Lexus - Nella Melanconia della tristezza - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lexus - Nella Melanconia della tristezza

Nella Melanconia della tristezza
In the Melancholy of Sadness
Tristeza no estoy ayer salí me fui de viaje
Sadness, I'm gone. Yesterday I left. I went on a trip
La esperanza me propuso que saliera y me relaje
Hope suggested that I should leave and relax
Salir de vacaciones a mirar otros paisajes
Go on vacation, see other landscapes
Y a ti y a mis problemas los tiré por el drenaje
And I threw you and my problems down the drain
Confianza y mucha que las ponga de equipaje
With trust and hope I filled my luggage
Y si la melancolía coge el mismo bus pues yo me baje
And if melancholy catches the same bus, well, I'll get off
A todos los que quieren verme mal deje un mensaje
To all those who want to see me fail, I left a message
Jhonny lexus vuelve a ser feliz chucha de su madre!
Jhonny Lexus is happy again, damn it!
Me canse de deprimirme y mis penas difundirme
I'm tired of getting depressed and spreading my pain
Me canse de ser el bueno para que el malo venga a herirme
I'm tired of being good so that evil can come and hurt me
Y cuando otro hipócrita de esos quiera perseguirme
And when another one of those hypocrites wants to come after me
Esta vez quien va a llorar serán ellos y yo reírme
This time, it's them who'll cry and I'll laugh
Confundirme? yo porque? me mantengo firme
Confuse me? Why should I? I'm staying strong
Dios me mandó pa' guerrero y es dificil destruirme
God sent me to be a warrior and I'm hard to destroy
Y aunque digan que tan solo soy un barco y van a hundirme
And even if they say I'm just a ship and they're going to sink me
Pues seré como el titanic hasta hundido van a oírme
Well, I'll be like the Titanic, they'll hear me even when I'm sunk
A mi me vale el que quiera mamar que la mame
I don't care who wants to suck, let them suck
Yo no voy a ponerme triste cuando otro me difame
I'm not going to get sad when someone else slanders me
Yo no estoy para venderme si por ahi quieren comprarme
I'm not for sale, if that's what you're thinking
Que me paguen por mi show y no para gobernarme
Pay me for my show, but not to control me
Yo soy como soy! esta bien pueden odiarme
I am who I am! Fine, you can hate me
Pero quien les asegura que con eso va a cambiarme
But who's to say that's going to change me?
Aunque mi vida sea una mierda hay papel para limpiarme
Even if my life is a piece of shit, there's paper to clean it up
No tengo miedo a la caída Dios puede pararme
I'm not afraid to fall, God can help me up
Tristeza ya no puedo caminar contigo
Sadness, I can't walk with you anymore
Llévate a la soledad no la quiero como amigo
Take loneliness with you, I don't want him as a friend
Por conocí el dolor y me agarraron como amigo
Because of you, I learned about pain, and they accepted me as a friend
Y la verdad es de que ustedes están acabando conmigo
And the truth is that you're destroying me
La piedad trajo amigas y todo este tiempo perdido
Pity brought female companions, and all this wasted time
Lo trato de recuperar cuando ella pasa conmigo
I try to make up for it when she spends time with me
Dios tenme misericordia! es todo lo que le pido
God have mercy on me! That's all I ask
Y tu haciéndome creer que el esta enojado conmigo,
And you make me believe that he's angry with me,
Tristeza nuestra relación ha terminado
Sadness, our relationship is over
Comprende que la paso mal siempre contigo a mi lado
Understand that things are bad for me when you're by my side
Y mientras ayer culpaba a todos y en casa decepcionado
And as I blamed everyone yesterday and was disappointed at home
La madre de mi hija jura haberme ya olvidado
My daughter's mother swears she has already forgotten me
Pa que no se rían de ella desde haberla abandonado
So that they don't laugh at her for having abandoned her
Y si no fuera por mi orgullo ya hasta hubiera regresado
And if it weren't for my pride, I would have already gone back
Todo esto es por tu culpa por haberte presentado
This is all because of you, for showing up
Y refugiarme en el alcohol hoy mi hija no está a mi lado
And taking refuge in alcohol, my daughter is not by my side today
Y poco a poco tu y la soledad me volvían loco
And little by little, you and loneliness were driving me crazy
Matándome en silencio viendo a mi hija solo en foto
Killing me in silence, seeing my daughter only in photos
Y cuando ya no pude con este corazón roto
And when I couldn't take it anymore with this broken heart
La esperanza vino a casa a visitarme y me gritó
Hope came to visit me at home and yelled at me
No seas cobarde! anda corre buscalá a la madre
Don't be a coward! Go on, run, go find the mother
Has que pueda recordar que la niña tiene un padre
Make her remember that the little girl has a father
Y por si acaso si ya es tarde que no vas a dañarle
And just in case it's too late, say that you're not going to hurt her
Su nueva relación ni a tocarle
Her new relationship, or even touch her
De ninguna forma vayas a golpear al miserable
Whatever you do, don't go hitting the jerk
Que aprovecho que no estabas para empezar a galanearle
Who took advantage of the fact that you weren't there to start flirting with her
Al contrario por tu hija mantente tranquilo
On the contrary, for your daughter, stay calm
Y demuéstrales a todos que eres padre y no un cobarde
And show everyone that you're a father and not a coward

Writer(s): Armando Greco, Matteo Preabianca

Lexus - Indifferenti Idioti
Indifferenti Idioti
date de sortie

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