Lluís Llach - El bandoler - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lluís Llach - El bandoler

El bandoler
The Outlaw
Era el segle XIX
It was the 19th century
Amb el nom d′en Joan Serra
Under the name of Joan Serra
Es coneix un bandoler
A bandit is known
Per tothom en "La Pera"
By everyone as "La Pera"
Li agradava la sang
He enjoyed the blood
I el xiprer encara recorda
And the cypress still remembers
Tots els crits que allà han pregat
All the cries that have prayed there
Pietat, pietat
Mercy, mercy
No em mateu
Don't kill me
Que tinc dos fills i una esposa
I have two children and a wife
Us daré tot mon diner
I'll give you all my money
Però no em claveu eixa daga
But don't stab me with that dagger
No em mateu
Don't kill me
Us demano per ma mare!
I beg you by my mother!
Reseu l'últim "Crec en Déu"
Pray the last "I believe in God"
Pietat, pietat"
Mercy, mercy"
The next day
Davant la Verge del Carme
Before the Virgin of Carmel
De genolls està pregant
He is praying on his knees
I a dos ciris encén la flama
And lights the flame on two candles
Però altre cop surt del bosc
But another time he comes out of the forest
Un gemec que el vent escampa
A groan that the wind spreads
I el botxí no escoltarà
And the executioner will not listen
Pietat, pietat
Mercy, mercy
No em mateu
Don't kill me
Que tinc dos fills i una esposa
I have two children and a wife
Us daré tot mon diner
I'll give you all my money
Però no em claveu eixa daga
But don't stab me with that dagger
No em mateu
Don't kill me
Us demano per ma mare!
I beg you by my mother!
Reseu l'últim "Crec en Déu"
Pray the last "I believe in God"
Pietat, pietat
Mercy, mercy
Però, Joan Serra
But, Joan Serra
Avui t'ha mancat la sort
Today you've missed your luck
Dos soldats t′han pres ben fort
Two soldiers have taken you very strong
I ara estàs entre barrots
And now you are between bars
L′endemà de bon matí
The next day early in the morning
Veu la forca preparada
He sees the gallows prepared
En "La Pera" dóna un crit
In "La Pera" he gives a cry
és l'última pregària
it is the last prayer
Quan jo sigui ben mort
When I am dead
I penjat de l′alta forca
And hanging from the high gallows
I defalleixi mon cor
And my heart fails
I m'aneu a posar a la fossa
And you put me in the grave
Que algú resi una pregària
Let someone say a prayer
Davant la Verge del Carme
Before the Virgin of Carmel
I que dos ciris tinguin flama
And let two candles have a flame
Ningú no ho va fer
No one did it

Writer(s): Luis Maria Llach Grande

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