Loko Loko - Plexisklo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Loko Loko - Plexisklo

Idem z pekla do neba
I'm going from hell to heaven
Svet sa mení ale ja som ja a preto keby všetko zlyhalo
The world is changing but I am who I am, so if everything fails
Sa nabudúce vidíme cez plexisklo
Next time we'll see each other through the plexiglass
Čakám 90 dní aby sa vidíme cez plexisklo
I wait 90 days to see you through the plexiglass
Ty vieš prečo
You know why
Lebo v hlave som loko
Because I'm crazy in the head
Necelé dve kilá semtex
Barely two kilos of Semtex
Vybuchneš tak ako burza nasdaq
You'll explode like the Nasdaq
Hlaveň na zbrani je extended
The barrel on the gun is extended
Rotujúca gulička letí a ťa trafí presne
The rotating bullet will fly and hit you dead center
Keď nalievaš tak nalej ešte
When you're pouring, pour some more
Ne všetko čo sa leskne je aj vzácne
Not everything that glitters is precious
Ale všetky moje myšlienky illegálne
But all my thoughts are illegal
Nechcú aby takí ako ja mali rolexy
They don't want people like me to have Rolexes
Patek phillip
Patek Philippe
Alebo ap
Or APs
Chceli by nás vidieť všetkých na zemi
They'd like to see us all on the ground
Ruky za hlavy
Hands behind our heads
Hádzať do klietky
Thrown in a cage
Preto každú noc chcem vidieť hviezdy
That's why every night I want to see the stars
Predtým ako vtrhnem zahalený do vily
Before I break into the villa wearing a mask
Pľúca vypúšťajú dym do atmosféry
My lungs release smoke into the atmosphere
Mám za sebou ďaľší deň na zemi
I've had another day on earth
Idem z pekla do neba
I'm going from hell to heaven
Svet sa mení ale ja som ja a preto keby všetko zlyhalo
The world is changing but I am who I am, so if everything fails
Sa nabudúce vidíme cez plexisklo
Next time we'll see each other through the plexiglass
Čakám 90 dní aby sa vidíme cez plexisklo
I wait 90 days to see you through the plexiglass
Ty vieš prečo
You know why
Lebo v hlave som loko
Because I'm crazy in the head
Všetky farby
All colors
Žiadne sorry
No sorrys
Do tašky s nimi
Into the bag with them
Dávaj euri brate toľkí rozpravajú
Hand over the euros, brother, so many talk the talk
Ale veľa z toho je iba story
But much of it is just stories
Stal som v súdnej sieni
I stood in the courtroom
Praví gangstri nepostujú meme
Real gangsters don't post memes
Nerobia ksichty
They don't make faces
A to nehrajú na citi
And they don't play on emotions
Nejsi žiadny vato len preto lebo si v tvári tetovaný
You're not a G just because you're tattooed in the face
Si fugazi
You're fugazi
More si lacný
You're cheap, man
Ja narúšam systém roky
I've been disrupting the system for years
Najprv volali
First they called
Potom ma navštevovali
Then they visited me
Teraz závislí tak ako keby som molly
Now they're hooked on me like I'm molly
Vždycky som vedel ze raz dôjde ten deň keď nebudem slobodný
I always knew that day would come when I would no longer be free
O to viac som žil život a vstupoval do obchodov cez výklady
That's why I lived life to the fullest and entered stores through the windows
Idem z pekla do neba
I'm going from hell to heaven
Svet sa mení ale ja som ja a preto keby všetko zlyhalo
The world is changing but I am who I am, so if everything fails
Sa nabudúce vidíme cez plexisklo
Next time we'll see each other through the plexiglass
Čakám 90 dní aby sa vidíme cez plexisklo
I wait 90 days to see you through the plexiglass
Ty vieš prečo
You know why
Lebo v hlave som loko
Because I'm crazy in the head

Writer(s): Loko Loko

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