Lucaas - Zažívam - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lucaas - Zažívam

I've Been Through It
Každý deň zažívam
Every day I go through it
Srdce horí, keď spomínam
Heart burns when I reminisce
Moja hlava ako mína
My head is like a landmine
Výbuch mi to pripomína
The explosion reminds me
Každý deň zažívam
Every day I go through it
Srdce horí, keď spomínam
Heart burns when I reminisce
Moja hlava ako mína
My head is like a landmine
Výbuch mi to pripomína
The explosion reminds me
Môj backround je tma, v ktorej nie je nič vidno
My background is dark, where nothing can be seen
Stoka a špina, odtiaľ rastiem ja
Filth and gutter, that's where I grew from
Je tu furt zima, no pekelné teplo
It's still freezing here, but the heat is hellish
Začne zo mňa žiariť na konci dňa
I'll start shining at the end of the day
Dávam si bacha na kokotov
I watch out for idiots
Zahodím do sveta molotov
I'll throw a Molotov into the world
Moja hlava mojou porotou
My mind is my own jury
Okolo len kopa robotov
Only a bunch of robots around
Brate pozri, kde sme ja a ty, zo stoky vyšli sme s ničím, sme nahatí
Brother look, that's where we are, we came out of the gutter with nothing, we're naked
Z tej výšky dostávam závraty, chvíľu si nedával pozor, si nahratý
From that height I get dizzy, if you weren't careful for a minute, you're fucked
Niektorí systémom zajatí, politici jebú do hlavy šaláty
Some are captured by the system, politicians are fucking idiots
Na zuby chcem zlaté karáty, život mi začína hrávať do karát, b
I want gold carats on my teeth, life starts playing into my hands, baby
Ale veľa si aj bere kurva, ako prádlo s tebou pere
But it takes a lot from you too, bitch, like laundry, it washes with you
Tvoj gang tvrdý ako žele, more, vnútri to vieš ťa to sere
Your gang is hard as iron, man, but inside you know it's pissing you off
Ale veľa si aj bere kurva, ako prádlo s tebou pere
But it takes a lot from you too, bitch, like laundry, it washes with you
Tvoj gang tvrdý ako žele, more, vnútri to vieš ťa to sere
Your gang is hard as iron, man, but inside you know it's pissing you off
Trezor plný peňazí, pre chlapca, ktorý nemal nič
A safe full of money, for a boy who had nothing
Je dieťa hviezd a nocí, v chrbte nosí veľa dýk
He's a child of the stars and nights, carries a lot of daggers in his back
Za sebou bodycount, no ľútosť nie je pre mňa, bitch
A bodycount behind him, but pity is not for me, bitch
Máš čo si zaslúžiš, tak nezáviď, bro c'est la vie
You deserve it, so don't envy me, bro, that's life
Nechaj ma žit, nechaj ma dýchať, prosím
Let me live, let me breathe, please
Dosť svojich starostí, po ohni chodím bosý
Enough of my own worries, I walk barefoot through fire
Varí sa krv, keď vidím hore nosy
Blood boils when I see noses up
Všade, kam idem so sebou, len svoj kvet nosím
Wherever I go, I only carry my own flower with me
Trasie sa celý dom
The whole house is shaking
Basa bije, jak hrom
The bass is hitting like thunder
Víri prach a my v ňom
Dust swirls and we're in it
Z kvetu vyrastie strom
The flower will grow into a tree
Vôňa vo vzduchu čudná
The smell in the air is strange
V spomienkach, viacej chutná
More delicious in memories
Moja múza je studňa
My muse is a well
Pre mňa bude raz súdna
One day it will judge me

Writer(s): Lukáš škripek

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