Los Aldeanos - El BY12 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Los Aldeanos - El BY12

El BY12
El BY12
Esta puede ser la Historia
This may be the story
de una de esas mujeres a las
from one of those women to the
que les aman por la primera
that they love them for the first
mala palabra que te viene
a bad word that comes to you
a la mente, que no ven
to the mind, that they don't see
mas allá de su apariencia
beyond his appearance
aveces cuando vemos a
sometimes when we see a
alguien que supuestamente
someone who supposedly
equivoco el camino
i take the wrong path
un poco mas que nosotros
a little more than us
nos convertimos en los
we became the
mas crueles jueces
cruelest judges
así funciona la Humanidad
this is how humanity works
así funciona la sociedad
this is how society works
ella sabe de falsas promesas
she knows about false promises
de engaño llanto sin amparo
of deception crying without protection
de marcas bebidas y salidas
from brands drinks and outings
a lugares caros, los dos lados
to expensive places, the two sides
de la vida y saber sufrir riendo
of life and knowing how to suffer laughing
ella tubo que aprender a ser mujer
she tube to learn to be a woman
antes de tiempo, ella vive ardiendo
before her time, she lives on fire
pero de frialdad se viste tiene la
but of coldness he dresses has the
fuerza de cientos y la mirada de una
strength of hundreds and the gaze of a
niña triste, ella resiste se controla
sad girl, she resists she controls herself
acompañandose a si misma
accompanying herself
eso abisma el prisma de una isla sola
that abysses the prism of a single island
sola tuvo que aprenderlo todo
alone she had to learn everything
buscar salidas y ganarse la vida a su modo
looking for ways out and making a living your way
se aprendio el todo o nada y a
i learned everything or nothing and a...
luchar codo con codo fingio no ser
fighting side by side I pretended not to be
brillante como un diamante enterrado
bright as a buried diamond
en el lodo, sabe de apodos y de
in the mud, he knows about nicknames and
modas al detalle calcular profundo
fashions in detail calculate deep
y manejar asuntos en la calle
and handle business on the street
sabe hacer que quien la conozca
she knows how to make anyone who knows her
nuca olvide su nombre y conoce
never forget your name and get to know
mil secretos para enloquecer
a thousand secrets to go crazy
a un hombre
to a man
Nadie sabe de donde, cuando y cuanto
No one knows from where, when and how much
puede florcer su amor
he can blossom his love
de indiferencia hizo su
of indifference he made his
escudo protector
protective shield
se comporta segun la situacion
behaves according to the situation
y el contexto porque
the context because
porta mascaras y siempre avansa tras
he carries masks and always advances after
un plan maestro lo cierto es que nadie
a master plan the truth is that no one
sabe cuantas lagrimas derrama
he knows how many tears he sheds
nadie sabe cuan tierna y dulce
no one knows how tender and sweet
puede ser cuando ama
it can be when she loves
ninguno en el teatro de su vida
none in the theater of his life
aprendio la trama la miran
i learned the plot they look at it
solo para ver el horizonte de su cama
just to see the horizon of his bed
princesita de un reino de acusaciones
little princess of a kingdom of accusations
y cerrojos porque lo esencial es
and locks because the essential thing is
invisible a los ojos todos cuentan
invisible to the eyes everyone counts
su Historia y nadie sabe, las miradas
his story and no one knows, the looks
no rompen las barreras del maquillaje
they do not break the barriers of makeup
la flor que en el jardin con veneno estan regando
the flower that is being watered in the garden with poison
su diario solo guarda paginas en blanco
his diary keeps only blank pages
su apariencia y su interior no compaginan
its appearance and its interior do not combine
ella se conoce la sociedad se la imagina
she knows herself society imagines her
ella tiene un corazon y de pasion un mar
she has a heart and of passion a sea
una parte del alma vacia y la otra parte
one part of the soul is empty and the other part
de mucho para dar, una forma propia
of so much to give, a way of its own
de besar, mal Humor a veces con un
of kissing, moody at times with a
lugar para el dolor y un mundo al que
place for pain and a world to which
no pertenece, ella parase ser feliz
she doesn't belong, she'll stop to be happy
hasta que se estrella con la
until he crashes into the
realidad, y se da cuenta que solo
reality, and he realizes that only
se tiene a ella su amor ahogado
he has to her his love drowned
soledad y juventud que navega en
loneliness and youth that sails in
sueños con diferente latitud su
dreams with different latitude su
actitud sufre la esclavitud de la
attitude suffers the slavery of the
hostilidad su verdad guarda en un ataúd
hostility his truth he keeps in a coffin
la sensibilidad, es una flor sin jardinero
sensitivity is a flower without a gardener
pero con fragilidad oculta tras espinas
but with fragility hidden behind thorns
para retirar la debilidad con facilidad
to remove weakness easily
simpre entrega mas y se siente bien
always deliver more and it feels good
asiendo sentir bien a los demas
trying to make others feel good
vive buscando paz y mucho mas
live looking for peace and much more
ahora que su vida cambia poco a
now that his life changes little to
poco, gracias a un loco romance
little, thanks to a crazy romance
a escondidas que se anida
sneakily nesting
en espacios de tiempos rectos
in spaces of straight times
el tiene su Historia ella lo acepta
he has his story she accepts him
y dice ok te compre con defectos
and he says OK I bought you with flaws
pasan momentos entre abrasos y
moments pass between abrasions and
besos, hacen temblar las paredes
kisses, they make the walls shake
suelen entregarse a algo mas que
they usually give themselves to something more than
el sexo, es un nexo que a oscuras
sex is a connection that in the dark
fulgura y se acaba rapido dice
flash and it's over fast says
que todo es magico hasta que el
that everything is magical until the
se va y ahí esta enterrando mas
he leaves and there he is burying more
amor... avanza la niña mujer
love... the girl woman advances
que aprendio todo menos perder
that I learned everything but to lose
la esperanza.
the hope.
princesita de un reino
princess of a kingdom
de acusaciones y cerrojos porque
of accusations and deadlocks because
lo esencia es invisible a los ojos todos
the essence is invisible to everyone's eyes
cuentan su Historia y nadie sabe
they tell their story and no one knows
las miradas no rompen las barreras del
looks don't break the barriers of the
maquillaje, la flor que en el jardin con
makeup, the flower that in the garden with
veneno estan regando su diario solo guarda
poison are watering your diary just keep
paginas en blanco su apariencia y su interior
blank pages its appearance and its interior
no compaginan ella se conoce
they do not combine she is known
la sociedad se la imagina
society imagines her
ella es la Luz que todos miran como
she is the Light that everyone looks at as
noche, la rosa desojada en las esquinas
night, the leafless rose in the corners
el mas bello tesoro guardado en el mas
the most beautiful treasure kept in the...
feos de los cofres ...
ugly from the chests...
ella se conoce la sociedad se la imagina
she knows herself society imagines her

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