Liricas Analas - Mira ? - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Liricas Analas - Mira ?

Mira ?
Mira, mira - mir'anavos tut che semida.
Look, look - they see us down here.
Mira, mira - mir'anavon pren uss la sfida.
Look, look - they took us up on the challenge.
Mira, mira - mir'anavos tut che semida.
Look, look - they see us down here.
Mira, mira - mir'anavon.
Look, look.
Sche jeu studegel sco ei era e cumparegliel cun oz,
As a student, how I was then and how I compare with today,
Cura ch'el steva e scheva: Buc cuntents cul job!
When he was there and used to say: Not satisfied with the job!
Ei mudregi da tut temps da di e da notg!
The wise men of all times, day and night!
El ha stuiu morder sils dents e quei onns.
He had to bite his teeth those years.
Perposta dad haver empriu il falliu mistregn!
Just to have learned from the wrong master!
Baul saviu che quei vegni nuot perquei è viu ner,
Foolish enough to know that it's nothing because it's old or new,
Schau dar in daguot ni l'auter, el era è buns da far da pauper.
Be it today or tomorrow, it was and is good enough to be poor.
Cumpassiun cun sesez mo buc culs auters!
Sympathy for oneself but not for others!
Quei ch'ei oz auter, in tras gl'auter ha fatg svilup enorm.
What is different today, one after the other has developed enormously.
Anflau schlontsch e vegnius pli gronds.
Found their way and have become more mature.
Ius vinavon toc per toc,
You go on little by little,
Buc fugius ni curdaus giun plaun.
Not fleeing or running away, but nice and slow.
Staus neu per il siu, fadigiau siu paun da mintga di.
Stood up for his own, toiled for his daily bread.
Cun mintga di dapli senta el ch'ei va ensi.
With each day he feels more and more that it's working out.
Ed ei vesa or sco sch'ei mass si!
And he sees how it's building up!
La frastga verda el sacados e pinaus per dapli!
The green foliage in the fields, to harvest and more!
Ditg ha el studegiau, sespruau, semudergiau,
For a long time he studied, experimented, struggled,
Ius cul tgau tras mir tochen ch'el ha tscheccau
Went through hell until he realized
Che tut ei buc gartegiau sco el ha vuliu.
That not everything is arranged as he wanted it to be.
Ius ed ius tut quei ch'el ha pudiu.
Went and went as much as he could.
El ha dau e priu, pli bia dau che priu.
He has given and taken, given more than taken.
Ed uss? Tut quei ch'el ha dau ei svaniu.
And now? All that he has given is gone.
Ius tier il falliu, tier la fallida.
Gone to the failure, to the failure.
Ida la sfida da midar tut per adina.
Gone to the challenge of changing everything, forever.
Aschia va quei: ins ha visiuns e giavischs.
That's how it goes: you have visions and desires.
E sch'ins mira anavos mo il temps ch'ei currius.
And when you look back, the time has passed.
Biaras schanzas restan munchentadas,
Many opportunities remain untapped,
Certas dultschas uras lavagadas,
Some sweet hours washed away,
Sfarlatadas, ord motivs che tut far fa buc senn.
Shattered, for reasons that don't make sense.
Zacu vesan ins en, ok igl ei voll da penn, sco tut ei iu.
Sometimes you only see it when everything is gone.
Sch'ei fuss aber buc iu sco tut ei iu,
But if it hadn't turned out the way it did,
Fuss el oz buc el liug!
He wouldn't be where he is today!
Cul trutg ei sesaviarts avon ses egls schi tschocs
His face is covered with deep wrinkles
Era ei tard en sia veta, el era vegls e cotgs.
His life was now over, he was old and weak.
Emprendissadi, era il meglier job.
Apprenticeship, that was the best job.
Mo el ha priu il schi vuliu, el survegn quei toc.
But he took what he wanted, so he got his due.
Per esser cuntents ha el investau ina massa,
To be happy, he had invested too much,
Seigi ei peda ed energia, traso vita cassa.
Be it money and energy, through life's hard work.
Per ventgatons onns, piardas aschia la fatscha.
For twenty-seven years, he lost his face that way.
En sortida cun vegn francs ed in stift en tastga.
On his way out with twenty francs and a pen in his pocket.
Ed el mira anavos e sto buc mo rir empau,
And he looks back and can't help but laugh,
Cul stift ha el empriu da malegiar ed il cash schazegiau.
With the pen he learned to paint and waste money.
Ei vegn gie meglier zacu pli tard ni pli baul,
It gets better later or sooner,
Scheva el adina e quei patratg ei restaus.
He always said and that has remained true.
Oz ei il cash per el buc pli propi in tema
Now money is no longer an issue for him
Ed il stift siu uaffen, l'agentura siu schema,
And the pen his weapon, the agency his scheme,
Ella fiera vida luvrar, gnanc fa la gliema.
In the fair life of work, not even the cold bothers him.
El mira anavos ed el careza la veta.
He looks back and he caresses his life.

Writer(s): Adrian Candinas, David Götschel

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