Lildami feat. Marta Mas - Provença - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lildami feat. Marta Mas - Provença

No soc director però em munto pelis
I'm not a director, but I make my own movies
Visc al meu món, no et preocupis
Living in my world, don't you worry
Vés fent camí,no cal que m'esperis
Keep walking, no need to wait for me
Ja ens trobarem quan menys ho busquis
We'll meet again when you least expect it
Estic llevant les veles, ballant al vent
I'm raising the sails, dancing in the wind
Línies paralleles però no ens creuem
Parallel lines, but we never cross
Mai vaig poder arribar a l'hora en punt
I could never arrive on time
Perquè vivíem amb rellotges diferents
Because we lived with different clocks
I això que escric en realitat
And what I write in reality
És més per a mi, necessitat
Is more for me, a necessity
Com aquella nit, quan vam dormir
Like that night, when we slept
I sabíem que no ho faríem més plegats
And knew we wouldn't do it together again
I tot acaba com acaba tot
And everything ends as everything does
Com s'omple la pica i es buida el got
Like the sink fills up and the glass empties
Com intentar tornar a posar
Like trying to put back
La pasta de dents al pot
The toothpaste in the tube
Tu creies que la vida era un cercle
You thought life was a circle
Un cicle, que sempre torna a començar
A cycle, that always starts again
I te n'adones que al final
And you realize that in the end
No és mes un viatge en espiral
It's just a journey in a spiral
I quina sort que ens vam trobar
And how lucky we were to meet
El record que ens quedarà
The memory that will remain
Com el piti al foc, el gat al gos
Like the cigarette to fire, the cat to the dog
Ens necessitem però ens fem mal els dos
We need each other but we hurt each other too
I què passarà quan tanqui el bar
And what will happen when the bar closes
On vam fer el primer cafè?
Where we had our first coffee?
De què parlarem si ens trobem
What will we talk about if we meet
Un dia al tren?
One day on the train?
I què passarà, eh?
And what will happen, huh?
I què passarà, eh?
And what will happen, huh?
I què passarà, eh?
And what will happen, huh?
I què passarà?
And what will happen?
I què passarà i perdrà el sentit
And what will happen and lose its meaning
Veure una sèrie sense tu al llit
Watching a series without you in bed
I descobrim que les veritats
And we discover that truths
També tenen caducitat
Also have an expiration date
I què passarà, eh?
And what will happen, huh?
I què passarà, eh?
And what will happen, huh?
I què passarà, eh?
And what will happen, huh?
I què passarà?
And what will happen?
No soc director però em munto pelis
I'm not a director, but I make my own movies
Visc al meu món, no et preocupis
Living in my world, don't you worry
Vés fent camí,no cal que m'esperis
Keep walking, no need to wait for me
Ja ens trobarem quan menys ho busquis
We'll meet again when you least expect it
I toquen les dos del matí i solo puedo pensar en ti
And it's two in the morning and I can only think of you
És estrany, no vull tornar, tampoc que et separis de mi
It's strange, I don't want to come back, nor do I want you to separate from me
I no et vull veure, però si em vols veure ho deixo tot i vinc
And I don't want to see you, but if you want to see me, I'll drop everything and come
Si em fas un truc, deixo de fer el ruc i tornem al passat abril
If you play a trick on me, I'll stop acting like a fool and we'll go back to last April
I què passarà quan tanqui el bar
And what will happen when the bar closes
On vam fer el primer cafè?
Where we had our first coffee?
De què parlarem si ens trobem
What will we talk about if we meet
Un dia al tren?
One day on the train?
I què passarà, eh?
And what will happen, huh?
I què passarà, eh?
And what will happen, huh?
I què passarà, eh?
And what will happen, huh?
I què passarà?
And what will happen?
I què passarà i perdrà el sentit
And what will happen and lose its meaning
Veure una sèrie sense tu al llit
Watching a series without you in bed
I descobrim que les veritats
And we discover that truths
També tenen caducitat
Also have an expiration date
I què passarà, eh?
And what will happen, huh?
I què passarà, eh?
And what will happen, huh?
I què passarà, eh?
And what will happen, huh?
I què passarà?
And what will happen?

Writer(s): Damià Rodríguez, Martí Mora

Lildami feat. Marta Mas - Viatge en espiral
Viatge en espiral
date de sortie

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