Los Betos - La Dama Del Ajedrez - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Los Betos - La Dama Del Ajedrez

La Dama Del Ajedrez
The Chess Lady
Compadre Samuel Alarcón
To my friend Samuel Alarcón
Lo que le gusta
What she enjoys
Me alejo de ti
I distance myself from you
El silencio es mi palabra, ya puedes imaginarte
Silence is my word, you can imagine
Que siente el corazón
What the heart feels
Ayer comprendí que tuve solo el camino
Yesterday I understood that I had only the path
Que pise mis propios paso fui quien puso el amor
Where I stepped with my own feet, I was the one who put in the love
Yo fui quien te puso tu cielo de azul
I was the one who painted your sky blue
Fui yo quien te puso ese verde tu mar
I was the one who gave your sea its green
Y tu tantas cosas pudiste pintar
And you, you were able to paint so many things
Solo el dolor supiste dibujar
Only pain you knew how to draw
Porque tu talento de señora
Because your talent, lady
Cual maestro que se juega la vida
Like a master who risks their life
En el ajedrez
In chess
Mientras yo, aprendiste fue apenas damas me invitaste a que
While I, you only taught checkers, you invited me to
Jugara y por eso jugué
Play and so I played
Presentí al final de la partida mirar el rey como caía
I sensed at the end of the game, watching the king fall
Y me tocó perder
And it was my turn to lose
Porque así son las coasa de la vida
Because that's how life is
Lo que unos más se admira
The more one admires
Más duo se da al caer
The more it hurts to fall
Con tanto sol porque tan ciego yo fui
With so much sun, why was I so blind
Con tanto sol que brillaba en mi verdad
With so much sun shining on my truth
Con tanto sol porque tan ciego yo fui
With so much sun, why was I so blind
Con tanto sol que brillaba en mi verdad
With so much sun shining on my truth
Si tengo que morir de frente al sol no he de quejarme
If I have to die facing the sun, I won't complain
Yo aprendí de mi valor nunca le temi al dolor no soy cobarde
I learned from my courage, I never feared pain, I'm not a coward
Con tanto amor vine a este mundo a sufrif
With so much love I came to this world to suffer
Con tanto amor vine a este mundo a llorar
With so much love I came to this world to cry
Con tanto amor vine a este mundo a sufrif
With so much love I came to this world to suffer
Con tanto amor vine a este mundo a llorar
With so much love I came to this world to cry
Así un día aprendí que camino por la vida
So one day I learned that I walk through life
Con el dolor en mi herida caminé bajo el sol
With the pain in my wound, I walked under the sun
Sintiendo morir
Feeling like dying
Pero allá en el firmamento quedaba la última
But there in the sky remained the last
Estrella que me puso a vivir
Star that made me live
Ya no te dare para ti el cielo azul
I won't give you the blue sky anymore
Ya nunca tendras el verde de aquel mar
You'll never have the green of that sea again
Pintor que sabe su pincel manejar
A painter who knows how to handle their brush
El mismo cuandro nunca vuelve a pintar
Never paints the same picture twice
Y ahora tu talento de señora que si no hace otra jugada pero yo no aceptaré
And now your talent, lady, who if she doesn't make another move, I won't accept
Como voy a volver a jugar dama después de haber aprendido a jugar el ajedrez
How am I going to play checkers again after having learned to play chess
Con dolor aquí dentro de mi alma la vi entonces que lloraba y casi doblegué
With pain here inside my soul, I saw her then crying and I almost gave in
Pero yo recuerdo que ella ganaba, se reía de mi jugada y no lo olvidaré
But I remember that she was winning, laughing at my move, and I won't forget it
Con tanto sol porque tan ciego yo fui
With so much sun, why was I so blind
Con tanto sol que brillaba en mi verdad
With so much sun shining on my truth
Con tanto sol porque tan ciego yo fui
With so much sun, why was I so blind
Con tanto sol que brillaba en mi verdad
With so much sun shining on my truth
Dicen que antes de morir todo malo por temor quiere confesarse
They say that before dying, every bad person wants to confess out of fear
Porque me pides perdón, tu sabes que no soy dios ya puedes marcharte
Why do you ask for my forgiveness, you know I'm not God, you can leave now
Con tanto amor vine a este mundo a sufrir
With so much love I came to this world to suffer
Con tanto amor vine a este mundo a llorar
With so much love I came to this world to cry
Con tanto amor vine a este mundo a sufrir
With so much love I came to this world to suffer
Con tanto amor vine a este mundo a llorar
With so much love I came to this world to cry
A Gustvavo Ospino Cartagena
To Gustavo Ospino from Cartagena
Y Lucho León de Barranquiila
And Lucho León from Barranquilla

Writer(s): Efren Calderon Cujia

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