Loredana - Nu-mi pasă - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Loredana - Nu-mi pasă

Nu-mi pasă
I Don't Care
Nu nu nu nu, nu nu nu nu, ei, ei
No no no no, no no no no, hey, hey
Eşti la fel la fel la fel ca ultimul
You're the same, same, same as the last one
Ok, de mâine poţi faci ce vrei
Okay, from tomorrow you can do whatever you want
Nu-mi pasă ce zici tu, nu nu nu
I don't care what you say, no no no
Eşti la fel ca ultimul.
You're the same as the last one.
Nu mai vreau teste,
I don't want any more tests,
M-am plictisit de teste,
I'm bored of tests,
Sunt obligată plec mintea îmi joacă feste
I have to leave because my mind is playing tricks on me
Şi timpul s-a scurs
And time has run out
De mult eu ţi-am spus,
I told you a long time ago,
Soarele de care vorbeam a apus.
The sun I was talking about has set.
Aha, e fiecare cu ale lui
Aha, everyone is with their own
Nu pot mai ascult indiferent ce vrei spui
I can't listen to anything you want to say anymore
Iar zilele senine,
And the sunny days,
S-au terminat pentru mine
Are over for me
Nu pot să-ţi doresc decât îţi fie bine.
All I can do is wish you well.
Ok, de mâine poţi faci ce vrei
Okay, from tomorrow you can do whatever you want
Nu-mi pasă ce zici tu, nu nu nu
I don't care what you say, no no no
Eşti la fel ca ultimul. X2
You're the same as the last one. X2
Hei. E târziu acum e gata
Hey. It's late now it's over
N-are ce se întâmple nu se mai întoarce roata,
There's nothing to happen the wheel doesn't turn anymore,
A fost frumos s-a consumat e evident
It was beautiful it was consumed it's obvious
Nu mai contează ce spui, nu mai contează ce cred.
What you say doesn't matter anymore, what I think doesn't matter anymore.
Nu, nu ştiu cu tine ce-o fie
No, I don't know what will happen to you
Nu, nu, nu-mi pasă ce-mi doreşti tu mie
No, no, I don't care what you wish for me
Tu, tu ai stricat tot dar nu o ştii
You, you've ruined everything but you don't know it
C-am o nouă viaţa şi mâine e prima zi...
Because I have a new life and tomorrow is the first day...
Softat pe minciună te pricepi de minune
You're very good at lying
Am ştiut dintotdeauna c-asta faci tu cel mai bine
I always knew that's what you do best
Minciuni, minciuni, minciuni,
Lies, lies, lies,
Eşti la fel ca ultimul.
You're the same as the last one.
Zic nu mai întorc, zic nu mai întorc, zic nu mai întorc!
I say I'm not going back, I say I'm not going back, I say I'm not going back!
Eşti ca ultimul...
You're like the last...
Am zis ok,
I said okay,
De maine poţi faci ce vrei
From tomorrow you can do whatever you want
Nu-mi pasă ce zici tu nu nu
I don't care what you say no no
Eşti la fel ca ultimul. X2
You're the same as the last one. X2
Ştii gândeam la noi la cum a început totul şi cum se termină acum, dar orice poveste are
You know I was thinking about us how it all started and how it's ending now, but every story has
şi un final... E timpul pentru un nou început.
an end too. It's time for a new beginning.
Nu privi-napoi
Don't look back
Dacă vrei mergi inainte
If you want to move forward
Povestea noastră s-a încheiat
Our story is over
Din lipsă de cuvinte.
For want of words.
Suntem la final
We're at the end
Nu e nimic special
It's nothing special
N-am nimic de demonstrat
I have nothing to prove
Pur şi simplu m-am saturat.
I'm just tired of it.
Fugi. vreau te ştiu cât mai departe,
Run away. I want to know you as far away as possible,
Fugi. fă-mă să-mi fie dor de tine cât se poate,
Run away. make me miss you as much as possible,
Nu văd un viitor comun pentru noi doi
I don't see a common future for the two of us
Vreau soare în viaţa mea m-am săturat de ploi!
I want sunshine in my life I'm sick of the rain!
Ok, de mâine poţi faci ce vrei
Okay, from tomorrow you can do whatever you want
Nu-mi pasă ce zici tu nu nu
I don't care what you say no no
Eşti la fel ca ultimul. X2
You're the same as the last one. X2

Writer(s): Loredana, Marian Ionescu

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