Lildami feat. Albert Pla - Intro - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lildami feat. Albert Pla - Intro

Ja passo de tot
I'm over it all
No demano perdó
I'm not asking for forgiveness
Oh Déu meu senyor
Oh my God, sir
Ho hem tornat a fer
We've done it again
Com si fos religió
As if it were a religion
Us solto el sermó
I'm giving you the sermon
Oh Déu meu senyor
Oh my God, sir
Us hem tornat la fe
We have returned your faith
Estem seguint el mateix pla
We are following the same plan
Un disc nou cada dos anys
A new album every two years
Veig el cel com ha canviat
I see how the sky has changed
Però estrelles brillen com abans
But stars shine like before
M'he donat compte que
I've realized that
Res és tan important
Nothing is so important
I quan la palmis que
And when I kick the bucket
El món seguirà rodant
The world will keep turning
Vaig travessar la porta
I walked through the door
Sabent que era l'últim cop
Knowing it was the last time
Sant Hilari amb verí
Sant Hilari with poison
Sabent que no hi haurà més glops
Knowing there will be no more sips
I ara, què?
And now, what?
Respiro fondo, apreto a fondo
I take a deep breath, I press hard
I ara, què?
And now, what?
Respiro fondo, toco fondo
I take a deep breath, I hit rock bottom
Les meves últimes paraules no què diran
My last words, I don't know what they will say
Potser diran deixa'm en pau o ens veiem demà
Maybe they will say leave me alone or see you tomorrow
Sigui el que sigui o descobrirem aviat
Whatever it is, we will find out soon
Sigui el que sigui o descobrirem aviat
Whatever it is, we will find out soon
Em jugo la vida, tiro els dados
I'm risking my life, I'm rolling the dice
Tequila i birra, Desperados
Tequila and beer, Desperados
Chen i Dami, dos tarados
Chen and Dami, two crazy guys
Vam canviar l'escena i le pegamos el palo
We changed the scene and hit the jackpot
Tirem un beef més
Let's throw one more beef
Vols bistec? Tinc un asador
You want steak? I have a grill
Ara ofereixen diners
Now they offer money
Des que estic a l'aparador
Since I'm in the shop window
Jo no vaig dir que fos el millor
I didn't say I was the best
Ho vaig demostrar al disc anterior
I proved it on the previous album
No és normal
It's not normal
L'únic raper de l'escena que sap fer integrals
The only rapper on the scene who knows how to do integrals
Solitari, como Bojack
Lonely, like Bojack
Amb lletres que paguen les lletres del cotxe
With lyrics that pay the car payments
En mi gremio me tienen miedo
In my guild they are afraid of me
Por ir a por el premio y hacer lo que toca
For going for the prize and doing what it takes
Entre tonteries dic coses
Among nonsense I say things
Més sèries que la majoria
More serious than most
Penso una rima i se m'oblida
I think of a rhyme and I forget it
Després de cinc gots de ratafia
After five glasses of ratafia
Som-hi bois, hem tornat un altre cop
Come on bois, we're back again
Anem a per tot, let's get it, let's get it, let's get it!
Let's go for it all, let's get it, let's get it, let's get it!
I si em moro demà, només puc pujar
And if I die tomorrow, I can only go up
Deixar-me anar, com ocells ben amunt, ben amunt
Let myself go, like birds high up, high up
Pla, pla, planejo ben pla, com si fos l'Albert Pla
Pla, pla, I plan well, as if I were Albert Pla
De què serveix estimar, si al final ploraràs
What is the use of loving, if in the end you will cry
Quan es mori qui més tu hagis estimat
When the one you loved the most dies
Com ocell volarà
Like a bird it will fly
Ben amunt, pla, pla, planejo ben pla, Albert Pla
High up, pla, pla, I plan well, Albert Pla
I si em moro demà, només puc pujar
And if I die tomorrow, I can only go up
Deixar-me anar, com ocells ben amunt, ben amunt
Let myself go, like birds high up, high up
Pla, pla, planejo ben pla, com si fos l'Albert Pla
Pla, pla, I plan well, as if I were Albert Pla
De què serveix estimar, si al final ploraràs
What is the use of loving, if in the end you will cry
Quan es mori qui més tu hagis estimat
When the one you loved the most dies
Ben amunt, ben amunt, ben amunt
High up, high up, high up
Ben amunt, ben amunt, ben amunt
High up, high up, high up
Ben amunt, ben amunt
High up, high up
Ben amunt, ben amunt
High up, high up
Ben amunt, ben amunt
High up, high up
Ben amunt, ben amunt, ben amunt
High up, high up, high up
Ben amunt, ben amunt
High up, high up
Ben amunt, ben amunt, ben amunt
High up, high up, high up

Writer(s): Damià Rodríguez, Martí Mora

Lildami feat. Albert Pla - Viatge en espiral
Viatge en espiral
date de sortie

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