李劍青 - 匆匆 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 李劍青 - 匆匆

分租房每月三百 緊挨著煙囪
Renting a room for three hundred a month, right next to a factory chimney
睡裡廂的姓李名字叫雙喜 是我的二房東
The tenant in the back is named Li Shuangxi, my landlord
儘管日子過得很窘 他都能從容
Although times are tough, he manages to keep his cool
只是有次年前 殘摩給收了 急得要發瘋
Just once last year, his electric moped was confiscated, making him nearly mad
The woman from my hometown in the photo studio is named Furong
Even if I tried to be gentle, I can only say that she is only average-looking
我有幾次交不出房錢 他都肯通融
I haven't been able to pay the rent a few times, but he let it slide
But he did ask me to count the holes in the coal
那些褪色青春夢 普通得不能再普通
Those faded youthful dreams are as ordinary as they come
I'm sure you understand
青春期 熬夜 衝鋒 上小縣城的高中 已光榮
During adolescence, I stayed up late, attacked, went to a high school in a small county - it was glorious
路的盡頭的少年宮 兀自沈默在風中 無言相送
The Youth Center at the end of the road remains silent in the wind, seeing me off without a word
那一年一首遠方的歌 說什麼往事如風 他往事如風
That one song from afar, it says that the past is like the wind, his past is like the wind
我失色青春的惶恐 現在才知道
The fear of my fading youth
回憶是心蟲 光讓人癢癢 不讓碰
Memories are like a heart worm, they just make you itch, don't let anyone touch them
明白了現實裡 沒有人是孫悟空
The reality is, there's no one like Sun Wukong
課堂 老師忘了教 八面玲瓏
In class, the teacher failed to teach us how to be tactful
不敢想過得舒服 也願意吃苦
I don't dare think about living comfortably, and I'm willing to suffer
It's just that some emotions and feelings will get you all confused
清楚自己養樹教書 必定要不滿足
I know that if I teach in the future, I will definitely not be satisfied
與其等往後有了別的貪圖 不如現在先找條路
Instead of waiting for something else to come along, it's better to find a way out now
明白不管是什麼 多了只變得麻木
Understand that no matter what it is, it becomes unbearable when there's too much
我依然在虛幻之中奮力尋找 尋找我的歸屬
I'm still struggling to find my place
人若是離開故鄉 像樹離了土
If a person leaves their hometown, it's like a tree leaving its soil
只怕我掙了全世界的財富 卻搆不着幸福
I'm afraid that even if I become a millionaire, I still won't be able to reach happiness
那些過時的青春夢 普通得不能再普通
Those outdated youthful dreams are as ordinary as they come
I'm sure you understand
Having shed my naivety and confusion
Only when you're in a foreign land can you know what it means to be touched
合奏課隔了舊屏風 女孩見不到我臉多紅 琴聲嗡嗡
In music class, we were separated by an old folding screen. The girl couldn't see my face, but she was blushing so much that the piano was buzzing
離家時故作輕鬆 留給娘的是匆匆
When I left home, I pretended to be relaxed, but what I left my mother with was a sense of urgency
我心隱隱痛 不承認自己仍是小童 未覺察林子裡那軟香的風
My heart ached, but I didn't want to admit that I was still a little boy. I didn't notice the sweet fragrance of the wind blowing in the woods
All I could hear was my mother's voice calling me in the wind
滿垛啊 咱家桂花香 正濃
Manduo, our family's osmanthus is in full bloom
All I could hear was my mother's voice calling me in the wind
滿垛啊 咱家桂花香 正濃
Manduo, our family's osmanthus is in full bloom

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