Yo se que no son too's pero a mi siempre me toca lo mismo ah?
I know they're not all the same, but why do I always get the same treatment, huh?
Tu quieres respeto goncho? pues trata con respeto ah? eeh little pepe.
You want respect, dude? Then treat me with respect, huh? Little Pepe.
Si busca respeto deme el suyo primero no me trate feo que ya nos conocemo digame que toca si pistola no llevo a uste yo no no le gusto y uste me gusta menos
If you're looking for respect, give me yours first. Don't treat me badly, we already know each other. Tell me what's up. If I'm not carrying a gun, I don't like you, and you like me even less.
La misma historia todos los días.
Same old story every day.
Caminando pooor, alto hay! me grita la policía pues digame que malo hacia ¡documentanción, cállese los bolsillos los vacía!
Walking along, "Hey, stop!" the police shout. "What have you done wrong?" "Your documents? Shut up! Empty your pockets!"
Acláreme cual es la cosa -dicta sospechosa y su descripción cuadra con otra,
- pa mi que ustedes nos acosan --eso es desacato- y ya tan sacando las esposas
"Tell me what's going on," I say. "You're acting suspiciously." My description matches another one. "I think you guys are harassing us." "That's contempt of authority!" And now they're pulling out the handcuffs.
Respeto deme el suyo
Respect me, give me yours first.
Primero no me trate feo que ya nos conocemo digame que toca si pistola no llevo a uste yo no no le gusto y uste me gusta menos
Don't treat me badly, we already know each other. Tell me what's up. If I'm not carrying a gun, I don't like you, and you like me even less.
Siii busca respeto deme el suyo
Yes, if you're looking for respect, give me yours first.
Primero no me trate feo que ya nos conocemo digame que toca si pistola no llevo a uste yo no no le gusto y uste me gusta menos
Don't treat me badly, we already know each other. Tell me what's up. If I'm not carrying a gun, I don't like you, and you like me even less.
Santi quici no me gusta ami que cuando veo los empeo que se vengan pami ¿porque? si no la llevo na yo guardo ahi pero ello soba que te soba buscando la gui
Santi, maybe I don't like it when I see the police hassling me, why do they always pick on me? Why? Because I'm not carrying anything. I keep my stuff hidden, but they insist on searching for it.
La flaca esa me la pasa donde me toca ahi guarde su pistola, su gorra y su porra, si uste no falta yo no voy a vivir woka pero si provoca, uno se revota...
That skinny cop is always after me, he keeps his gun, hat, and baton in my closet. If you don't let up, I'm going to crack...
Si busca respeto deme el suyo primero no me trate feo que ya nos conocemo digame que toca si pistola no llevo a uste yo no no le gusto y uste me gusta menos
If you're looking for respect, give me yours first. Don't treat me badly, we already know each other. Tell me what's up. If I'm not carrying a gun, I don't like you, and you like me even less.
Siii busca respeto deme el suyo primero no me trate feo que ya nos conocemo digame que toca si pistola no llevo a uste yo no no le gusto y uste me gusta menos
Yes, if you're looking for respect, give me yours first. Don't treat me badly, we already know each other. Tell me what's up. If I'm not carrying a gun, I don't like you, and you like me even less.
Es por eso que con eso vo a encontrarlo ahi cuando los observo creo que son patos, van de dos en dos y ya me estan parando, seguro que uno de ellos me esta manoseando
That's why I'm going to find him when I catch him watching me. I think they're idiots, they always come in pairs and they're always stopping me. I'm sure one of them is groping me.
Que con chibato yo no ando que mas en cierto lo que dice enbantan capu!
I don't run into snitches. What the guy said is true. Lock him up, cop!
Saben quien soy, a que me dedico, y me paran a cada ratito.
You know who I am, what I do, and you stop me every time.
Respeto deme el suyo primero no me trate feo que ya nos conocemo digame que toca si pistola no llevo a uste yo no no le gusto y uste me gusta menos.
Respect me, give me yours first. Don't treat me badly, we already know each other. Tell me what's up. If I'm not carrying a gun, I don't like you, and you like me even less.
Siii busca respeto deme el suyo primero no me trate feo que ya nos conocemo digame que toca si pistola no llevo a uste yo no no le gusto y uste me gusta menos.
Yes, if you're looking for respect, give me yours first. Don't treat me badly, we already know each other. Tell me what's up. If I'm not carrying a gun, I don't like you, and you like me even less.
Pero mire sera verda que con la gorra al final se queda calvo y por eso le tiene rabia a los de los pelos largos? no?
But tell me, is it true that wearing a cap makes you go bald in the end, and that's why you're so angry at people with long hair? No?
Nonono? no creo porque en verda mi otro con comprade esta pelao y esta bien feo
No, I don't think so, because my friend who is a cop is bald and he's really ugly.
O no se sera que no le gusta nuestras voces porque en verdad la gente a mi me conoce el dia que me quitaron las bandas #############
Or maybe you don't like our voices, because people really know me, the day they took my bands off... [censored]
Jajaja! enveo! te veo con cataleo?
Hahaha, I see you! Are you looking at me?
Asi que si quieres verme ya sabeis...
So if you want to see me again, you know where to find me...
Buscadme en la foto de myspace.
Look for me in the Myspace photo.
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