dificil, el cielo lo quiso asi,
Fool, I see it difficult, heaven wanted it that way,
No pagan nada mal mi piel,
They pay quite well for my skin,
Ya se que el hombre es cruel,
I already know that man is cruel,
Avaricia tumba torres de Babel,
Greed tumbles towers of Babel,
Solo señalo, luego deseparecen de mi campo de vision,
I just point, then they disappear from my field of vision,
Solo se queda un charco organico y adios,
Only an organic puddle remains and goodbye,
Solo una foto mia en su revista, le asegura un sueldo,
Just a photo of me in their magazine, guarantees a salary,
Los converteria en caldo, maldito planeta enfermo,
I would turn them into broth, damn sick planet,
Odio este sitio tanto y este cuerpo, esta presion, la gravedad,
I hate this place so much and this body, this pressure, gravity,
Correr, mojarme con la lluvia, envejecer,
Running, getting wet in the rain, getting old,
Hablan del odio, no conozco el sentimiento, hablan del amor,
They talk about hate, I don't know the feeling, they talk about love,
La pasion que mueve el mundo alrededor del Sol,
The passion that moves the world around the Sun,
Complentando un circo, adoran el poder,
Completing a circus, they worship power,
Alguno pierdo el norte y se convierte en ... psico,
Some lose their way and become... psycho,
Lo he visto a veces pierden el control,
I've seen them sometimes lose control,
Pueden matarse entre ellos por muy poco y confiarse a Dios,
They can kill each other for very little and entrust themselves to God,
Ellos le rezan a un ser que no corresponde,
They pray to a being that does not correspond,
Prometio la paz y el orden, pero ve y tolera el hambre,
He promised peace and order, but he sees and tolerates hunger,
Y no me importa, no vengo aqui a solucion problemas,
And I don't care, I'm not here to solve problems,
Cuenta el tiempo como gemas,
He counts time like gems,
El fin de tu mundo asoma, ponle fecha,
The end of your world is coming, set a date,
Dile al gobierno que descanse,
Tell the government to rest,
Es un juego pa El Visitante.
It's a game for The Visitor.
El Visitante cayo del cielo como Adán, es intratable,
The Visitor fell from the sky like Adam, he is untreatable,
Me quieren en alcohol diseccionarme,
They want to dissect me in alcohol,
Maldicen cada rasgo de mi piel interesante,
They curse every interesting feature of my skin,
Me parece insuficiente,
It seems insufficient to me,
¿Cuantos quieren darle caza al Visitante?
How many want to hunt down The Visitor?
No es suficiente con un rifle de granjero,
A farmer's rifle is not enough,
Su hijo me miro y chillaba como un cerdo,
His son looked at me and squealed like a pig,
Y sin ponerle un dedo encima de su piel bastarda, fragil,¿lo sabe?,
And without putting a finger on his bastard, fragile skin, you know?
Ya no es virgen popular,
She is no longer a popular virgin,
Y se abre facil para copular,
And she opens up easily to copulate,
Profesores y catedraticos quemando sus teorias sobre la vida mas alla,
Professors and academics burning their theories about life beyond,
Desen prisan en callar,
They choose to remain silent,
Hablar es un deporte de alto riesgo,
Speaking is a high-risk sport,
Si alguien como yo no esta de acuerdo,¿quien?, el que bajo del cielo,
If someone like me doesn't agree, who? The one who came down from heaven,
Vivo con forma de elegante ejecutivo,
I live in the form of an elegant executive,
Si cometo un crimen sere un nota mas bajo un abrigo,
If I commit a crime I will be just another guy under a coat,
O el gorrilla, o la señora que da pan a las palomas en la plaza,
Or the parking attendant, or the lady who feeds the pigeons in the square,
O tu mascota si te mira mal y ataca,
Or your pet if it looks at you wrong and attacks,
Soy la rabia, no me se tu infancia, pero te intuyo,
I am rage, I don't know your childhood, but I intuit you,
Uno quiso hacerse el heroe pero na duerme en un hoyo,
One wanted to be the hero but now sleeps in a hole,
Mientra tenga esperanza y cosas para defender,
As long as you have hope and things to defend,
De un posible enemigo extreno, estan armandose y lo se, averiguo,
From a possible external enemy, they are arming themselves and I know it, I found out,
El miedo antiguo como el hombre es inquietante,
The ancient fear like man is disturbing,
No solo que el hombre aprecia su sangre como el diamante,
Not only that man appreciates his blood like diamond,
Armas bacteriologicas, dardos paralizantes,
Bacteriological weapons, paralyzing darts,
Me toco mover la ficha, chuparsela al Visitante.
It's my turn to make a move, suck it to The Visitor.

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