Leilía - Ruada de Beariz - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Leilía - Ruada de Beariz

Ruada de Beariz
Ruada de Beariz
Rabea vai rabeando (bis)
Rabea is prancing (bis)
Tes a malicia no corpo
You have malice in your body
Rabea vaina botando
Rabea vaina tossing
Centena e millar
Hundreds and thousands
O ben que lle queres ó renquelear
The good that you want to do the limping
Polo vai vai polo vén vén
By the go go by the come come
Quen ten amores rabea ben
Whoever has love prances well
Quen non os ten rabea tamén
Whoever doesn't have them prances too
Porque canto y me divierto
Because I sing and I have fun
Me dicen la de sin penas
They call me the one without sorrows
Diga el mundo lo que quiera
Let the world say what it wants
De llorar tiempo me queda
There is still time for me to cry
Centena e millar...
Hundreds and thousands...
Alá arriba non sei onde
Up there somewhere
Había non sei que santo
There was some saint I don't know
Levándolle un non sei que
Taking something I don't know
Dábache un non sei que tanto
He gave you something I don't know
Centena e millar...
Hundreds and thousands...
Aínda non sabes bailar (bis)
You still don't know how to dance (bis)
Parece que está contigo
You seem to have with you
A cinta de namorar
The ribbon of love
Ai la, la
Oh, la, la
Eu canto porque non sei
I sing because I don't know
Se soubera non cantaba
If I knew, I wouldn't sing
Canto por lle dar nos ollos
I sing to catch the eye
A quen de min marmuraba
Of those who gossiped about me
Ven ven bella cubana
Come come beautiful Cuban
Y en el medio del pecho una flor
And in the middle of your chest a flower
Ven ven cubana mía
Come come my Cuban
Yo me muero de pena y de amor.
I am dying of sorrow and love.
Aunque soy pobre y no bebo
Even though I am poor and do not drink
Agua de cualquier fuente
Water from any fountain
El agua que he de beber
The water that I have to drink
Ha de ser limpia y corriente
Must be clean and running
Ven ven...
Come come...
Garganta miña garganta
My throat, my throat
Miña garganta de neve
My throat of snow
Non vou a parte ningunha
I will not go anywhere
Garganta que eu te non leve
Throat that I do not take you
Ven ven...
Come come...

Writer(s): tradicional

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