Les Enfoirés - Tableau "Étrange avion" (Live Version) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Les Enfoirés - Tableau "Étrange avion" (Live Version)

Tableau "Étrange avion" (Live Version)
Painting "Strange Plane" (Live Version)
Vous inquiétez pas
Don't worry,
Je vais vous faire montrer comment ça marche un avion
I'm going to show you how a plane works.
À l'escale, venez donc dans la cabine
During the stopover, come to the cockpit,
Je vous ferai visiter et puis je vous expliquerai
I'll give you a tour and explain
Les rudiments du pilotage
The basics of flying.
À tout à l'heure
See you later.
À tout à l'heure commandant
See you later, captain.
Can't read my
Can't read my
Can't read my
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
No, he can't read my poker face
She's got me like nobody
She's got me like nobody
Can't read my
Can't read my
Can't read my
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
No, he can't read my poker face
She's got me like nobody
She's got me like nobody
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun
And baby when it's love, if its not rough it isn't fun, fun
And baby, when it's love, if it's not rough it isn't fun, fun
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-e-oh-oh-oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-e-oh-oh-oh
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
Can't read my
Can't read my
Can't read my
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
No, he can't read my poker face
She's got me like nobody
She's got me like nobody
Can't read my
Can't read my
Can't read my
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
No, he can't read my poker face
She's got me like nobody
She's got me like nobody
Can't read my
Can't read my
Can't read my
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
No, he can't read my poker face
She's got me like nobody
She's got me like nobody
Can't read my
Can't read my
Can't read my
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
No, he can't read my poker face
She's got me like nobody
She's got me like nobody
Bien, un, deux, trois, test, test
Alright, one, two, three, test, test
Ah, bonjour monsieur
Ah, hello sir
Bonjour, bonjour
Hello, hello
Mais attendez, excusez-moi, vous êtes qui vous?
But wait, excuse me, who are you?
Enchanté je suis, je remplace le copilote qui a une gastro
Pleased to meet you, I'm replacing the co-pilot who has a stomach bug
T'as déjà piloté?
Have you ever flown a plane?
Ah non, non, jamais, je suis pâtissier
Ah no, no, never, I'm a pastry chef
Ah pâtissier, d'accord, alors tu touches à rien d'accord?
Ah, a pastry chef, okay, so don't touch anything, alright?
Ok, ok mais je fais quoi de tout ces boutons
Okay, okay, but what do I do with all these buttons here?
Et bien t'as qu'à te les percer
Well, just pierce them
Bon allez tiens, tu vas m'aider à faire la check-list ok?
Alright, here, you're going to help me do the checklist, okay?
Radar Control? Ok
Radar Control? Ok
Driving style? Ok
Driving style? Ok
Matt Pokora? Ok
Matt Pokora? Ok
Transcodeur? Ok
Transcoder? Ok
Un petit câlin?
A little hug?
Ok pour le câlin
Okay for the hug
Mesdames et messieurs, bonsoir
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening
Enfoir'Air vol 469 à destination de Lyon
Enfoir'Air flight 469 to Lyon
Papa Tango Panaché
Papa Tango Panache
Tour de contrôle demande l'autorisation de faire un rototo?
Control tower requests permission to do a spin?
Merci tour de contrôle
Thank you, control tower
Tour de contrôle, demande autorisation de décoller
Control tower, requesting permission to take off
Le papier peint du salon
The wallpaper in the living room
C'est une petite blague de pilote
It's a little pilot joke
Mesdames et messieurs c'est le commandant "Delait" qui vous parle
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Captain "Delait" speaking
Oui je sais c'est rigolo, ça fait dent de lait
Yes, I know it's funny, it sounds like baby teeth
C'est rigolo, moi ça me fait rire
It's funny, it makes me laugh
Bon, donc je disais, le commandant Delait vous parle
So, as I was saying, Captain Delait speaking
Je serai assisté du copilote Pâtissier
I will be assisted by co-pilot Pâtissier
C'est quoi ton nom?
What's your name?
Mon nom c'est, c'est Ro
My name is, it's Ro
Serrault? Michel Serrault?
Serrault? Michel Serrault?
Non, non, mon nom c'est Ro
No, no, my name is Ro
Ah Ro, et ton prénom?
Ah, Ro, and your first name?
Denis? Denis Ro?
Denis? Denis Ro?
Et bien voilà, fallait le dire
Well, there you go, you should have said so
Allez mon petit Denis, on est parti
Come on, my little Denis, let's go
Tiens mets la clé et on décolle
Here, put in the key and let's take off
C'est parti, allez
Let's go, come on
Même s'il pleut l'été sera chaud
Even if it rains, the summer will be hot
Dans les tee-shirts dans les maillots
In T-shirts, in swimsuits
De la Côte d'Azur à Saint-Malo
From the Côte d'Azur to Saint-Malo
L'été sera chaud, l'été sera chaud
The summer will be hot, the summer will be hot
Dans les tee-shirts dans les maillots
In T-shirts, in swimsuits
L'été sera chaud, l'été sera chaud
The summer will be hot, the summer will be hot
De la Côte d'Azur à Saint-Malo
From the Côte d'Azur to Saint-Malo
L'été sera chaud, l'été sera chaud
The summer will be hot, the summer will be hot
vais-je aller?
Where will I go?
Qui vais-je aimer?
Who will I love?
Tenue de soirée
Evening wear
C'est démodé
It's outdated
L'été sera chaud, l'été sera chaud
The summer will be hot, the summer will be hot
Dans les tee-shirts dans les maillots
In T-shirts, in swimsuits
L'été sera chaud, l'été sera chaud
The summer will be hot, the summer will be hot
De la Côte d'Azur à Saint-Malo
From the Côte d'Azur to Saint-Malo
L'été sera chaud, l'été sera chaud
The summer will be hot, the summer will be hot
vais-je aller?
Where will I go?
Qui vais-je aimer?
Who will I love?
Ça fait tout beau
It's all good
Ça fait tout beau, l'été sera chaud
It's all good, the summer will be hot
L'été sera chaud, l'été sera chaud
The summer will be hot, the summer will be hot
De la Côte d'Azur à Saint-Malo
From the Côte d'Azur to Saint-Malo
Mesdames et messieurs quelques informations sur notre vol
Ladies and gentlemen, some information about our flight
Nous sommes à une vitesse qui est pas trop mal
We are at a speed that is not too bad
Et nous volons actuellement à une altitude
And we are currently flying at an altitude
Oh putain, oh putain, cent cinquante mille mètres d'altitude
Oh damn, oh damn, one hundred and fifty thousand meters altitude
Regarde, Pluton, Mercure, Vénus, Williams
Look, Pluto, Mercury, Venus, Williams
Venus Williams, oui bon c'est pas grave
Venus Williams, yes, well, it doesn't matter
Oh mon dieu mais qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?
Oh my god, what is that?
Oh Motherfucker
Oh Motherfucker
J'aurais pas du manger de la soupe au choux
I shouldn't have eaten cabbage soup
Merci Jean-Baptiste, super
Thanks Jean-Baptiste, great
On redescend
We're going back down
Bien, nous vous rappelons que ce vol est non fumeur
Well, we remind you that this flight is non-smoking
Mais pour ceux qui ne peuvent pas tenir quatorze heures
But for those who cannot hold on for fourteen hours
Quatorze heures si tout ce passe bien
Fourteen hours if everything goes well
Une terrasse a été aménagé sur l'aile gauche, pas de problème
A terrace has been set up on the left wing, no problem
Touche pas à la clé, touche pas à la clé, non touche à rien
Don't touch the key, don't touch the key, no, don't touch anything
Viens dans mon avion y'a le printemps qui chante
Come on my plane, spring is singing
Viens dans mon avion tous les oiseaux t'attendent
Come on my plane, all the birds are waiting for you
Près des grands étangs bleus et dans les chemins creux
Near the large blue ponds and in the hollow paths
On ira tous les deux oublier ce rêve facile
We will both go and forget this easy dream
Dis, ça fait combien de temps
Say, how long has it been
Que tu n'as pas vu un peuplier, une fleur des champs?
Since you last saw a poplar tree, a wildflower?
Change de ciel, viens voir la terre
Change your sky, come see the earth
Voir le soleil et les rivières
See the sun and the rivers
Viens dans mon avion y'a le printemps qui chante
Come on my plane, spring is singing
Viens dans mon avion tous les oiseaux t'attendent
Come on my plane, all the birds are waiting for you
Les pommiers sont en fleurs, ils berceront ton coeur
The apple trees are in bloom, they will rock your heart
Toi qui es tout en pleurs, ne reste pas dans la ville
You who are all in tears, don't stay in the city
Viens dans mon avion y'a le printemps qui chante
Come on my plane, spring is singing
Viens dans mon avion tous les oiseaux t'attendent
Come on my plane, all the birds are waiting for you
Près des grands étangs bleus et dans les chemins creux
Near the large blue ponds and in the hollow paths
On ira tous les deux oublier ce rêve facile
We will both go and forget this easy dream
Viens dans mon avion
Come on my plane
On réduit les moteurs
We're reducing the engines
Soixante pourcent, tu gardes le cap
Sixty percent, you keep the course
Tiens, t'as envie de faire une petite annonce aux passagers
Here, do you want to make a little announcement to the passengers
Et bien écoute si, occupe-toi de l'annonce du duty-free
Well listen, if so, take care of the duty-free announcement
Ok, on y va, bonjour, bonjour,
Okay, here we go, hello, hello,
Bonjour à tous, c'est le pilote Pâtissier qui vous parle
Hello everyone, this is the Pastry Chef pilot speaking
Dans un instant les hôtesses passeront parmi vous pour vous proposer nos articles
In a moment the hostesses will pass among you to offer you our items
En duty-free
In duty-free
Alors comme d'habitude, des cheeseburgers, des CD folklore tibétain, des tapis persans
So as usual, cheeseburgers, Tibetan folk CDs, Persian rugs
Une montgolfière et bien évidemment mon parfum pour vous mesdemoiselles
A hot air balloon and of course my perfume for you ladies
Mesdames et messieurs pour agrémenter votre voyage plusieurs films vous seront projetés
Ladies and gentlemen, to enhance your trip, several films will be shown to you
Durant le vol
During the flight
Mes vacances à La Baule en juillet 2009, il avait fait très chaud
My holidays in La Baule in July 2009, where it was very hot
Les cinquante ans de Tonton Jojo ou bien le mariage de Jean-Michel et Sylvain
Uncle Jojo's fiftieth birthday or the wedding of Jean-Michel and Sylvain
A votre guise, bon vol à tous
At your leisure, have a good flight everyone
À gauche
To the left
We could've had it all
We could've had it all
Rolling in the deep
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside of your hand
You had my heart inside of your hand
And you played it to the beat
And you played it to the beat
Baby I have no story to be told
Baby I have no story to be told
But I've heard one on you and I'm gonna make your head burn
But I've heard one on you and I'm gonna make your head burn
The scars of your love remind me of us
The scars of your love remind me of us
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all
The scars of your love they leave me breathless, I can't help feeling
The scars of your love they leave me breathless, I can't help feeling
We could have had it all
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside of your hand
You had my heart inside of your hand
And you played it to the beat
And you played it to the beat
We could have had it all
We could have had it all
But you played it, you played it, you played it, you played it
But you played it, you played it, you played it, you played it
To the beat
To the beat
Attends, bouge pas, je réduis
Wait, don't move, I'm reducing
T'en veux une autre? Écoute celle-là
Do you want another one? Listen to this one
C'est deux oeufs dans une porte de frigo
It's two eggs in a refrigerator door
Y'en a un qui est depuis un moment et le nouveau lui dit
There's one that's been there for a while and the new one says to him
dis moi, qu'est-ce que t'as toi? T'es bizzare, t'es tout vert, t'es plein de poils
Hey, tell me, what's wrong with you? You're weird, you're all green, you're full of hair
J'suis un kiwi connard
I'm a kiwi, asshole
Non, c'est une blague de pilote
No, it's a pilot joke
Mesdames et Messieurs sur la droite de l'appareil, vous pouvez apercevoir en ce moment
Ladies and gentlemen, on the right side of the aircraft, you can currently see
La belle ville de Lyon
The beautiful city of Lyon
Regardez, nous survolons la capitale des Gaules, Lugdunum en latin
Look, we are flying over the capital of the Gauls, Lugdunum in Latin
Admirez la cathédrale Saint-Jean, le stade Gerland, regardez comme il est beau
Admire the Saint-Jean Cathedral, the Gerland stadium, look how beautiful it is
Ce stade
This stadium
La basilique de Fourvière, la place Bellecour
The Basilica of Fourvière, the Place Bellecour
Et nous allons faire un petit vol plané au-dessus des champs de quenelles
And now we are going to do a little glide over the quenelle fields
Regardez les champs de quenelle comme ils sont beaux
Look at the quenelle fields, how beautiful they are
Oh des saucissons, une réserve de saucisson, des saucissons en liberté
Oh sausages, a sausage reserve, sausages in freedom
Oh c'est magnifique
Oh, it's magnificent
Oh une plantation de Saint-Marcelin, de la Mère Richard
Oh, a plantation of Saint-Marcelin, from Mère Richard
Et attention maintenant Denis regarde, on va faire une petit rase-motte au-dessus
And now be careful Denis, look, we're going to do a little low pass over
De la Halle Tony Garnier
The Halle Tony Garnier
je crois qu'il ce passe quelque chose
Where I think something is happening
Écoute, écoute
Listen, listen
Monsieur Sainte Nitouche
Mr. Goody Two-Shoes
Prends-moi par la main
Take me by the hand
Dis-moi des mots d'amour
Tell me words of love
Des mots qui me touchent
Words that touch me
Monsieur Sainte Nitouche
Mr. Goody Two-Shoes
Je suis enchantée
I'm delighted
Monsieur Sainte Nitouche
Mr. Goody Two-Shoes
Prends-moi par la taille
Take me by the waist
Caresse-moi l'épaule
Caress my shoulder
Le creux de mes reins
The small of my back
Monsieur Sainte Nitouche
Mr. Goody Two-Shoes
Ravie de te rencontrer
Delighted to meet you
In my life
In my life
In my dreams
In my dreams
This man couldn't walk away from my hips
This man couldn't walk away from my hips
Just a bite
Just a bite
On my lips
On my lips
I couldn't say a word just stuttering
I couldn't say a word just stuttering
Coco Choco Chanel Coco
Coco Choco Chanel Coco
Coco Choco Chanel and Chocolat
Coco Choco Chanel and Chocolat
How stupid is that?
How stupid is that?
I should tell him
I should tell him
Remember the night he came in my life
Remember the night he came in my life
Monsieur Sainte Nitouche
Mr. Goody Two-Shoes
Prends-moi par la main
Take me by the hand
Dis-moi des mots d'amour
Tell me words of love
Des mots qui me touchent
Words that touch me
Monsieur Sainte Nitouche
Mr. Goody Two-Shoes
Je suis enchantée
I'm delighted
Monsieur Sainte Nitouche
Mr. Goody Two-Shoes
Prends-moi par la taille
Take me by the waist
Caresse-moi l'épaule
Caress my shoulder
Le creux de mes reins
The small of my back
Monsieur Sainte Nitouche
Mr. Goody Two-Shoes
Ravie de te rencontrer
Delighted to meet you
Alors tu vois Denis, tu mets le pilote automatique, et on va faire caca
So there you see Denis, you put on the autopilot, and we're going to poop
Come on everybody
Come on everybody
Party rock is in the house tonight
Party rock is in the house tonight
Everybody just have a good time
Everybody just have a good time
And we gon' make you lose your mind
And we gon' make you lose your mind
Everybody just have a good time
Everybody just have a good time
Party rock is in the house tonight
Party rock is in the house tonight
Everybody just have a good time
Everybody just have a good time
And we gon' make you lose your mind
And we gon' make you lose your mind
We just wanna see you
We just wanna see you
Shake that
Shake that
I'm running through these hoes like Drano
I'm running through these hoes like Drano
I got that devilish flow rock and roll no halo, we party rock
I got that devilish flow rock and roll no halo, we party rock
Yeah, that's the crew that I'm repping
Yeah, that's the crew that I'm repping
On the rise to the top, no lead in our zeppelin, hey
On the rise to the top, no lead in our zeppelin, hey
Party rock is in the house tonight
Party rock is in the house tonight
Everybody just have a good time
Everybody just have a good time
And we gon' make you lose your mind
And we gon' make you lose your mind
Everybody just have a good time
Everybody just have a good time
Party rock is in the house tonight
Party rock is in the house tonight
Everybody just have a good time
Everybody just have a good time
And we gon' make you lose your mind
And we gon' make you lose your mind
We just wanna see you
We just wanna see you
Shake that
Shake that
Every day I'm shufflin'
Every day I'm shufflin'
Party rock is in the house tonight
Party rock is in the house tonight
Everybody just have a good time
Everybody just have a good time
And we gon' make you lose your mind
And we gon' make you lose your mind
Everybody just have a good time
Everybody just have a good time

Writer(s): éric charden, guy mattéoni, inna modja, alexandre azaria, claude françois, jean-pierre bourtayre

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