Linked Horizon - 雛鳥 - Vocalized Version - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Linked Horizon - 雛鳥 - Vocalized Version

雛鳥 - Vocalized Version
雛鳥 - Vocalized Version
嗚呼... あの日の雛鳥が 羽ばたいて征く 果てしない空へ...
Oh... The fledgling of that day is spreading its wings and flying to the boundless sky...
When? 信じてた――
When? I believed――
幼い日々は 世界を疑いもせずに
In my young days, I didn't doubt the world
Why? 愛してた――
Why? I loved――
大切な人が 私を育ててくれたから
Because someone important raised me
大地を蹴って 飛び出した 初めての大空は 孤独に震えた
Kicking off the ground, I took flight for the first time. The sky was vast and I trembled with loneliness.
Black or White?
Black or White?
何が正しい事なのか この手で確かめたいのよ
I want to find out for myself what is right
Where? 鎖してた――
Where? I was chained――
自分の殻を 独りでは破ることも出来ず
I couldn't break out of my own shell alone
What? 探してた――
What? I was searching――
受け売りじゃなくて 傷ついても信じられるものを
I wanted to believe in something, even if it meant getting hurt, not just something I had heard from others
故郷を発って 見渡した 風が舞う大空は 自由に震えた
Leaving my hometown, I looked out and saw the sky where the wind danced. I trembled with freedom.
Black or White?
Black or White?
誰が正しい者なのか この瞳で見極めたいのよ
I want to see for myself who is right
――I have come to understand
正義は世界中に溢れていて 相容れない者達は争いを繰り返す
Justice overflows in the world, and those who are incompatible continue to fight
【白】か【黒】か... 二つに一つ... それだけでは別けられない...
【White】 or 【Black】... One of two... It cannot be divided into just those...
それでも... この灰色な世界で... 私は私の信じる道を... 征きたいと思った!
Even so... in this gray world... I wanted to go down the path I believed in!
Black or White?
Black or White?
夜がどんなに長くても 決して諦めず
No matter how long the night
Black and White 今を必死に生きている
Black and White I live desperately now
世界を唯 護りたいから 勇気を重ねて 私達は戦うのよ!
Because I just want to protect the world. We fight, stacking our courage!
あの日の雛鳥が 羽ばたいて征く 果てしない空へ
The fledgling of that day is spreading its wings and flying to the boundless sky...
風を味方にして 向って往ける 未だ見ぬ地平へ...
With the wind on my side, I can go towards the unseen horizon...

Writer(s): Revo, 権利者 ㈱スクウェア・エニックス, revo, 権利者 ?スクウェア・エニックス

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