Los Nietos - Besos Fingidos - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Los Nietos - Besos Fingidos

Besos Fingidos
Feigned Kisses
Hoy me siento triste
I feel sad today
Quisiera contarte la pena
I wanted to tell you the pain
Que traigo amigo...
That I bring my friend...
Una mujer mala jugo con mis besos,
An evil woman played with my kisses,
Cuestion divertirse conmigo...
Question to have fun with me...
Me dijo que siempre seria para mi,
She told me that she would always be for me,
Yo siego de amor todo se lo crei
I blinded by love believed everything she said
Y mirame ahora rendidooo...
And look at me now surrendered...
Por eso esque vengo tu ayuda a buscar,
That's why I come to seek your help,
Dimelo por favor como puedo olvidar
Tell me please how can I forget
Tan bellos momentos vividos
Such beautiful moments lived
No sufras hermano, entiendo tu pena.
Don't suffer my brother, I understand your pain.
Tambien por amor an dolido,
I have also suffered for love,
La ame como a nadie creyendo la buena,
I loved her like no one else thinking she was good,
Mas solo eran besos finjidos...
But they were only feigned kisses...
La llevo en mi mente y en mi corazon,
I carry her in my mind and in my heart,
Por mas que la busco no escuentro razon,
As much as I look for her I don't find a reason,
Porque me dejo en el olvido...
Because she left me in oblivion...
Asi que no soy quien te puede ayudar,
So I'm not the one who can help you,
Me muero de ganas de irla a buscar,
I'm dying to go and look for her,
Rogarle que vuelva conmigo
To beg her to come back with me
Disculpenme primos, no pude evitar oir
Excuse me cousins, I couldn't help but hear
Lo que hablaban... lo siento.
What you were talking about... I'm sorry.
Ustedes dos sufren por un mal amor,
The two of you suffer for a bad love,
Y yo abri los ojos a tiempo...
And I opened my eyes in time...
Me dijo mil cosas, no quise creer...
She told me a thousand things, I did not want to believe...
Pues se que se trata de la misma mujer,
Because I know that it's about the same woman,
Que a ustedes causo tanto llanto...
That caused you so much crying...
Por eso les pido que no sufran mas,
That's why I ask you not to suffer anymore,
Mucho mas valor tiene nuestra amistad,
Our friendship has much more value,
Que una vieja sin sentimientosss...
Than an old woman without feelings...
Que una vieja sin sentiemientosss...
Than an old woman without feelings...
Esa vieja sin sentimientosss...
That old woman without feelings...

Writer(s): Luis Enrique López

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