Los Chikos del Maiz - Barrionalistas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Los Chikos del Maiz - Barrionalistas

Neighborhood Activists
Tan solo son rutinas
It's just routines,
Vidas cruzadas en este mundo en ruinas
Lives intertwined in this world of ruins.
Lleno de gestos, de miradas vecinas, vecinos
Full of gestures, of familiar glances, neighbors,
La caña del domingo y Josefina dejándose la pensión al bingo
Sunday beers and Josefina gambling away her pension at bingo.
El hijo del madero es un perdido (Ah)
The cop's son is a lost soul (Ah),
50 kilos, tez amarillenta
50 kilos, yellowish complexion.
Y se ha comprometido con la hija del tendero
And he's engaged to the shopkeeper's daughter,
Y la lleva en moto a casa, el gramo a cincuenta
Taking her home on his motorbike, a gram for fifty.
Hay miradas hambrientas, el yonqui de los Ochenta
There are hungry looks, the junkie from the eighties,
El gorrilla, el tonto del runner, la dependienta
The parking attendant, the idiot runner, the shop assistant
Recientemente despedida
Recently fired,
Un jefe ingrato, no tenía contrato
An ungrateful boss, she had no contract.
Nada de sindicatos en la tienda de zapatos
No unions in the shoe store,
El vendedor de cupones, la loca de los gatos
The lottery ticket seller, the crazy cat lady,
Los ojos como platos, la realidad agobia
Eyes wide open, reality overwhelms,
Y el moderno del barrio va de aliado y le pega a la novia
And the neighborhood hipster pretends to be an ally but hits his girlfriend.
Fluctúan las historias
Stories fluctuate,
Y así, sin darnos cuenta, la vida pasa
And so, without realizing it, life goes by.
El barrio y su memoria
The neighborhood and its memory,
Y el chico del taller es gay y no lo ha dicho en casa
And the boy from the workshop is gay and hasn't told his family.
Con sus manos llenas de grasa, oculta su pluma
With his hands full of grease, he hides his pen,
"Yo no quiero un sarasa", grita su padre echando espuma
"I don't want a faggot", his father shouts, foaming at the mouth.
"La culpa es de tu madre, esa dejada"
"It's your mother's fault, that neglectful woman",
Luego se va de putas y lo cuenta en el bar entre risotadas
Then he goes whoring and tells it at the bar among laughter.
Es "El cuento de la criada"
It's "The Handmaid's Tale",
Solo nos queda la protesta
All we have left is protest,
Vidas desperdiciadas, demasiadas
Wasted lives, too many,
Porque la realidad social no es como la ves en La Sexta
Because social reality is not like you see it on La Sexta.
Y esa muchacha sufre bullying porque está gorda
And that girl suffers bullying because she's fat,
Y otro operario ha perecido currando en la obra
And another worker has died working on the construction site.
No queremos las sobras ni pequeños destellos
We don't want scraps or small glimmers,
Queremos todo lo que es bello
We want everything that is beautiful.
El barrio, su gente, las miserias cotidianas
The neighborhood, its people, the daily miseries,
A veces lo amas y otras lo detestas
Sometimes you love it and sometimes you hate it.
Repican las campanas
The bells are ringing,
Vamos a pegarle fuego a la casa de apuestas
Let's set fire to the betting shop.
No te pongas el disfraz
Don't put on the costume,
No te vamos a aceptar
We're not going to accept you.
No vengas a hacer turismo
Don't come to do tourism,
Lárgate con tu puto paternalismo
Get out with your damn paternalism.
Let me catch you, carry you to shore
Let me catch you, carry you to shore
Wrap you in the towels, give you some more
Wrap you in the towels, give you some more
Similar to the sunroof as for more
Similar to the sunroof as for more
Love the way that cloudy has gone
Love the way that cloudy has gone
El barrio donde naces marca tu futuro
The neighborhood where you are born marks your future,
Ser carne de cañón o vivir sin miedos, sin apuros
To be cannon fodder or to live without fear, without worries.
Unos saltando muros, otros puertas abiertas
Some jumping walls, others with open doors,
Pero, si fracasas te dirán que no te esfuerzas
But if you fail, they will tell you that you don't try hard enough.
Así niegan el conflicto, compa'
That's how they deny the conflict, buddy,
Pero, tu bolsillo y tu realidad son otras
But your pocket and your reality are different.
Aunque ya no veas yonquis en las esquinas
Even if you don't see junkies on the corners anymore,
Están el casas de apuestas, la nueva heroína
They're in betting shops, the new heroin.
Y la vecina con gafas de sol
And the neighbor with sunglasses,
Ocultando su vergüenza y su terror
Hiding her shame and her terror,
El mismo que escuchabas con gritos desde el balcón
The same one you used to hear with screams from the balcony,
Y siempre evitabas subiendo el televisor
And you always avoided by turning up the TV.
Pero, al final, otra vida se apaga
But in the end, another life fades away,
Y entre los vecinos ahora agacháis la mirada
And among the neighbors now you lower your gaze.
Pero, ante los medios nadie sospechaba
But before the media, nobody suspected,
"Parecían felices", dice, "siempre saludaban"
"They seemed happy", she says, "they always said hello".
Que todos somos muy tolerantes
That we are all very tolerant,
Abiertos, con pleno talante
Open, with full willingness,
Pero, al niño lo apuntamos a la concertada
But we enroll the child in the private school,
Para que no comparta plaza con los inmigrantes
So that he doesn't share a place with immigrants.
Maldita educación que recibimos
Damn education we receive,
Que prioriza al individuo sobre el colectivo
That prioritizes the individual over the collective,
Que nos prepara para ser una mísera parte
That prepares us to be a miserable part
De sus negocios, de su cadena de montaje
Of their businesses, of their assembly line.
Así es el barrio donde yo nací
This is the neighborhood where I was born,
Precariedad, sí, y paro juvenil
Precariousness, yes, and youth unemployment,
Pero, no somos un circo para entreteneros
But we are not a circus to entertain you,
Largo de aquí, Hermano Mayor y Callejeros
Get out of here, Big Brother and Streetwise.
Que entre contradicciones y ruina
That between contradictions and ruin,
También tenemos orgullo de clase y empatía
We also have class pride and empathy,
Y algún día tomaremos lo que es nuestro
And someday we will take what is ours,
Ni paz entre clases ni guerra entre pueblos
Neither peace between classes nor war between peoples.
El barrio, su gente, las miserias cotidianas
The neighborhood, its people, the daily miseries,
A veces lo amas y otras lo detestas
Sometimes you love it and sometimes you hate it.
Replican las campanas
The bells are ringing,
Vamos a pegarle fuego a la casa de apuestas
Let's set fire to the betting shop.
No te pongas el disfraz
Don't put on the costume,
No te vamos a aceptar
We're not going to accept you.
No vengas a hacer turismo
Don't come to do tourism,
Lárgate con tu puto paternalismo
Get out with your damn paternalism.
Let me catch you, carry you to shore
Let me catch you, carry you to shore
Wrap you in the towels, give you some more
Wrap you in the towels, give you some more
Similar to the sunroof as for more
Similar to the sunroof as for more
Love the way that cloudy has gone
Love the way that cloudy has gone
Cash moves everything around as you grin, grin, grin
Cash moves everything around as you grin, grin, grin
Cash moves everything around as you grin, grin, grin
Cash moves everything around as you grin, grin, grin

Writer(s): Antonio Mejías Martínez, Ricardo Laullon Romero

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