Ligia - Cealaltă Ea - traduction des paroles en anglais

Cealaltă Ea - Ligiatraduction en anglais

Cealaltă Ea
The Other Woman
Inima imi spune
My heart tells me
Ca tu doar te tii de glume
That you're just joking
Din nou pleci de-acasa
Once again you leave home
Si ma minti ca nu-ti mai pasa
And lie to me that you don't care anymore
Stie ca mergi iar la ea
She knows you're going back to her
Cand te cheama nu poti ceda
When she calls, you can't resist
Te-ntorci in noapte
You return in the night
Si o rogi sa nu renunte la voi
And beg her not to give up on you
Ha ia i iai. tu nu stii cat o doare
Ha, ha, ha. You don't know how much it hurts her
Ca iubirea dispare
To watch your love fade away
Haa ia i iai. ea te-ar intoarce din drum
Ha, ha, ha. She would turn you away
Dar nu vede rostul acum
But now she sees no point
Cand tu pleci iar ea sufera langa copil
When you're gone, she suffers with your child
Si se-ntreaba ce-o mai fi cu voi
And wonders what's going to happen to you
Cand tu ai transformat casa de piatra
When you've turned a house of stone
In castel de nisip
Into a castle of sand
Te intorci iar acasa la familia ta
You return home to your family
Si nu, nu poti renunta la ea
And no, you can't give her up
La nici la cealalta ea
Or the other woman either
Cealalta ea, cealalta ea
The other woman, the other woman
Cealalta ea, cealalta ea.
The other woman, the other woman.
Cealalta ea
The other woman
Te-asteapta acasa
She waits for you at home
Cina-i pregatita pe masa
Dinner is ready on the table
Vine ora noua
The clock strikes nine
Si tu inca nu esti acasa
And you're still not home
Cand vei veni, oricat si-ar dori
When you do come home, no matter how much she wants to
Ea amana inevitabilul cu inca o zi
She puts off the inevitable for another day
Haa ia i iai. tu nu stii cat o doare
Ha, ha, ha. You don't know how much it hurts her
Ca iubirea dispare
To watch your love fade away
Haa ia i iai. ea te-ar intoarce din drum
Ha, ha, ha. She would turn you away
Dar nu vede rostul acum
But now she sees no point
Cand tu pleci iar ea sufera langa copil
When you're gone, she suffers with your child
Si se-ntreaba ce-o mai fi cu voi
And wonders what's going to happen to you
Cand tu ai transformat casa de piatra
When you've turned a house of stone
In castel de nisip
Into a castle of sand
Te intorci iar acasa la familia ta
You return home to your family
Si nu, nu poti renunta la ea
And no, you can't give her up
La nici la cealalta ea
Or the other woman either
Cealalta ea, cealalta ea
The other woman, the other woman
Cealalta ea, cealalta ea.
The other woman, the other woman.
Cealalta ea
The other woman
Adu-ti aminte si de ea
Remember her too
Cum astepta, tu erai la cealalta ea
How she used to wait while you were with the other woman
Si nu-ti pasa, nu-ti poti imagina
And you didn't care, you couldn't imagine
Prin ce durere ea trecea
What she was going through
La cealalta ea, cealalta ea
The other woman, the other woman
Cealalta ea, cealalta ea, cealalta ea.
The other woman, the other woman, the other woman.
Cealalta ea
The other woman

Writer(s): Ligia Curchi

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