Lil Supa - Unstoppable - traduction des paroles en anglais

Unstoppable - Lil Supatraduction en anglais

Mantengo el sueño vivo,
I keep the dream alive,
la estás soñando,
you're just dreaming it,
cuestionas lo que escribo; cómo, dónde y cuándo...
you question what I write; how, where, and when...
Se volvieron presumidos porque están sonando... (Bah)
They got cocky because they're getting some play... (Bah)
Son nadie cuando yo estoy al mando.
They're nobodies when I'm in command.
No me gustan las iglesias, ni Julio,
I don't like churches, nor Julio,
detesto el Paraíso Gangsta' de Coolio,
I detest Coolio's "Gangsta's Paradise",
tampoco me vacilo Fast & Furious,
I don't dig Fast & Furious either,
ni me relaciono con aquellos espurios.
nor do I associate with those spurious fools.
Yo, jamás pagué por grabaciones de studio,
Me, I never paid for studio recordings,
pero con lo que grabé, me pagué los estudios...
but with what I recorded, I paid for the studios...
Usted vaya pensando en gestionarse la Visa,
You should go ahead and think about getting your Visa,
si te llega, yo estaré tomando fotos en Suiza, man, ese "papel de malo", tuyo,
if you get it, I'll be taking photos in Switzerland, girl, that "bad guy" act of yours,
da risa, no eres profesor,
is laughable, you're no teacher,
solo te gusta la tiza.
you just like the chalk.
Cuando eras nene,
When you were a kid,
yo estaba escuchando GZA,
I was listening to GZA,
en casa, jugando FIFA,
you at home, playing FIFA,
yo en Baires, comiendo pizza...
me in Baires, eating pizza...
Oldtape "Hard Drum From Los Luises"
Oldtape "Hard Drum From Los Luises"
and The Mista' Uanteik,
and The Mista' Uanteik,
es quien te da la paliza.
is who gives you the beating.
Me inspiro viendo Fight Club y Pulp Fiction,
I get inspired watching Fight Club and Pulp Fiction,
that's the way I created the songs
that's the way I created the songs
that You wanna listen to...
that you wanna listen to...
Go front if You wanna beef with Zú,
Go front if you wanna beef with Zú,
but, if You don't... Dejen de estar haciendo el ridiculo!
but, if you don't... Stop making a fool of yourself!
Inigualable en el ritmo, ya lo sabes,
Unmatched in rhythm, you already know it,
quieren el estilo de Little y no les sale,
they want Little's style and they can't get it,
I got it...
I got it...
You don't wanna battle cuz,
You don't wanna battle cuz,
acá no hay nadie que me pare...
there's no one here who can stop me...
Soy imparable en el ritmo, ya lo sabes,
I'm unstoppable in rhythm, you already know it,
todos quieren el estilo de Little y no les sale,
everyone wants Little's style and they can't get it,
I got, too many skills sobre instrumentales,
I got, too many skills over instrumentals,
You don't wanna battle cuz,
You don't wanna battle cuz,
acá no hay nadie que me pare.
there's no one here who can stop me.
I'm like Johan Santana desde el montículo,
I'm like Johan Santana from the mound,
ustedes son discípulos,
you all are disciples,
peleándose por títulos estupidos,
fighting over stupid titles,
cuando compongo rap, no tengo escrúpulos.
when I compose rap, I have no scruples.
Imbéciles, delante de mí,
Imbeciles, before me,
quedaron minúsculos, pa' vosotros,
were left minuscule, for you all,
versos dolorosos como furúnculos...
painful verses like boils...
I'm unstoppable brotha',
I'm unstoppable brotha',
ya lo sabes, no jodas con el que sabe y controla, las rima todas, consonantes y vocales, de cora', tengo la espada de Yoda,
you already know it, don't mess with the one who knows and controls, all the rhymes, consonants and vowels, from the heart, I have Yoda's sword,
quítate ahora, o te esperola la locomotora...
get out of the way now, or the locomotive awaits you...
I got my own flow, straight from the corner,
I got my own flow, straight from the corner,
el tuyo te salió en un "happy meal"
yours came out in a "happy meal"
de McDonald's.
from McDonald's.
Todos mis temas suenan bárbaros,
All my tracks sound barbaric,
como Conan... los suyos suenan
like Conan... yours sound
como los de los hermanos Jonas, wack!
like the Jonas brothers, wack!
Desde acá los obligo a besar la lona,
From here I force you to kiss the canvas,
When I got a mic on my hand,
When I got a mic on my hand,
llevo la corona, sigue creyendo que caminando se llega a Roma,
I wear the crown, you keep believing that walking gets you to Rome,
tus zorras dieron la cola por un vaso de water... pero no importa la payola
your bitches gave it up for a glass of water... but payola doesn't matter
si el público no te para bola!
if the public doesn't pay attention to you!
Soy imparable en el ritmo, ya lo sabes...
I'm unstoppable in rhythm, you already know it...
Inigualable en el ritmo, ya lo sabes,
Unmatched in rhythm, you already know it,
quieren el estilo de Little y no les sale,
they want Little's style and they can't get it,
I got it...
I got it...
You don't wanna battle cuz,
You don't wanna battle cuz,
acá no hay nadie que me pare...
there's no one here who can stop me...
Soy imparable en el ritmo, ya lo sabes,
I'm unstoppable in rhythm, you already know it,
todos quieren el estilo de Little y no les sale,
everyone wants Little's style and they can't get it,
I got, too many skills sobre instrumentales,
I got, too many skills over instrumentals,
You don't wanna battle cuz,
You don't wanna battle cuz,
acá no hay nadie que me pare.
there's no one here who can stop me.

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