棒棒堂 - 綜藝咖 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 棒棒堂 - 綜藝咖

Variety Cafe
忘了從哪天起 開始學起主持cue人的聲音
I forgot when I started learning to host and cue the voices.
(嘿 嘿嘿 讓我們歡迎下一位來賓 哈哈)
(Hey, haha, let's welcome the next guest, haha)
是否有個神力 準備開啟這條路的命運
Is there a supernatural force ready to open the destiny of this path?
(哈 哈哈哈 沒有錯 綜藝咖就是你了 哈哈)
(Ha, hahaha, that's right, you are the variety cafe, haha)
諧星的命運 總被世俗蓋上了印記
The fate of a comedian has always been marked by the world.
唉喲 冷嘲熱諷別動怒別生氣
Oh, don't get angry or upset by sarcasm.
戲子無情 這道理沒有說服力
An actor is heartless, this is not convincing.
Our variety show is to put our all into it every day.
(放進去 加鹽巴 起了化學反應)
(Put it in, add salt, and a chemical reaction will occur.)
Let's Go Let's Show
Let's Go Let's Show
Variety Cafe, the mouth is full of laughter.
沒有錯 無止境的說 Mic都不離手
That's right, endless talk, Mic is inseparable.
I control the effect of the program.
Let go of everything and follow me easily.
跟快樂Say Hello
Say Hello to happiness.
Let's Go Let's Show
Let's Go Let's Show
Variety Cafe, one shot is whimsical.
不囉唆 無止盡的衝 臉不再那麼囧
No fuss, endless impact, Face is not so embarrassing anymore.
沒有錯綜藝咖是我 (綜藝咖就是我) 綜藝咖會出頭
That's right, Variety Cafe is me (Variety Cafe is me), Variety Cafe will succeed.
Hey Yo
Hey Yo
台上一分鐘 台下十年功
A minute on stage, um, ten years of work offstage.
You, don't even think about taking credit.
Because the audience has no time to listen to your story.
Variety show is to create something out of nothing.
接到長官命令 只有硬著頭皮照單全收
When I receive an order from a superior, I can only bite the bullet and accept it.
演藝圈大染缸 但我真的像跳恰恰
The entertainment industry is a big dye vat, but I really like dancing to Cha Cha.
Taking a step back is the way for variety cafes to survive.
能不能夠開心 就要看看平常累積的功力
Whether you can be happy or not depends on the efforts you have accumulated over time.
(唉唷唉唷 喂喂 這個老梗不好笑啦 哈哈)
(Oh, oh, hey, hey, this old stalk is not funny, haha)
綜藝咖不休息 時時刻刻都在充實著自己
Variety cafe does not rest, and they are always enriching themselves.
(酷喔酷喔 這個拿去節目秀一定很酷)
(Cool, cool, take this to the show, it must be very cool)
諧星的心境 真的很少人會去同情
The heart of a comedian is rarely sympathized with.
唉喲 這種感覺很孤單又無力
Oh, this feeling is so lonely and helpless.
Smiling on the surface, but actually very sad.
Our variety show needs everyone's attention.
(嘿 討論區 寫封信 給我一個動力吧)
(Hey, talk area, write a letter, give me some motivation.)
Let's Go Let's Show
Let's Go Let's Show
Variety Cafe, the mouth is full of laughter.
沒有錯 無止境的說 Mic都不離手
That's right, endless talk, Mic is inseparable.
I control the effect of the program.
Let go of everything and follow me easily.
跟快樂Say Hello
Say Hello to happiness.
Let's Go Let's Show
Let's Go Let's Show
Variety Cafe, one shot is whimsical.
不囉唆 無止盡的衝 臉不再那麼囧
No fuss, endless impact, Face is not so embarrassing anymore.
沒有錯綜藝咖是我 (綜藝咖就是我) 綜藝咖會出頭
That's right, Variety Cafe is me (Variety Cafe is me), Variety Cafe will succeed.
螢光幕上漂亮臉孔 隱藏偶像包袱的擔憂
The beautiful face on the screen hides the idol's worries.
The scale is grasped and the size is controlled.
Only logical calculation can break the opening.
I'm not two-faced.
Because I am the same on and off stage.
I'm just afraid that you will keep forcing
To make me smile the same on and off the screen.
Blind following of jokes has long been eliminated.
123 啦啦啦啦 456 78 Go
123 Lala Lala 456 78 Go
A one-day variety show, a lifelong variety cafe.
陪著你歡樂到底 Yeah Hey Yo
Accompany you with joy, yeah Hey Yo
123 啦啦啦啦 456 78 Go
123 Lala Lala 456 78 Go
A one-day variety show, a lifelong variety cafe.
陪著你歡樂到底 Yeah Hey Yo
Accompany you with joy, yeah Hey Yo

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