León Gieco feat. Gustavo Santaolalla - La Amistad - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction León Gieco feat. Gustavo Santaolalla - La Amistad

La Amistad
La amistad es un corazón
Friendship is a heart, my dear,
Que bombea con pasado
That pumps with the past you see,
Al ritmo de una canción
To the rhythm of a sweet melody,
Que con amigos cantaremos
That with friends we'll sing along,
O en silencio callaremos
Or in silence we'll hold our tongue,
Según sea la ocasión
Depending on the occasion, honey.
Cerramos todo con candado
We lock it all away, you know,
Con los amigos que se fueron
With the friends who had to go,
A países muy lejanos
To countries far away, so slow,
Y con la llave que tenemos
And with the key we hold so tight,
Nos abrimos y nos vemos
We open up and see the light,
Sin reproches ni reclamos
Without reproach or any fight, my light.
Había un juego con amigos
There was a game with friends we played,
Que era subir a lo más alto
To climb to the highest height we swayed,
En la colina de la vida
On the hill of life, we prayed,
Y ahora no hay quien quiera bajarla
And now there's no one who wants to come down,
Hay que hacerlo despacito
We have to do it slow, no frown,
Que no sea una caída
So it won't be a fall, my crown.
No soy amigo del que piensa
I'm no friend to the one who thinks, my sweet,
Que el mundo se cambia hablando
That the world can change just by talking neat,
Con el culo en un sillón
With their backside on a comfy seat,
Gasta las horas que tiene
Wastes the hours they have in store,
Y con filo esa lengua entretiene
And with a sharp tongue, they bore,
Al más tonto del montón
Even the dumbest of the core, I'm sure.
Muy bueno es pedir perdón
It's very good to say you're sorry, dove,
Y las gracias saber dar
And to know how to give your love,
Pedir permiso es natural
Asking permission is natural, my love,
Lo tuyo es tuyo, lo mío es mío
Yours is yours, and mine is mine, you see,
Justamente ser amigos
Being friends, justly,
Es saberse respetar
Is knowing how to respect, truly.
Acerca de todas las cosas
About all things, big and small, my dear,
Ordinarias y profundas
Ordinary and profound, so clear,
No hay porque pensar lo mismo
There's no need to think the same, my peer,
Hay quien se hace árbol de copa
There are those who become a shady tree,
Quien florece quien da frutos
Who blossom, who bear fruit, you'll agree,
Quien se conforma espinillo
Who settle for being a thorny plea.
Muchas veces somos duros
Many times we are so tough, my sweet,
Con arrogancia lastimamos
With arrogance, we cause defeat,
Al amigo más querido
To the dearest friend we greet,
Le exigimos que piense igual
We demand they think the same as us,
Y sin querer nos adueñamos
And without wanting to, we cause a fuss,
De eso que llaman verdad
Over what they call truth, because.
No soy amigo de papeles
I'm no friend of papers signed, my dove,
Que se firman y prometen
That promise and swear their love,
Que te amaré para siempre
That I'll love you forever, up above,
Prefiero la libertad
I prefer the freedom, you see,
De amor y de pensamiento
Of love and thought, so free,
Eso es mucho más transparente
That's much more transparent to me.
Tuve una amiga bien cantora
I had a friend, a singer so fine, my dear,
Que se fue así tan deprisa
Who left so quickly, it's clear,
Y olvidó aquí sus canciones
And forgot her songs right here,
Y en algún lugar lejano
And in some distant place, I know,
que me estará esperando
She'll be waiting for me to show,
Para que se las en mano
And give them to her, soft and slow.
Los amigos son como nubes
Friends are like clouds, so high, my sweet,
Cuando chocan hacen llover
When they collide, they make it rain, you'll greet,
En el campo en la montaña
In the fields, on the mountain, so neat,
Y también calman la sed
And they also quench the thirst, you see,
De la soledad que puede haber
Of the loneliness that can be,
En el centro de sus almas
In the center of their souls, so free.
Tuve un amigo violinisto
I had a violinist friend, my dear,
Que creaba sus canciones
Who created his songs, so clear,
Con los allá angelitos
With the little angels up there,
Por Santiago Añatuya
By Santiago Añatuya, so fair,
Por Loreto Atamisqui
By Loreto Atamisqui, I swear,
Las cantamos con Elpidio
We sang them with Elpidio, everywhere.
No soy amigo del que le pone
I'm no friend to the one who sets a price, my sweet,
Un precio a la amistad
On friendship, can you believe it?
En el camino de los días
In the path of days, we meet,
Es como embarrar la cancha
It's like muddying the field, you see,
O pinchar esa pelota
Or puncturing the ball, so free,
En el partido de la vida
In the game of life, for you and me.

Writer(s): Raul Alberto Antonio Gieco, Luis Alberto Gurevich, Raul Alberto Gieco

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