Les Freres Jacques - La voix du sang (Live) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Les Freres Jacques - La voix du sang (Live)

La voix du sang (Live)
The Voice of Blood (Live)
Il avait vingt ans
He was twenty years old
Il était l′amant
He was the lover
D'une fille qui était sa maîtresse
Of a girl who was his mistress
Amour tendresse
Love and tenderness
Toujours caresses
Always caresses
Il en résulta une enfant
It resulted in a child
Mais le triste sort
But the sad fate
Leur fit bien du tort
Did them much wrong
Et peu après, ils l′égarèrent
And shortly after, they lost her
Dans une gare
In a train station
La garce'...aint Lazare
The bitch... Saint Lazare
Et jamais ils n'la retrouvèrent
And they never found her again
Pendant longtemps, il maudit le destin
For a long time, he cursed destiny
Et resta sombre comme un repas sans vin
And remained gloomy like a meal without wine
Mais au bout d′seize ans
But after sixteen years
En se promenant
While walking
Sur le macadam de Paname
On the asphalt of Paname
Il vit une fille
He saw a girl
Vraiment gentille
Really nice
Qui d′un regard lui troubla l'âme
Who with a glance troubled his soul
C′était le portrait
It was the portrait
Le portrait craché
The spitting image
De son adorée Jacqueline
Of his adored Jacqueline
Son coeur fit un bond
His heart skipped a beat
Et cette émotion
And this emotion
Fit parler son hémoglobine
Made his hemoglobin speak
LA VOIX DU SANG hurlait dans ses veines
THE VOICE OF BLOOD screamed in his veins
C'est ton enfant c′est ton enfant
It's your child, it's your child
Qu'elle gueulait LA VOIX DU SANG
That's what THE VOICE OF BLOOD yelled
Et ses artères répercutaient la rengaine
And his arteries echoed the refrain
LA VOIX DU SANG f′sait un boucan assoudissant
THE VOICE OF BLOOD made a deafening noise
A son tour il se mit à crier Jacqueline
In turn, he started shouting Jacqueline
T'es mon enfant, oui je le sens
You're my child, yes, I feel it
Ca crève les yeux, c'est évident!
It's obvious, it's evident!
Il la serra contre sa forte poitrine
He hugged her against his strong chest
LA VOIX DU SANG était en train d′faire d′l'attroupement
THE VOICE OF BLOOD was causing a crowd
Tous les passants trouvaient cette scène émouvante,
All the passersby found this scene moving,
Déjà les femmes se mouchaient comme au cinéma
Already women were blowing their noses like at the cinema
Lorsque parurent des gens de la gent agente
When people from the police force appeared
Qui embarquèrent tout le monde au commissariat - Hahahaha!
Who took everyone to the police station - Hahahaha!
LA VOIX DU SANG, se taisait, confuse
THE VOICE OF BLOOD, was silent, confused
L′enfant qu'il avait cherché tant
The child he had searched for so long
Et attendu impatiemment
And waited impatiently for
Etait en rage et le traitait de triple buse
Was enraged and called him a triple idiot
LA VOIX DU SANG ne paraissait pas au courant
THE VOICE OF BLOOD didn't seem aware
On les relâcha
They were released
Mais en sortant d′là
But coming out of there
Il d'vait faire une drôle de bobine
He must have had a funny face
Car Jacqueline
Because Jacqueline
Elle s′appelait comme ça
That's what she was called
Le consola comme on l'devine
Consoled him as one can imagine
De leurs sentiments
From their feelings
Naquit une enfant
A child was born
Qu'ils perdirent, c′est bien dommage
Which they lost, it's a pity
Dans l′embouteillage
In the traffic jam
D'une gare de triage
Of a marshalling yard
Ca faisait deux fois en vingt ans
That made it twice in twenty years
Pendant longtemps, il accusa le sort
For a long time, he blamed fate
Et il fut triste comme le son du cor
And he was as sad as the sound of the horn
Mais seize ans plus tard
But sixteen years later
Il vit sur l′boul'vard
He saw on the boulevard
Sur le boulevard de la Madeleine
On the boulevard de la Madeleine
Un joli tendron
A pretty young thing
Aux cheveux très blonds
With very blond hair
Et qui lui fit perdre l′haleine
And who made him lose his breath
LA VOIX DU SANG hurlait dans ses veines
THE VOICE OF BLOOD screamed in his veins
C'est ton enfant c′est ton enfant
It's your child, it's your child
Qu'elle gueulait LA VOIX DU SANG
That's what THE VOICE OF BLOOD yelled
Comme une brûlure il éprouva l'envie soudaine
Like a burn, he felt the sudden urge
De lui dire viens, c′est le dessein de ton destin
To say to her, come, it's the design of your destiny
Il lui d′manda vous descendez à la prochaine?
He asked her, are you getting off at the next stop?
C'était idiot c′était idiot
It was stupid, it was stupid
Car ils n'étaient pas dans l′métro
Because they weren't on the subway
Elle lui dit oui, mais il n'avait pas d′veine
She said yes, but he was out of luck
Son vrai papa était bougnat rue d'la Smala
Her real dad was a coal seller on Smala street
LA VOIX DU SANG régulièrement se foutait d'dans
THE VOICE OF BLOOD regularly messed up
Mais comme il pleurait
But as he cried
Elle l′a consolé
She consoled him
En disant: J′m'appelle Jacqueline
Saying: My name is Jacqueline
Il était ému,
He was moved,
C′est ainsi qu'elle l′eut
That's how she got him
Et qu'elle devint sa concubine
And she became his concubine
Ils perdirent l′enfant
They lost the child
On n'sait plus comment
We don't know how anymore
Mais depuis il a beaucoup d'peine
But since then he has a lot of pain
Dans la rue parfois
In the street sometimes
Des filles lui disent: Papa
Girls say to him: Dad
Mais il éprouve je n′sais quelle gêne
But he feels a certain embarrassment
Il a presque soixante-dix ans
He is almost seventy years old
Il s′tient tranquille, il est dev'nu méfiant
He stays quiet, he has become suspicious
LA VOIX DU SANG murmure dans ses veines
THE VOICE OF BLOOD murmurs in his veins
Mais si doucement si faiblement
But so softly, so weakly
Qu′c'en est vraiment décourageant
That it's really discouraging
Il passe son ch′min à la vue des belles paroissiennes
He passes by at the sight of beautiful parishioners
Les globules rouges probablement ont foutu l'camp
The red blood cells probably ran away
Il n′reste qu'les blancs!
There are only white ones left!

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