Los Pennys - Nadie Es Perfecto (En Vivo) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Los Pennys - Nadie Es Perfecto (En Vivo)

Nadie Es Perfecto (En Vivo)
Nobody's Perfect (Live)
En un baile en san vicente todo los negros
At a dance in San Vicente, all the black people
Estaban calientes con un potrón
Were getting hot with a colt
Y el negro cara de pipa el mas picante
And the black man Cara de Pipa, the spiciest of all
Para el debate se le acerco
Approached for the debate
Le dijo "veni gringura agarratE
He said, "Come on, gringura, grab
Fuerte de mi cintura vamo' a bailar"
Hold on tight to my waist, let's dance"
Y en medio de los codazos, los empujones,
And amidst the elbows, the jostling, the kicks,
Los patadones partieron ya
They started out already
Y despues del quinto tema empezo el besuqueo cogote
And after the fifth song, the kissing and necking began
Que viene cogote que va.
That comes and goes.
Bailaron toda la noche la mar en coche besito viene sonrisa va
They danced all night, kissing on the sly, with no censorship, both of them
Derroche de calentura que sin censura ambos supieron expresar
Outpouring of heat that without censorship they both knew how to express
Y ante tamaño deseo viendo que la gente miraba feo quedaban mal
And in the face of such desire, seeing that people were looking at them badly, they looked bad
Le dijo "mira gringuita, el soy verguenzudo,
He said, "Look, little gringuita, I'm shy,
Vamo al oscuro y seguimo alla"
Let's go to the dark and keep going there"
Y sin siquiera titubear la gringa
And without even hesitating, the gringa
Enfilo derecho con paso muy recto para el reservao
She went straight with a very straight step to the reservation
La gringa estaba re fuerte era muy ardiente y cara de pipa no daba mas
The gringa was very hot, she was very hot, and Cara de Pipa couldn't take it anymore
Una mirada salvaje con un tatuaje que iba del pupo hacia el mas alla.
A wild look with a tattoo that went from the belly button to the beyond.
Un pantaloncito blanco que revelaba que aquellos cantos eran afinaos
White pants that revealed that those songs were in tune
Y dos faroles por ojos que ella a su antojo prendia con su parpadear
And two headlights for eyes that she could turn on with her blink
El tipo tenia experiencia le dijo
The guy had experience, he said,
"Gringa sexo es mi ciencia veni pa'aca"
"Gringa, sex is my science, come here"
Le dio un beso apasionado, metio su mano
He gave her a passionate kiss, put his hand in
Por el costado sin preguntar
By the side without asking
Un resoplido en la oreja y fue el detonante
A snort in the ear and it was the trigger
De semejante barbaridad
Of such barbarity
Y ella sacando la mano le dijo
And taking his hand, she said,
"Vamo directo al grano pero no aca
"Let's get straight to the point, but not here
En casa hay mas comodidad subite
There's more comfort at home, get in
A la renoleta que en una primera ya estamo alla"
To the Renault and we'll be there in a first-class way"
Aquella feroz secion de testosteronas en que las hormonas formaron parte
That fierce session of testosterone in which the hormones formed part
Del bello arte del beso al cuello le puso el sello que aquella noche
Of the beautiful art of the kiss on the neck that put the seal on that night
Despues del coche todo iba a ser fenomenal
After the car, everything was going to be phenomenal
Llegaron a la casucha el fue derecho a darse
They arrived at the shack, he went straight to give himself
Una ducha pa no apestar
A shower so as not to stink
Ni lerda ni perezosa fue a la heladera busco gaseosa
Not slow or lazy, she went to the refrigerator, looked for soda
Y se fue a acostar
And went to bed
Y el tipo una vez limpito salio del baño ya desnudito
And the guy, once clean, came out of the bathroom already naked
Para empezar
To start
Y en el momento de consumar
And at the moment of consummation
¿Pero que'e lo que paso?
But what happened?
Nadie es perfecto
Nobody's perfect
Nadie es perfecto
Nobody's perfect
Todo lo que sube baja pero no todo lo que baja sube
Everything that goes up goes down, but not everything that goes down goes up
Nadie es perfecto
Nobody's perfect
Nadie es perfecto
Nobody's perfect
A cara de pipa la verdad es que le gano la gravedad
In fact, Cara de Pipa was overcome by gravity
Nadie es perfecto
Nobody's perfect
Nadie es perfecto
Nobody's perfect

Writer(s): Valentin Armando Scagliola

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