Lucaas - život mení - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lucaas - život mení

život mení
Life is changing
Niesme takí jak myslíme
We are not who we think we are,
Na vonok dobrí ale všetci dobre víme ah
We may seem good on the outside, but we all know better, oh.
Pravda je vonku po víne
The truth comes out when we are drunk with wine,
Kazdý ma v sebe temno v noci ho vidíme ah
We all have darkness within us, and we see it at night, oh.
Čo sa deje mami prečo ti tečie krv?
What is happening, Mommy? Why is there blood on your face?
Bol som príliž malý na to aby som neveril
I was too young to not believe
Tomu že sa náhodou udrela o dvere
That she had accidentally hit her head on the door.
Je premňa mŕtvy v hlave bordele
He is dead to me, he has worms in his head.
To čo som zažil nemal som nikdy zažiť
I should never have had to experience what I did.
Prečo sa to deje práve mne bože chcem to nabiť
Why is this happening to me? Oh God, I want to end it all.
Teraz to chápem nebudem ako oni
Now I understand, I will not be like them.
Musel som zažiť biedu aby som vydržal v boji
I had to experience poverty so that I could endure the fight.
To čo som zažil nemal som nikdy zažiť
I should never have had to experience what I did.
Prečo sa to deje práve mne bože chcem to nabiť
Why is this happening to me? Oh God, I want to end it all.
Teraz to chápem nebudem ako oni
Now I understand, I will not be like them.
Musel som zažiť biedu aby som vydržal v boji
I had to experience poverty so that I could endure the fight.
Život mení sme vyhorení
Life is changing, we are burned out.
Pálim gas hľadám hĺbku v tomto znení
I'm burning gas, searching for depth in this sound.
Vnútri temní chlad je jemný
We are dark on the inside, the cold is gentle,
No máme čisté srdcia a to nikto nezmení
But we have pure hearts, and no one can change that.
Život mení sme vyhorení
Life is changing, we are burned out.
Pálim gas hľadám hĺbku v tomto znení
I'm burning gas, searching for depth in this sound.
Vnútri temní chlad je jemný
We are dark on the inside, the cold is gentle,
No máme čisté srdcia a to nikto nezmení
But we have pure hearts, and no one can change that.
Jedného dňa zomňa výjdu všetci démoni
One day, I will drive out all the demons within me.
Raz ich zničím raz skurvene niečo prelomím
One day, I will destroy them, I will break something, damn it.
Melódie vo mne vyplavujú endorfín
Melodies within me release endorphins.
Hudba mi šepká do ucha vďaka nej viem čo s tým
Music whispers in my ear, and thanks to it, I know what to do.
Ak hráš na dve strany nezachráni ťa tvoj xicht
If you play both sides, your face won't save you,
Ani riť ani tvoje pekné slová
Not your ass, not your fine words.
Ak niesi verná nezachráni ťa nič
If you are not faithful, nothing will save you anymore.
Môžeš byť premňa zamňa kľudne múdra ako sova
You can be as clever as an owl for all I care.
Straním sa od ľudí pretože im neverím
I stay away from people because I don't trust them.
Nehanbím sa len si vás viacej krát preverím
I'm not ashamed, I just want to test you more.
Ak si prázdna hlava tak sa dlho nezdržím
If you have an empty head, I won't stick around for long.
To sa stáva ale takých ľudí nestrpím
That happens, but I can't stand people like that.
Každá sekunda mi ide ako hodina
Every second feels like an hour to me,
Hlavne keď som v minulosti spomínam
Especially when I think about the past.
Všetky love z kapies vytiahnem a pomíňam
I withdraw all the money from the ATMs and spend it.
Míňame čas na blbosti kde je rodina?
We waste time on bullshit, where is our family?
Život mení sme vyhorení
Life is changing, we are burned out.
Spálil som gas našiel som hĺbku v tomto znení
I burned gas, I found depth in this sound.
Vnútri temní chlad je jemný
We are dark on the inside, the cold is gentle,
No máme čisté srdcia a to nikto nezmení
But we have pure hearts, and no one can change that.
Život mení sme vyhorení
Life is changing, we are burned out.
Spálil som gas našiel som hĺbku v tomto znení
I burned gas, I found depth in this sound.
Vnútri temní chlad je jemný
We are dark on the inside, the cold is gentle,
No máme čisté srdcia a to nikto nezmení
But we have pure hearts, and no one can change that.
Život mení sme vyhorení
Life is changing, we are burned out.
Spálil som gas našiel som hĺbku v tomto znení
I burned gas, I found depth in this sound.
Vnútri temní chlad je jemný
We are dark on the inside, the cold is gentle,
No máme čisté srdcia a to nikto nezmení
But we have pure hearts, and no one can change that.
Život mení sme vyhorení
Life is changing, we are burned out.
Spálil som gas našiel som hĺbku v tomto znení
I burned gas, I found depth in this sound.
Vnútri temní chlad je jemný
We are dark on the inside, the cold is gentle,
No máme čisté srdcia a to nikto nezmení
But we have pure hearts, and no one can change that.
Život mení
Life is changing.

Writer(s): Lukáš škripek

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