Lu Colombo - Maracaibo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lu Colombo - Maracaibo

Maracaibo balla al barracuda si ma balla nuda, Zaza.
My Maracaibo danced with the barracuda yes she danced in the nude, Zaza.
Si ma le machine pistole si ma le mitragliere
Yes the machine guns yes the mitrailleuses
Era una copertura faceva il traffico d'armi con Cuba
Were just a cover she trafficked arms with Cuba
Innamorata si ma di Miguel
She was in love yes but with Miguel
Ma Miguel non c'era era in Cordigliera da mattina a sera.
But Miguel was not there he was in the Cordillera from morning till night.
Si ma c'era Pedro con la verde luna
Yes but there was Pedro with the green moon
L'abbracciava sulle casse, sulle casse di nitroglicerina
He embraced her on the crates, the crates of nitroglycerin
Tornò Miguel tornò, la vide impallidì
Miguel returned he returned, he saw her he grew pale
Il cuore suo tremò, quattro colpi di pistola le sparò.
His heart trembled, four pistol shots he fired at her.
Maracaibo, mare forza nove, fuggire ma dove, Zaza.
Maracaibo, storm force nine, escape yes but where, Zaza.
L'albero spezzato una pinna nera
The shattered tree a black fin
Nella notte scura come una bandiera
In the dark night like a flag
Morde il pescecane nella pelle bruna
The shark bites at the brown skin
Una zanna bianca come la luna.
A white fang like the moon.
Maracaibo, finito il barracuda, finito ballar nuda, Zaza.
Maracaibo, the barracuda is finished, the dance in the nude is over, Zaza.
Un gran salotto ventitrè mulatte
A great living room twenty-three mulatto women
Danzan come matte casa di piaceri per stranieri
They dance like crazy in a house of pleasure for foreigners
Centotrentachili splendida regina
Two hundred and ninety-eight pounds splendid queen
Rhum e cocaina, Zaza.
Rum and cocaine, Zaza.
Se sarai cortese ti farà vedere
If you are kind she will show you
Nella pelle bruna una zanna bianca come la luna
In her brown skin a white fang like the moon

Writer(s): Maria Luisa Colombo, David Riondino

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