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En tu dia, mi amor
On your birthday, my love
Te regalo, te regalo
I give you, I give you
Esta flor
This flower
Felicito a la, que me ha dado
I congratulate the one who has given me
Me ha dado el, corazon
Given me my heart
Quisiera regalarte vida mia
I would like to give you, my life
Lo que sueñas en tus dulces fantasias
What you dream of in your sweet fantasies
Le doy gracias a Dios que la vida te dio
I thank God that life gave you to me
Porque me llego el amor.
Because love came to me.
Como un petalo en flor
Like a petal in bloom
Vas brotando, vas brotando
You are blossoming, you are blossoming
Mi amor
My love
Llegas a la ilusion de tus años
You reach the illusion of your years
De tus años, corazon
Of your years, sweetheart
Quisiera regalarte vida mia
I would like to give you, my life
Lo que sueñas en tus dulces fantasias
What you dream of in your sweet fantasies
Le doy gracias a Dios que la vida te dio
I thank God that life gave you to me
Porque me llego el amor.
Because love came to me.
Como un petalo en flor
Like a petal in bloom
Vas brotando, vas brotando
You are blossoming, you are blossoming
Mi amor
My love
Llegas a la ilusion de tus años
You reach the illusion of your years
De tus años, corazon
Of your years, sweetheart
Quisiera regalarte vida mia
I would like to give you, my life
Lo que sueñas en tus dulces fantasias
What you dream of in your sweet fantasies
Le doy gracias a Dios que la vida te dio
I thank God that life gave you to me
Porque me llego el amor.
Because love came to me.
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