Lucaas - Spoveď - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lucaas - Spoveď

Makám ako chorý no stále som na dne
I hustle hard, but I'm still at the bottom
Alebo nedávam toľko kde to viazne
Or maybe I'm not giving it enough, where's the hold up
Za každú sekundu ktorú som prežil padnem
For every second that I live, I fall down
Pre nich to nemá význam premňa je to viac než
For them it has no meaning, but for me it's more than
Hocičo iné je to premňa únik z reality
Anything else, it's my escape from reality
Bývam v tom beate nepotreboval som reality
I live in the beat, I didn't need reality
Ale som vďačný za niektoré rady od ľudí
But I'm grateful for some of the advice from people
A iba so sebou som ochutnal kus rivality
And only with myself I tasted some rivalry
Nechápem prečo ľudia stále riešia ostatných
I don't understand why people are always solving other people
A prečo systém okolo nás je tak ostnatý
And why the system around us is so prickly
Prečo nás v škole nenaučia že sme bohatí
Why don't they teach us in school that we are rich
Prečo jediná láska v živote si bola ty
Why was the only love in my life you
Pozerám na oblohu a vidím v nej maľby
I look at the sky and see paintings in it
Hovoria že ako žijem žit by som mal b
They say that the way I live, I should live
Je to poslanie a musím ti povedať
It's a mission and I have to tell you
Sadni si zavri oči a hľadaj v nich farby (Farby)
Sit down, close your eyes and look for the colors in them (Colors)
Je to fakt ale pochopíš to neskôr (Neskôr)
It's a fact, but you'll understand it later (Later)
Okolo teba bol od malička netvor (Netvor)
There was already a monster around you from childhood (Monster)
Hladil ťa iba ak rodičia mali net worth (Net worth)
It stroked you only if your parents had net worth (Net worth)
Ak si bol na tom ako ja tak asi vieš boy
If you were like me, you probably know it, boy
Ale sme tu a teraz a stojíme tvrdo (Tvrdo)
But we are here and now and stand firm (Hard)
Dole to poznáme doma mávame peklo
In the house, we have hell
Raz sa tam dostaneme a to dobre vieš bro
One day we will get there and you know it well, bro
Lejem to na zem za tých ktorých prúd odniesol
I pour it on the ground for those who were carried away by the current
Teraz počítam každý krát
Now I count every time
Keď sa preberiem tak som rád
When I wake up, I'm happy
Som rád yeah
I'm happy, yeah
Teraz počítam každý krát
Now I count every time
Keď sa preberiem tak som rád
When I wake up, I'm happy
Som rád yeah
I'm happy, yeah
Kazdý krát keď som hore vidím pravdu
Every time I'm up, I see the truth
Vždy keď počúvaš čo hovoria tak ťa nájdu
Whenever you listen to what they say, they will find you
Keď si iný ako oni kam zájdu
When you're different from them, where do they go
Vymažú z teba samého seba daj im pajdu
Erase yourself from your very being, give them a loaf
A keď si nadaný tak ťa budú chcieť zhodiť
And when you are gifted, they will want to bring you down
Budú ti dávať pravidlá že ako tvoriť
They will give you rules for how to create
Musíš ten pomyselný múr okolo zboriť
You have to break down that imaginary wall around
Nemôžeš vyhovieť každému no tak sorry
You can't please everyone, oh, sorry
Nieje to sebecké len sa chcem mať dobre (Aha)
It's not selfish, I just want to be well (Oh)
Zahojiť rodinu to by chcel každý kto nie? (Kto nie?)
To heal your family, who wouldn't want that? (Who wouldn't?)
Raz si to uvedomíš a v tom je ten zlom yeah (Zlom yeah)
One day you will realize it, and that's the turning point yeah (Turning point yeah)
Pohni si ale rýchlo nech myseľ nezomrie
Move it, but quickly, so that the mind doesn't die
Posypaný popolom preto rastiem (Rastiem)
Sprinkled with ashes, that's why I grow (Grow)
Potrebujem si vyčistit hlavu tak si zastriem (Zastriem)
I need to clear my head, so I stop (Stop)
Pozriem sa dozadu a stojí tam zas tieň (Zas tieň)
I look back and there's that shadow again (That shadow again)
som unavený na to radšej zhasnem (Zhasnem)
I'm tired of it, I'd rather turn it off (Turn it off)
Makám ako chorý no stále som na dne
I hustle hard, but I'm still at the bottom
Alebo nedávam toľko kde to viazne
Or maybe I'm not giving it enough, where's the hold up
Za každú sekundu ktorú som prežil padnem
For every second that I live, I fall down
Pre nich to nemá význam premňa je to viac než
For them it has no meaning, but for me it's more than
Hocičo iné je to premňa únik z reality
Anything else, it's my escape from reality
Bývam v tom beate nepotreboval som reality
I live in the beat, I didn't need reality
Ale som vďačný za niektoré rady od ľudí
But I'm grateful for some of the advice from people
A iba so sebou som ochutnal kus rivality
And only with myself I tasted some rivalry
Makám ako chorý no stále som na dne
I hustle hard, but I'm still at the bottom
Alebo nedávam toľko kde to viazne
Or maybe I'm not giving it enough, where's the hold up
Za každú sekundu ktorú som prežil padnem
For every second that I live, I fall down
Pre nich to nemá význam premňa je to viac než
For them it has no meaning, but for me it's more than

Writer(s): Lukáš škripek

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