Los Betos - El Andariego - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Los Betos - El Andariego

El Andariego
The Wanderer
AUTOR: roberto calderon
AUTHOR: roberto calderon
ÁLBUM: regalo mis canciones 1983
ALBUM: regalo mis canciones 1983
En el instante que perdí tu corazón
The moment I lost your heart
Mi locura de amor se vuelve llanto
My madness of love turns into tears
Se que adorarme para ti fue religion
I know that adoring me was a religion for you
Y yo como un chupa-flor fui desojando
And like a hummingbird, I was defoliating
Despetalando tu flor fui despilfarrando
Depetaling your flower, I was squandering
Si me buscabas por darte alivio
If you were looking for me to give you relief
Y me buscabas por darme un beso
And you were looking for me to give you a kiss
Y yo te usaba y yo lo usaba
And I used you and I used you
Y ella lloraba su desconsuelo
And she cried her despair
Y me buscaba por adorarme
And I was looking for me to adore me
Y yo cobarde y yo cobarde
And I coward and I coward
Cuando vi que te perdi senti temor
When I saw that I lost you, I felt fear
Y al mirar tu decicion serra la banda
And when I looked at your decision to close the band
Le mande un ramo de flor prueba de amor
I sent you a bouquet of flowers as a token of love
Y al mirar que en tu dolor lo rechazabas
And when I saw that in your sorrow you rejected it
Vi que el mar secaba Que el sol no brillaba
I saw that the sea was drying up, that the sun was not shining
Que se me aguaban los ojos -bis-
That my eyes were watering -bis-
No es pecado que me quieras Es pecado que me olvides
It's not a sin that you love me, it's a sin that you forget me
Es que la luz llega
It's that the light is coming
Seguramente morirán las sombras -bis-
Surely the shadows will die -bis-
Dice que me quiere a mi Quien la comprende
She says she loves me, who understands me
Hay si me regala una rosa -bis-
Oh, if she gives me a rose -bis-
Pero que triste realidad me ofreses hoy
But what a sad reality you offer me today
Cuando culpable soy de tu inosencia
When I am guilty of your innocence
Quiero que entiendas que aunque no tenia rason
I want you to understand that even though I had no reason
Pero una equivocacion tiene cualquiera
But anyone can make a mistake
Y ese cualquiera soy yo perdona negra
And I'm that anyone, forgive me, my love
Porque al mirarte con el charlando
Because when I looked at you talking to him
Tenia que ser yo tal vez de piedra
Maybe I should have been made of stone
Que no sintiera que no sintiera
That I would not feel that I would not feel
Que era tu hermano que había llegado
That it was your brother who had arrived
Y yo embriagado no distinguía
And I, intoxicated, did not distinguish
Borracha vida vida la mía
Drunken life, my life
Si no sintiera dolor mi corazón
If my heart did not feel pain, my love
No estuviera como estoy no te quisiera
I wouldn't be the way I am, I wouldn't love you
Si dijera que mi amor por ti cambio
If I said that my love for you changed
Inconsciente y sin razón también dijera
Unconscious and without reason, I would also say
Que ya no me importa que ya tengo otra
That I don't care anymore, that I have another one
Aunque en verdad no la tenga -bis-
Even though I don't really have it -bis-
Y es costumbre en la provincia beber con un vallenato
And it's a custom in the province to drink with a vallenato
Si oigo un disco nuevo lloro
If I hear a new record, I cry
Y si es uno viejo mas tohavia -bis-
And if it's an old one, more so -bis-
Y eso que me pasa ami por andariego
And that's what happens to me for being a wanderer
Hay pero te quiero mi vida -bis-
Oh, but I love you, my life -bis-


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