Les Luthiers - La Bossa Nostra - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Les Luthiers - La Bossa Nostra

La Bossa Nostra
Our Bossa
Ahora les quiero presentar
Now I want to introduce you
A un excelente músico
To an excellent musician
Un gran guitarrista nacido en Bahía
A great guitarist born in Bahía
En Bahía, en Bahía Blanca
In Bahía, in Bahía Blanca
Les voy a presentar a Lampinho
I'm going to introduce you to Lampinho
Con el cual hicimos La Bossa Nostra
With whom we made Our Bossa
Un día que caminábamos juntos por Copacabana
One day when we were walking together along Copacabana
¿Te acuerdas Lampinho? Copacabana...
Do you remember Lampinho? Copacabana...
El mar estaba tan hermoso
The sea was so beautiful
Si, o mar
Yes, the sea
Jejeje, o mar do Brasil
Hehehe, the sea of Brazil
El sol era maravilloso
The sun was wonderful
Jeje, o sol
Hehe, the sun
O sol do Brasil, ¿te acuerdas Lampinho?
The sun of Brazil, do you remember Lampinho?
No, no, no se acuerda
No, no, he doesn't remember
Recuerda esas cosas tan bonitas de nostro Brasil
Remember those beautiful things from our Brazil
Eh, eh, Bananas
Eh, eh, Bananas
Bueno Lampinho, no solo bananas hay en Brasil
Well Lampinho, there are not only bananas in Brazil
¿No?, por ejemplo futebol, Pelé
No? For example, futebol, Pelé
Pelé Bananas
Pelé Bananas
Bueno, Lampiño saravah mejor saravah
Well, Lampiño, saravah, better saravah
Oh sol, oh sol, oh sol, oh sol, oh sol
Oh sun, oh sun, oh sun, oh sun, oh sun
Oh sol quemante e ardente
Oh burning and fiery sun
Oh sol cozinheiro da gente
Oh sun that cooks us
Oh sol tan firme e bruñido
Oh sun so firm and polished
Oh sol de fogo encendido
Oh sun of fire ignited
Que queima hasta o apelhido
That burns even the surname
Oh sol, oh sol sostenido
Oh sun, oh sustained sun
Oh sol
Oh sun
Oh sol bemol
Oh B flat sun
Eu gosto tirarme na areia
I like to lie down on the sand
Da praia sereia
Of the mermaid beach
Asando meu corpo gentil
Roasting my gentle body
Asando de frente e de perfil
Roasting from front and profile
Eu gosto hasta o paroxismo
I enjoy it to the extreme
Con o bestialismo
With the beastliness
Do sol do Brasil
Of the sun of Brazil
Que el gosta do sol está a la vista
That he likes the sun is obvious
É um verdadeiro solista
He is a true soloist
Eu contarei uma historia
I will tell you a story
Que aconteceu uma vez numa praia... eh, eh! Meu Deus!
That happened once on a beach... eh, eh! My God!
No Brasil é bendición
In Brazil it is a blessing
Como se faz a digestión
How digestion is done
De Botafogo a Ipanema
From Botafogo to Ipanema
Não tem que tomar enema
No need to take an enema
Porque, con tudo respeito
Because, with all due respect
Brasil é tan digestivo
Brazil is so digestive
No, basta, basta!
No, enough, enough!
Eu contarei uma história
I will tell you a story
Que aconteceu uma vez
That happened once
E muito melhor és
And it is much better
Que me deixeis
That you let me
A não me interrumpeis
And don't interrupt me
Conta tu comto extrangeiro
Tell your foreign story
A la uma, a las dois y a las tres
At one, at two and at three
Um día do sol na praia
One sunny day on the beach
Sonhando cosas bonitas
Dreaming beautiful things
Masticaba uma banana
I was chewing a banana
A mais folclorica fruta
The most folkloric fruit
Gozando a fresca viruta
Enjoying the fresh shavings
Na praia de Copacabana
On the beach of Copacabana
Estaba feliz no sol tan fogoso, ¿no?
I was happy in the fiery sun, right?
Na areia que ardía
On the burning sand
Cuando de repente
When suddenly
Um oscurecimiento!
A darkening!
Um que?
A what?
Um oscurecimiento!
A darkening!
En pleno día?
In broad daylight?
É, fizo a noite en pleno día
Yeah, it made night in broad daylight
Uma sombra tan tupida
Such a thick shadow
Uma sombra tan grandota
Such a big shadow
Era a sombra producida
It was the shadow produced
Das cadeiras d'uma garota
From a girl's hips
Era uma garota que tenía
She was a girl who had
Um andar, um andar de gacela
A walk, a gazelle's walk
Cintura de avispa
Wasp waist
Piel de terciopelo
Velvet skin
Cabellos de lino
Linen hair
Manos de Eurídice
Eurydice's hands
Umos piecitos, umos pies cúbicos
Little feet, cubic feet
Talón de Aquiles
Achilles' heel
Nuez moscada
Dedo de frente
Frente popular
Popular Front
Y lengua, lengua, lengua muerta
And tongue, tongue, dead tongue
Palmas de Mallorca
Palms of Mallorca
L'homo sapiens
Homo sapiens
Boca corazón
Heart mouth
Nalgas marinas
Marine buttocks
Y um pubis y um pubis
And a pubis and a pubis
Oh! no!(Basta!), hmmm detente pecador!
Oh! no! (Enough!), hmmm stop sinner!
Pubis pro-nobis
Pubis pro-nobis
Continúo a relação
I continue the relation
De tan colosal levante
Of such a colossal rising
Comence a persecução
I began the pursuit
Das cadeiras bamboleantes
Of the swaying hips
Cruzamos Copacabana
We crossed Copacabana
Debaixo do sol queimante
Under the burning sun
E cruzamos Ipanema
And we crossed Ipanema
Aguantando o sol queimante
Enduring the burning sun
Cuando ya no pude más
When I couldn't take it anymore
Tomando muito coragem
Taking a lot of courage
Decidí tirarme o lance
I decided to take the chance
Disse de fazer romance
I said to make romance
Disse coisas tan bonitas
I said such beautiful things
Que a garota me dio cita
That the girl gave me a date
Pra bailar en uma boite
To dance in a nightclub
Esa mismísima noite
That very night
E como foi o final
And how was the ending
Da historia tan colosal?
Of such a colossal story?
O final foi muito vil
The ending was very vile
Pela culpa do Brasil
Because of Brazil
O sol tan ardente e cruel
The sun so ardent and cruel
Me queimou toda a piel
Burned all my skin
Tenia queimado tudo
I had everything burned
De la proa hasta la popa
From bow to stern
Que ni siquiera desnudo
That not even naked
Podía aguantar a ropa
Could I stand the clothes
Maldita sea la praia
Damn the beach
Maldito sol asesino
Damn murderous sun
Maldita sea la praia
Damn the beach
Maldito sol asesino
Damn murderous sun
Perdi piel, perdi garota
I lost skin, I lost girl
Perdi outras coisas mil!
I lost a thousand other things!
Vivan as praias cariocas
Long live the Carioca beaches
Viva o sol do Brasil
Long live the sun of Brazil

Writer(s): Gerardo Masana, Jorge Maronna, Marcos Mundstock

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