Que se metio en mi inconciente sensacion se hace mas fuerte esta latente
That seeped into my unconscious, the sensation grows stronger, it's latent
Casi viviente
Almost alive
Siente lo hiriente
Feel the hurt
Sintiendome perdido hido
Feeling lost, gone
Muy aflijido
Very afflicted
Pues el amor se a convertido
Because love has turned
Me a destruido
It has destroyed me
Me a despertado un fuerte ruido es un rugido
A loud noise has awakened me, it's a roar
De mi interior se a desprendido se siente herido
It has detached itself from inside me, it feels wounded
Mi corazon esta dolido
My heart is in pain
Es que mi amor ya se a perdido
It's because my love is already lost
(Coro 2)
(Chorus 2)
Por montones
By the bunch
Despertando mis ilusiones
Awakening my illusions
Van arracando miles
They are tearing out thousands
Por montones
By the bunch
Despertando mis ilusiones
Awakening my illusions
Sensibilidad no quiero
I don't want sensitivity
Muerte prefiero
I prefer death
Conmigo mismo al duelo
In a duel with myself
Y ruego al cielo algun consuelo que me levante de este suelo que me despierte de este sueño que abra los ojos de este ciego que encuentre paz y libertad
And I pray to the sky for some comfort to lift me from this ground, to wake me from this dream, to open the eyes of this blind man, to find peace and freedom
En despertar y despejar
In awakening and clearing
Mi mente ya
My mind now
Pues la verdad no puedo mas ilusionar decepcionar
Because the truth is I can't take any more illusion or disappointment
Hay que arrancar el corazon
I have to tear out my heart
Hay que sacar esta pasion
I have to remove this passion
Hay que matar esta ilusion
I have to kill this illusion
Para alcanzar a respirar
To be able to breathe
Ya yo gritar no puedo mas no puedo mas
I can't scream anymore, I can't take it anymore
(Coro 1)
(Chorus 1)
Yo repito
I repeat
En este rito grito
In this ritual, I scream
Amor maldito
Cursed love
Yo repito
I repeat
Este es mi rito y grito
This is my ritual and I scream
Amor maldito
Cursed love
Yo repito
I repeat
En este rito grito
In this ritual and I scream
Amor maldito
Cursed love
Yo repito
I repeat
Este es mi rito y grito
This is my ritual and I scream
Amor maldito amor maldito...
Cursed love, cursed love...
(Coro 2)
(Chorus 2)
Por montones
By the bunch
Despertando mis ilusiones
Awakening my illusions
Van arracando miles
They are tearing out thousands
Por montones
By the bunch
Despertando mis ilusiones
Awakening my illusions
Sensibilidad no quiero
I don't want sensitivity
Muerte prefiero
I prefer death
Conmigo mismo al duelo
In a duel with myself
Y ruego al cielo algun consuelo que me levante de este suelo que me despierte de este sueño que abra los ojos de este ciego que encuentre paz y libertad
And I pray to the sky for some comfort to lift me from this ground, to wake me from this dream, to open the eyes of this blind man, to find peace and freedom
En despertar y despejar
In awakening and clearing
Mi mente ya
My mind now
Pues la verdad no puedo mas ilusionar decepcionar
Because the truth is I can't take any more illusion or disappointment
Hay que arrancar el corazon
I have to tear out my heart
Hay que sacar esta pasion
I have to remove this passion
Hay que matar esta ilusion
I have to kill this illusion
Para alcanzar a respirar
To be able to breathe
Ya yo gritar no puedo mas no puedo mas
I can't scream anymore, I can't take it anymore
(Coro 1)
(Chorus 1)
Yo repito en este rito grito amor maldito yo repito este es mi rito y grito amor maldito yo repito en este rito y grito amor maldito yo repito este es mi rito y grito amor maldito amor maldito...
I repeat in this ritual, I scream cursed love, I repeat this is my ritual and I scream cursed love, I repeat in this ritual and I scream cursed love, I repeat this is my ritual and I scream cursed love, cursed love...
(Coro 2)
(Chorus 2)
Sensaciones por montones frustaciones despertando mis ilusiones van arracando miles
Sensations by the bunch, frustrations, awakening my illusions, they are tearing out thousands
Sensaciones por montones frustaciones despertando mis ilusiones
Sensations by the bunch, frustrations, awakening my illusions
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