Les Goristes - Le Put in My Nose - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Les Goristes - Le Put in My Nose

Le Put in My Nose
Le Put in My Nose
- Dis, Henry, qu'est-ce que tu danses?
- Say, Henry, what are you dancing?
- Je danse le " put in my nose ",
- I'm dancing the "put in my nose",
Tout le monde le danse en Armorique!
Everyone's dancing it in Brittany!
- Eh dis, Henry, tu nous l'apprends?
- Hey, Henry, will you teach us?
Chanté: Allez, venez les poteaux, on va mettre dans nos museaux!
Sung: Come on, let's go, guys, we're gonna put it in our noses!
Tout jeune adolescent avec ma mobylette
As a young teenager with my moped
Je partais, tout content, draguer au bal musette
I went, all happy, to flirt at the dance hall
Mais j'étais tout tremblant devant les p'tites minettes
But I was all shaky in front of the pretty girls
Alors me retournant, j'aperçus la buvette
So turning around, I saw the refreshment bar
mes copains torchaient et m'apprirent à danser
Where my buddies were boozing and taught me how to dance
I dance le " put in my nose "
I dance the "put in my nose"
You dance le " put in my nose "
You dance the "put in my nose"
We dance le " put in my nose "
We dance the "put in my nose"
They dance le " put in my nose "
They dance the "put in my nose"
Rhabille les gosses on va s'en prendre une grosse!
Get the kids dressed, we're gonna get us a big one!
On s'en va pour draguer, on ramène une musette
Let's go flirting, we'll bring back a girl
On s'viande dans le fossé avec la mobylette
We're screwing in the ditch with the moped
Rentrée à la carrée que l'on voudrait discrète
Coming back to the house that we would like to be discreet
Réveil d' la maisonnée, vomi dans les toilettes
Waking up the household, vomiting in the toilet
Première sortie un succès mais maintenant on sait danser!
First outing a success but now we know how to dance!
I dance le " put in my nose "
I dance the "put in my nose"
You dance le " put in my nose "
You dance the "put in my nose"
We dance le " put in my nose "
We dance the "put in my nose"
They dance le " put in my nose "
They dance the "put in my nose"
Rhabille les gosses on va s'en prendre une grosse!
Get the kids dressed, we're gonna get us a big one!
L'appel de la culotte pour faire " péter Marcelin "
The call of the panties to make "Marcelin explode"
On délaisse les potes pour l'éternel féminin
We leave the buddies for the eternal feminine
Dans les slows on pelote, on roule les premiers patins
In the slow dances we cuddle, we roll the first skates
On touche le jackpot, on va le faire sans les mains
We hit the jackpot, we're gonna do it without hands
On frime devant les copains, on a craché son venin
We brag in front of the buddies, we've cracked our venom
I dance le " put in my nose "
I dance the "put in my nose"
You dance le " put in my nose "
You dance the "put in my nose"
We dance le " put in my nose "
We dance the "put in my nose"
They dance le " put in my nose "
They dance the "put in my nose"
Rhabille les gosses on va s'en prendre une grosse!
Get the kids dressed, we're gonna get us a big one!
Après avoir conquis l'éternel féminin
After conquering the eternal feminine
Après avoir mugi night in a white vagin
After moaning night in a white vagina
On s'en est retourné retrouver les copains
We went back to find the buddies
Pour faire les trois jours et partir au sapin
To do the three days and go to the fir tree
Passer un an à l'armée, on va se perfectionner
Spend a year in the army, we're going to improve
I dance le " put in my nose "
I dance the "put in my nose"
You dance le " put in my nose "
You dance the "put in my nose"
We dance le " put in my nose "
We dance the "put in my nose"
They dance le " put in my nose "
They dance the "put in my nose"
Rhabille les gosses on va s'en prendre une grosse!
Get the kids dressed, we're gonna get us a big one!
Saluer ce qui bouge, peindre ce qui n' bouge pas
Salute what moves, paint what doesn't move
Apprendre à boire du rouge et à marcher au pas
Learn to drink red and walk in step
Apprendre l'obéissance à un plus con que moi
Learn obedience to someone dumber than me
Fini l'intelligence pendant ces douze mois
No more intelligence during these twelve months
Il n'y a que pour torcher qu'l'armée te fait progresser
There's nothing like getting drunk that the army makes you progress
I dance le " put in my nose "
I dance the "put in my nose"
You dance le " put in my nose "
You dance the "put in my nose"
We dance le " put in my nose "
We dance the "put in my nose"
They dance le " put in my nose "
They dance the "put in my nose"
Rhabille les gosses on va s'en prendre une grosse!
Get the kids dressed, we're gonna get us a big one!
Le mariage, les enfants, le boulot, la carrée
Marriage, children, work, home
Sur un tapis roulant la vie va se dérouler
On a treadmill, life will unfold
Train-train, emmerdements et joies vont se succéder
Routine, hassles and joys will follow one another
Mais toute la vie durant on continue à danser
But throughout life we continue to dance
En chantant " j'ai deux amours, Kanterbrau et Kronembourg "
Singing "I have two loves, Kanterbrau and Kronembourg"
I dance le " put in my nose "
I dance the "put in my nose"
You dance le " put in my nose "
You dance the "put in my nose"
We dance le " put in my nose "
We dance the "put in my nose"
They dance le " put in my nose "
They dance the "put in my nose"
Rhabille les gosses on va s'en prendre une grosse!
Get the kids dressed, we're gonna get us a big one!
Arrive la retraite le temps de souffler un peu
Retirement comes, time to take a break
De partir en goguette, de profiter au mieux
To go on a spree, to make the most of it
De faire le plein de fêtes avant d'être trop vieux
To have our fill of parties before we get too old
D'être tout à fait blet et devenir spongieux
To be completely senile and become spongy
On ze road Leguen, I put in my nose again!
On the road again, I put in my nose again!
Refrain: I dance le " put in my nose "
Chorus: I dance the "put in my nose"
You dance le " put in my nose "
You dance the "put in my nose"
We dance le " put in my nose "
We dance the "put in my nose"
They dance le " put in my nose "
They dance the "put in my nose"
Rhabille les gosses on va s'en prendre une grosse
Get the kids dressed, we're gonna get us a big one!
Je danse, je mets dans mon nez
I dance, I put in my nose
Tu danses, je mets dans mon nez
You dance, I put in my nose
Elle danse, je mets dans mon nez
She dances, I put in my nose
Il danse, je mets dans mon nez
He dances, I put in my nose
Redress the children, I put in my nose again!
Get the kids dressed, I put in my nose again!
On ze road Leguen, I put in my nose, I put in my nose
On the road again, I put in my nose, I put in my nose
I put in my nose again!
I put in my nose again!

Writer(s): Henry Loui Girou

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