Lil Supa - Espejo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Lil Supa - Espejo

Dime quién eres para juzgar mi vida
Tell me, who are you to judge my life?
Mis triunfos y mis caídas
My triumphs and my falls,
Mi exagerada autoestima
My exaggerated self-esteem.
Me ves pero no me miras
You see me but you don't look at me,
Desconoces mis heridas
Unaware of my wounds,
No sabes de mis pesadillas
You don't know about my nightmares,
Ni mis caras suicidas
Nor my suicidal faces.
Se que de arriba muy de cerca me vigila
I know from above, she watches me closely,
Una señora que al oído me respira
A lady who breathes in my ear,
Dice que a mis problemas tiene la salida y que me cuida
Says she has the solution to my problems and that she cares for me,
Pero todo lo que dice es mentira
But everything she says is a lie.
Así como tu sortija, detesto las despedidas
Just like your ring, I detest goodbyes.
Mis acciones desmedidas son por causas ya perdidas
My excessive actions are for lost causes,
Iracundo por redescubrir verdades escondidas
Enraged by rediscovering hidden truths.
Mientras pensemos que somos seres perfectos
As long as we think we are perfect beings,
Habrá reflejos escupiéndote defectos
There will be reflections spitting out your flaws.
Miro al espejo y siento vértigo
I look in the mirror and feel dizzy,
Incrédulo, cierro los ojos, Decepcionome por ser yo
Incredulous, I close my eyes, Disappointed to be me.
Inalcanzable, de pensamientos impalpables
Unreachable, with intangible thoughts,
Esclavo de un futuro inevitable
A slave to an inevitable future,
Un presente envidiable, pero en ocasiones detestable
An enviable present, but at times detestable,
Culpable por un pasado imborrable
Guilty for an indelible past.
Las experiencias grises me han traumatizado
The gray experiences have traumatized me,
Solo son huellas de un camino transitado
They are just footprints of a traveled path.
Jugamos solos para no ser traicionados
We play alone so as not to be betrayed,
Y lanzamos dados desconociendo el resultado
And we roll the dice unaware of the outcome.
Acostumbrado y aburrido del pecado
Accustomed and bored with sin,
Malhumorado, presumido y descarado
Grumpy, conceited and shameless,
Desconfiado, despectivo, malpensado
Distrustful, contemptuous, suspicious,
Posesivo, vil y poco afectivo con la de al lado
Possessive, vile and unaffectionate with the one next to me.
Seguro vuelvo pero no me esperes
I'll be back for sure, but don't wait for me,
Es que no quiero confiar en mujeres
It's just that I don't want to trust women.
Estoy esperando que te resbales o que te rebeles
I'm waiting for you to slip or rebel,
Tu y yo sabemos quien demonios eres
You and I know who the hell you are,
Sabemos lo que estás dispuesto a hacer por lo que quieres
We know what you're willing to do for what you want,
Sabemos bien lo que nos hiere
We know well what hurts us,
Y sabemos que será de mi vida si hoy te mueres
And we know what will become of my life if you die today.
Mientras pensemos que somos seres perfectos
As long as we think we are perfect beings,
Habrá reflejos escupiéndote defectos
There will be reflections spitting out your flaws.
Miro al espejo y siento vértigo
I look in the mirror and feel dizzy,
Incrédulo, cierro los ojos, Decepcionome por ser yo
Incredulous, I close my eyes, Disappointed to be me.
Inalcanzable, de pensamientos impalpables
Unreachable, with intangible thoughts,
Esclavo de un futuro inevitable
A slave to an inevitable future,
Un presente envidiable, pero en ocasiones detestable
An enviable present, but at times detestable,
Culpable, culpable, culpable
Guilty, guilty, guilty.
Acostumbrado y aburrido del pecado
Accustomed and bored with sin,
Malhumorado, presumido y descarado
Grumpy, conceited and shameless,
Desconfiado, despectivo, malpensado
Distrustful, contemptuous, suspicious,
Posesivo, vil y poco afectivo con la de al lado
Possessive, vile and unaffectionate with the one next to me.
Amargado, conflictivo, crecido, insubordinado
Bitter, conflicted, arrogant, insubordinate,
Obsesivo compulsivo, vivo y desinteresado
Obsessive-compulsive, alive and uninterested,
Agrandado, vivo, esquivo y despegado
Boastful, alive, elusive and detached,
Estresado, engreído y trastornado
Stressed, conceited and disturbed.
(Look in the mirror)
(Look in the mirror)
Mientras pensemos que somos seres perfectos
As long as we think we are perfect beings,
Habrá reflejos escupiéndote defectos
There will be reflections spitting out your flaws.
Miro al espejo y siento vértigo
I look in the mirror and feel dizzy,

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