Lito y Polaco - Auxilio - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Lito y Polaco - Auxilio

El se levanta bien temprano pensando en su trabajo
He gets up early in the morning thinking about his work
Ni se afeita, y se pone la misma ropa que tiene al palo
He doesn't even shave, and puts on the same clothes he has on a hanger
El es bien exigente con todos sus clientes
He's very demanding with all his clients
Y se enferma si no ve que el dinero no baja de forma fluyente
And gets sick if he doesn't see the money flowing smoothly
El es su propio jefe, y con lo que se gana lo invierte
He is his own boss, and invests what he earns
Intenta recuperarlo al dia siguiente
He tries to get it back the next day
Trabajar dias feriados al parecer no le molesta
Working holidays doesn't seem to bother him
Lleva 4 a~os trabajando horas extra
He's been working overtime for 4 years
Su alegria es pasado y ya no cree en el futuro
His joy is in the past and he no longer believes in the future
Con cada puerta que abre se topa con un muro
With every door he opens, he runs into a wall
Su sue~o es de ser el hombre que un dia so~o ser
His dream is to be the man he once dreamed of being
Se desvalecen con cada amanecer
They become helpless with each dawn
Perdio sus amistades por andar envuelto
He lost his friends by being involved
Y la mita de su familia ya lo dio por muerto
And half of his family has already given him up for dead
Su vida es un negocio y siempre esta frustrao
His life is a business and he is always frustrated
Y se le nota por encima que esta pelao'
And it shows above that he is bald
El pertenece al grupo de jefes independiente
He belongs to the group of independent bosses
Con una membrecia que a matao' a mucha gente
With a membership that has killed many people
La que lo lleva a inyectarse droga
The one that leads him to inject drugs
La que lo lleva a la calle a pedir limosna
The one that leads him to the street to beg for alms
Es la que lo tiene sin afeitarse
It's the one that has him unshaven
La que lo tiene viviendo con la misma ropa
The one that has him living with the same clothes
Mira, muchos marginan al ser humano
Look, many marginalize the human being
Y le dan la espalda, y maltratan al que es tecato
And they turn their backs on him, and mistreat the one who is a junkie
Escucha, pero lo malo siempre te rebota
Listen, but the bad always bounces back to you
Y quizas el vaso en el que el pide
And maybe the glass in which he asks
Algun dia este en tus manos
Someday it will be in your hands
Auxilio... (Yo!)
Help... (Yo!)
Pa' el desamparado
For the homeless
Pa' los adictos
For the addicts
Que en la calle viven marginados
Who live marginalized on the street
Auxilio... (Yo!)
Help... (Yo!)
Pa' el desamparado
For the homeless
Pa' los adictos
For the addicts
Que en la calle viven marginados
Who live marginalized on the street
*Beep, beep, beep*
*Beep, beep, beep*
\"Oh, no...\"
\"Oh, no...\"
\"Oh, no...\"
\"Oh, no...\"
(\"911. Morales le habla.)
(\"911. Morales speaking.)
(\"Cual es su emergencia?\")
(\"What's your emergency?\")
\"Puede ser...\"
\"It could be...\"
Si, le siento el pulso
Yes, I feel her pulse
Esta desmallada, palida, y respirando profundo
She's passed out, pale, and breathing deeply
Ma', despierta (\"Mantenga la calma.\")
Ma', wake up (\"Stay calm.\")
Que si la nena se entera
If the girl finds out
Tu sabes como llora, y se desespera (\"Tranquilo, no se preocupe.\")
You know how she cries, and gets desperate (\"Relax, don't worry.\")
Al parecer se mario, y se callo por las escaleras (\"Hace cuanto?\")
Apparently she got drunk, and fell down the stairs (\"How long ago?\")
Ni 10 minutos van que la traje de afuera (\"Tranquilo.\")
Not even 10 minutes since I brought her from outside (\"Relax.\")
Dios mio, por que a mi
My God, why me?
Si le vas a quitar la vida, qQue sea yo el que tenga que morir
If you're going to take her life, let me be the one who has to die
(\"Se~or, cual es su nombre?\")
(\"Sir, what's your name?\")
Si ella es un angel que me lo a dado todo
If she is an angel who has given me everything
Familia, cari~o, y razon de existir (\"Cual es su nombre?\")
Family, affection, and reason to exist (\"What's your name?\")
Me acueldo del primer beso que nos dimos en el colegio
I remember the first kiss we shared in high school
Tu me jurastes que nuestro amor iba a ser eterno (\"Se~or, se~or estas ahi?\")
You swore to me that our love would be eternal (\"Sir, sir are you there?\")
Por favor, por favor no me hagas esto (\"Hello?\")
Please, please don't do this to me (\"Hello?\")
Que si tu no estas conmigo yo prefiero estar muerto
Because if you are not with me, I prefer to be dead
(\"Dime cual es su nombre?\")
(\"Tell me your name?\")
Enviemen una ambulancia, no sigas preguntandome el nombre (\"Donde recide?\")
Send an ambulance, stop asking me my name (\"Where do you live?\")
Aqui en Santurce, en el Eduardo Conde'
Here in Santurce, in Eduardo Conde'
Mamita, perdoname si te hice sufrir
Mommy, forgive me if I made you suffer
Perdona por las veces que peliamos
Forgive me for the times we fought
Y por los golpes que te di (\"Oye, tranquilo, la ayuda va en camino.\")
And for the blows I gave you (\"Hey, relax, help is on the way.\")
Me defendistes, diciendo que yo era inocente
You defended me, saying that I was innocent
Y le jurastes a tu madre que yo era un hombre decente
And you swore to your mother that I was a decent man
[\"Papi, papi, que le hicistes a mami!?\"]
[\"Daddy, Daddy, what did you do to Mommy!?\"]
No, no llores, no llores que tu mama esta bien
No, don't cry, don't cry, your mom is fine
(\"Mantengase en linea.\") [Quiero a mami!]
(\"Stay on the line.\") [I want Mommy!]
Callate la boca, y vete a dormir (\"Quien grita, que esta pasando ahi?\")
Shut your mouth, and go to sleep (\"Who's screaming, what's going on there?\")
Ay, okay, te confieso que estubimos discutiendo
Oh, okay, I confess we were arguing
Pero no fue mi intencio que esto terminara asi
But it wasn't my intention for this to end this way
Por favor hagan algo, que todavia esta respirando
Please do something, she's still breathing
(\"Ya le dije, la ayuda va en camino.\")
(\"I told you, help is on the way.\")
Y te juro que fue el diablo el que me obligo a hacerle da~o
And I swear it was the devil who made me hurt her
Despierta, que por ahi viene la policia
Wake up, the police are coming
Y yo te juro que no te vuelvo a ponerte un dedo encima
And I swear I won't lay a finger on you again
[\"Papi, mastastes a mami!\"]
[\"Daddy, you hurt Mommy!\"]
(\"911. Morales le habla.)
(\"911. Morales speaking.)
(\"Cual es su emergencia?)
(\"What's your emergency?)
(\"Estamos para ayudarle.\")
(\"We are here to help.\")
(\"911. Morales le habla.)
(\"911. Morales speaking.)
(\"Cual es su emergencia?)
(\"What's your emergency?)
(\"Estamos para ayudarle.\")
(\"We are here to help.\")
(\"911. Morales le habla.)
(\"911. Morales speaking.)
(\"Cual es su emergencia?)
(\"What's your emergency?)
(\"Estamos para ayudarle.\")
(\"We are here to help.\")
\"La cifra de violencia domestica...
\"The rate of domestic violence...
Y adictos a droga en Puerto Rico sigue en aumento...
And drug addicts in Puerto Rico continues to rise...
Cuantas personas tendran que morir ...
How many people will have to die ...
Para que la gente habran los ojos...
So that people open their eyes...
Y vea el problema de nuestra socieda...?\"
And see the problem of our society...?\"

Writer(s): Rafael Pina

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