Los Traileros del Norte - El Corrido De Los Pérez - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Los Traileros del Norte - El Corrido De Los Pérez

El Corrido De Los Pérez
The Corrido of the Perezes
En mil novecientos once,
In 1911,
Les voy a explicar muy bien,
I will explain to you very well,
Mataron a dos hermanos
They killed two brothers
Y a un primo hermano tambien.
And a cousin too.
El jueves veinte de abril
On Thursday, April 20th,
Como a las tres de la tarde,
At about 3 in the afternoon,
Murio Don Mariano Perez
Don Mariano Perez died
En las manos de un cobarde.
At the hands of a coward.
Carreras tan desgraciadas,
Such unfortunate races,
Esas carreras del cerro,
Those races of the hill,
Perdieron vida y caballos,
They lost their lives and horses,
Y perdieron su dinero.
And they lost their money.
Fueron Monico de Luna,
It was Monico de Luna,
El que la mecha prendio,
Who lit the fuse,
Ya los primeros balazos,
The first shots,
Fue el primero que corrio.
He was the first to run.
Gabino Perez decia,
Gabino Perez said,
Muy macizo en sus razones,
Very firmly in his words,
Yo tambien muero en la raya,
I will also die at the border,
No soy cria de correlones.
I am not a coward's child.
Isidro Perez le dijo,
Isidro Perez told him,
Dejala ya por la paz,
Let it go for the sake of peace,
Pues asi nos convendria,
That would be better for us,
Sea por Dios no digo mas.
For God's sake, I say no more.
Gabino Perez decia,
Gabino Perez said,
Nos pegaron a la mala,
They attacked us unfairly,
Si hubieran habla'o al derecho,
If they had spoken directly,
Otro gallo les cantara.
They would have had a different result.
Isidro cayo pal' sur,
Isidro fell to the south,
Pal' norte cayo Jesus,
Jesus fell to the north,
Mariano para el oriente,
Mariano to the east,
Como pintando una cruz.
As if they were forming a cross.
Vuela, vuela palomita,
Fly, fly, little dove,
Vuela paloma querida,
Fly, my dear dove,
Dile al padre de Los Perez,
Tell the father of the Perezes,
Que aqui termino su vida.!
That here their lives came to an end.!

Writer(s): Gonzalez Martinez David

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