Leihotikan - Asteburu guztietan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Leihotikan - Asteburu guztietan

Asteburu guztietan
Every Weekend
Deitu nazazu babua edo ta atzeratua,
Call me an idiot or even a retard,
Nahi duzun bezala,
Whatever you like to,
Egizun aukera, bost axola zait.
Mind the choice, I could not care less.
Gaur ahastu zaitez nitaz bihar agian kezka,
Forget about me today, maybe worry tomorrow,
Sentitsen dut baina,
I understand, but,
Momentu honetan, joan beharra daukat.
At this moment, I have to go.
Berdin esaten diot, ahastu zaitez nitaz
All the same I tell you, forget about me
Asteburu guztietan.
Every weekend.
Gaur lagun har dezaket
Today I can make friends
Beintzat telebistan dagoen filme asperra.
At least with a boring movie on TV.
"Iva jon wein con su caballo de Lodosa a Barakaldo,
"Yes, John Wayne, with his horse, from Lodosa to Barakaldo,
Pero si que esta colgao",
But he's a nutcase,"
Esan nizun egia irten egin nahi.
You said the truth, and now you want to go out.
Triste izan arren onartzea joaten naiz ni zure bila
Although it makes me sad, I'll go to you
Abiadura guztiaz,
At full speed,
Alkol zuloetan sorgindu nahian.
Trying to get lost in the drinking holes.
BANG! BANG! Txakurrak tiroka hasten dira,
BANG! BANG! The dogs start barking,
Badirudi oraingo honetan bakarrik gelditu naizela.
It seems this time I'm allalone.
BANG! BANG! Bortitzak nere belarritan,
BANG! BANG! Deafening in my ears,
Ez didazue egaleraziko ni harekin egotea.
You will not keep me from being with her.
EZ!! Hau ez da inondik zuena,
NO!! This is not yours in any way,
Baizik eta Euskaldunona da.
It belongs to the Basques.
BAI!! Askatasuna ukatzen duzue,
YES!! You deny us our freedom,
Eta honekin batera maitatzeko nahia.
And with it the desire to love.
Gorroto dut jon wein,
I hate John Wayne,
Zu maite zaitudan neurri berdin-berdinan.
As much as you love me.
Eta hainbat gehiago,
And many more,
Gorrotatzen ditut kasko zuri hiltzaileak.
I hate murdering gendarmes.
Asteburu guztietan...
Every weekend...
Zure ondoan gustoko nuke,
I would like to be by you,
Zure ondoan... maitia
By your side... sweetheart
Txakur hauek hemendik alde egiten ikustea.
To see these dogs leave here.

Writer(s): Gorka Armendariz Villanueva, Patxi Mercero Larraza

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