Lildami - Ratas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lildami - Ratas

Tots tenen molts aires, no saben d'on els bufa el vent.
They all act so high and mighty, but they don't know where the wind blows from.
Amics de debò no gaires,
True friends are scarce,
Només compto amb la meva gent Segueixo somiant tirar pels aires
I only count on my own people I keep dreaming of throwing 50 and 100 bills in the air,
Bitllets de 50 i 100, Però tinc les coses clares,
But I have things clear,
L'ídol el meu pare i no 50cent Saps el meu nom però no saps res de
My idol is my father, not 50 Cent You know my name but you know nothing about
Mi, El cor fet com si jo fos big,
Me, My heart built like I'm Biggie,
Estic a baix em sento big No era ningú ara all eyes on me La teva
I'm at the bottom but I feel big I was nobody, now all eyes on me Your
Boca plena merda necessita Listerine No tinc temps per nous amics,
Mouth is full of crap, you need Listerine I don't have time for new friends,
Només busco ser feliç Un altre ratolí a la trampa, i
I just want to be happy Another rat in the trap, and
Només busco el meu puto cheese 24 hores fent això, diguem Jack Bauer, P
I'm just looking for my damn cheese 24 hours doing this, call me Jack Bauer, P
Ensant haig de tallar un cable,
ressing on, I have to cut a wire,
El mínim error pot ser explosió Abans tiraven merda i ara em tiren
The slightest mistake could be an explosion They used to throw crap at me, now they throw
Flors Abans sudaven elles i ara em tiren cors
Flowers They used to sweat me, now they throw hearts
Anem pel camí recte però és que anem molt torts
We're on the right path, but we're so wrong
Accelero a la recta, no importa que no porti frens, doncs?
I accelerate on the straight, it doesn't matter that I don't have brakes, right?
Si la vida és carrera t'espero a la meta bro,
If life is a race, I'll wait for you at the finish line, bro,
Us porto segles d'avantatge i en tinc 22,
I'm centuries ahead of you and I'm only 22,
Vivim al primer però lluitem per l'àtic, I no sé, ar
We live on the first floor but we fight for the penthouse, And I don't know, at
A tanta altura em fa pànic Jo tant imparable que ni Oliver Khan,
Such a height I feel panicked I'm so unstoppable, not even Oliver Kahn,
Ho faig per l'afició,
I do it for the love of the game,
Però quan salto al camp, un galàctic diuen jove Beckham (
But when I jump on the field, they call me a galactic young Beckham (
Spcboi) Tots aquests taurons piquen del meu ham Dami respira,
Spcboi) All these sharks bite my hook Dami breathe,
Prente les coses amb calma,
Take things easy,
Els chavals al parc no volen estudiar Mesclen el futur a la palma la
The kids in the park don't want to study They mix the future in the palm of their
Viuen present, pensant passat i suden del demà (estic rodejat de
Hand They live in the present, thinking about the past, and they sweat the tomorrow (I'm surrounded by
Rates) (estic rodejat de) Per arribar a algun
Rats) (I'm surrounded by) To get somewhere
Lloc haig de deixar tot enrere (em quedo on estic boi)
I have to leave everything behind (I stay where I am, boy)
Si haig de buidar el cor per emplenar la cartera (em quedo on estic
If I have to empty my heart to fill my wallet (I stay where I am,
Boi) Si haig de conduir sol aquell Panamera (em quedo on estic boi)
Boy) If I have to drive that Panamera alone (I stay where I am, boy)
Si haig de gaudir sol de Sol i palmeres (em quedo on estic boi) Estan
If I have to enjoy the sun and palm trees alone (I stay where I am, boy) They are
Tant endarrere he perdut la visió,
So far behind I've lost sight,
Ja no els veig ni pel retrovisor Tu entre micres, jo entre micros,
I can't even see them in the rearview mirror You among mics, I among micros,
Jo als mitjans i tu entre mitjos Fent carrera a les teves
I'm in the media and you're in between Doing a career in your
Mitges, jove Dami boi Mestic bevent el joc però encara tinc set.
Tights, young Dami boi I'm drinking the game but I'm still thirsty.
Estic contant pecats, en porto més de set.
I'm counting sins, I have more than seven.
Vaig preferir estudiar que passar grams a set.
I preferred to study than to pass grams at seven.
He guanyat el partit i ells encara conten sets
I won the match and they're still counting sets

Writer(s): Lil Dami

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