Liricistas feat. Dous - Véala - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Liricistas feat. Dous - Véala

See her
Real 4 life.
Real 4 life.
Es liricistas 4 life
It's lyricists 4 life
El dous
The dous
Texas Studios nama
Texas Studios nama
2010 real 4 life
2010 real 4 life
A los cabros le va bien y disfrutan del vaivén
The goats are doing well and enjoying the swing
Es un révolver vocal, vieja apuntando a tu cien
It's a vocal comeback, old lady aiming for your hundred
A los cabros le va bien y disfrutan del vaivén
The goats are doing well and enjoying the swing
Es un révolver vocal, vieja apuntando a tu cien.
He's a vocal revolutionary, old lady aiming for your hundred.
A los cabros le va bien y bueno sera por algo
The goats are doing well and well it will be for something
La mafia de la fifa no se mete en el hip hop por lo que yo
The fifa mafia doesn't get into hip hop as far as I know
Usted me conoce no me gané esto en la rifa hasta cuando
You know me I didn't win this in the raffle until when
Liricistas me muero, liricistas donde empezé MC
Lyricists I'm dying, lyricists where I started MC
Seré cenizas con fuego con el mismo estribo
I'll be ashes with fire with the same stirrup
Encontré inspiracion en un paraíso perdido
I found inspiration in a lost paradise
Gastos monedas esto tiene valor, pero no precio
Expenses coins this has value, but no price
Pasando piola tirando chistes amigo no sea necio
Passing piola throwing jokes friend don't be a fool
Y agresio, y entiende qe lo importante no lo ve
And aggressive, and understands that the important thing he does not see
El orgullo del pais no es el milico es el joven
The pride of the country is not the military, it's the young
Escriben del clases te estoy hablando del placer
They write about the classes I'm talking about the pleasure
Fumando uno diario y asi jamas envejecer
Smoking one a day and never getting old
La garganta ya se muere es un procer del toser, can to getter
The throat is already dying is a process of coughing, can to getter
Y alguna cosita pa beber? qe más qemas
And any little things to drink? qe more qemas
Niun problema, vamos rompiendo el esquema
Not a problem, we're breaking the scheme
Disfruta la vida, ese es el lema.
Enjoy life, that's the motto.
Aprendí como pararme contra el mismo Satanás
I learned how to stand against Satan himself
Compitiendo con mi alma por intentar entregar más
Competing with my soul to try to deliver more
Un par de lineas rotas sobre weas de la vida
A couple of broken lines about life's weas
Y me quedé siempre en el ultimo vagon de la partida
And I always stayed in the last car of the game
Esperando mi turno, yo, me pegue el palo
Waiting for my turn, me, stick me
Se vive entero poco yo a problemas me los paso
He lives whole little I spend them to problems
Por todo el borde sobre la orbe con un revolver
All over the edge over the orb with a revolver
Vocal sufre entorpes lircistas no estorbes
Vocal suffers hindrances lyricists don't get in the way
Son libertades todas enteras falsas
They are all false entire freedoms
Fuck pal cabron que me mira entero feo a la planta
Fuck pal fucker who looks at me all ugly to the plant
Y punto, no tiene idea y encerrao en su mente
Period, he has no idea and he locks in his mind
Hoy por hoy respeto pensamiento de muy poca gente
Today I respect the thoughts of very few people
La culpa? va da igual no me interesa
The guilt? it's all the same I'm not interested
Comentarios ahueonaos me los paso por la verga!
Comments ahueonos I pass them by the dick!
Una hierbita en la sabana relajao puro lo.
A little herb in the savanna relaxao puro lo.
Vivo con 2 bombos locos un Pato Yañez pa los cops!
I live with 2 crazy bass drums a Duck Yañez pa the cops!
(Hermano no le dice na, esqe ta muy de shoro wm)
(Brother does not say na, esqe ta very shoro wm)
A los cabros le va bien y disfrutan del vaivén
The goats are doing well and enjoying the swing
Es un révolver vocal, vieja apuntando a tu cien
It's a vocal comeback, old lady aiming for your hundred
A los cabros le va bien y disfrutan del vaivén
The goats are doing well and enjoying the swing
Es un révolver vocal, vieja apuntando a tu cien.
He's a vocal revolutionary, old lady aiming for your hundred.

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