Luchè - Nisciun - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Luchè - Nisciun

Na memoria 'e merda ma perdono nun scordo.
I've got a shitty memory, baby, but if I forgive, I don't forget.
Nun parlo comm' 'e cane ma capisco tutte cose.
I don't talk like a dog, but I understand everything.
'Na cosa e sord' 'a teng', saccio chello che voglio... Saccio chello che voglio!
One thing is for sure, I know what I want... I know what I want!
N'tengo paura 'e nisciune!
I'm not afraid of nobody!
N'tengo paura 'e nisciune!
I'm not afraid of nobody!
N'tengo paura 'e nisciune!
I'm not afraid of nobody!
N'tengo paura 'e nisciune... 'E nisciune!
I'm not afraid of nobody... Nobody!
Tengo 'na memoria 'e merda ma perdono nun scorde!
I've got a shitty memory, but if I forgive, I don't forget!
N'tengo paura 'e nisciune... 'E nisciune!
I'm not afraid of nobody... Nobody!
M'hanno dipinto n'esempio sbagliato e so' juto a ce mettere 'na firma asott'.
They painted me as a bad example, and I helped them put my signature under it.
'Nu frato ha ritto ce 'o bicarbonato
A brother said you need baking soda
Nun te digeriscene, tropp' forte!
They can't digest me, I'm too strong!
So' sempe 'o primmo p'o lurdeme tipo
I'm always the first one for the dirty job
Nun joco mai p'o sicondo posto.
I never play for second place.
Frà 'na canzona toje ca' m'emoziona
Girl, it's impossible to find a song of yours that moves me,
è impossibile a truvà comm' 'a nu testimonie.
like finding a witness.
'Sti serpiente vasene c'a lengua
These snakes kiss with their tongues
Songo armato fine 'e riente
I'm armed to the teeth
Chine 'e prete 'nguollo ma n'so mai caruto n'terra.
They knead me like dough, but I never fell to the ground.
Vengo aro l'hanno fatt' a mestiere
I come from where they did it as a profession
'o funerale ce sta ancora 'a bara aperta.
If the funeral still has the coffin open.
Addo a Capodanno pare Baghdad
On New Year's Eve it looks like Baghdad
Facimm' 'o segno da' pace sule fumamm'.
We make the sign of peace only if we smoke.
Te rongo 'a fiducia ma te guardo rint' 'a l'uocchie brindamme.
I trust you, but I look you in the eye if we toast.
Tropp' avute, teng 'na nuvola pe' divano
Too many clouds, I have a cloud for a sofa
E ascimmo s'abblocca 'o traffico
And if we go up, the traffic jams
Ognuno c'a machina soja e ce fermene 'e guardie
Everyone with their own car and if the cops stop us
Turnammo arete e 'e 'ccerchiammo e po stracciammo 'o verbale.
We go back and circle them and then we tear up the ticket.
'Nd'o locale spienn' 'o capitale
In the club I spend my capital
Simme lurdeme 'a ascì fore: Mafia Capitale!
We're dirty to go out: Capital Mafia!
Abbasce addò me 'a gente tene famme
Down below where my people are hungry
E te scipp' 'a catena alimentare.
And I'll snatch the food chain from you.
Te straccio ngopp' a tracc' comm' 'o gratta e vinci
I'll scratch you on the track like a scratch card
Arrogante pecché a gente n'sarricorde chi sì.
Arrogant because people don't remember who you are.
'O navigatore a ritto " 'a felicità sta arete 'o vico "
The navigator said "happiness is behind the alley"
E io aggia fatt' 'o giro allungo accussì 'a pijo p'e capille.
And I took the long way around so I could grab it by the hair.
Tengo 'o flow ca è tossico
My flow is toxic
Frà quando moro m'hanno seppellì 'nda terra re' fuoche
Girl, when I die, they have to bury me in the land of fire
Frà famme fore accussì nun te vengo 'nsuonno
Kill me so I don't come to you in your dreams
E vuò 'na tarantella, frà, vulimm' 'a stessa cosa.
And if you want a tarantella, girl, we want the same thing.
'Na memoria 'e merda ma perdono nun scordo.
I've got a shitty memory, baby, but if I forgive, I don't forget.
Nun parlo comm' 'e cane ma capisco tutte cose.
I don't talk like a dog, but I understand everything.
'Na cosa e sord' 'a teng', saccio chello che voglio... Saccio chello che voglio!
One thing is for sure, I know what I want... I know what I want!
N'tengo paura 'e nisciune!
I'm not afraid of nobody!
N'tengo paura 'e nisciune!
I'm not afraid of nobody!
N'tengo paura 'e nisciune!
I'm not afraid of nobody!
N'tengo paura 'e nisciune... 'E nisciune!
I'm not afraid of nobody... Nobody!
Tengo 'na memoria 'e merda ma perdono nun scorde!
I've got a shitty memory, but if I forgive, I don't forget!
N'tengo paura 'e nisciune... 'E nisciune!
I'm not afraid of nobody... Nobody!
Ce stanno 'e vacanze 'e 'na vita sana.
There are the holidays of a healthy life.
Ce stann' 'e vacanze 'e 5-6 ann'.
There are the holidays of 5-6 years.
N'miezzo a via so' tutt' Artisti
In the middle of the street they are all Artists
Fann' 'e spie, hanno cantato.
They are spies, they sang.
Frà stongo 'nd'ò juoco a 10 anne
Girl, I've been in the game for 10 years
Voglio verè chi ce sta tra 10 ann'.
I want to see who's here in 10 years.
Senza 'e me 'stu Rap Italiano è tale e quale 'o cinepanettone a Natale!
Without me, this Italian Rap is the same as the Christmas panettone!
Essa è accussì 'nfosa ca' s'addorma 'o muss' 'a vase.
She's so deep that her boyfriend falls asleep if he sees her.
Me 'nfongo 'e dete e 'a tocc' comm cagnasse pagina.
I get my fingers wet and touch her as if I were turning a page.
parlamme 'e Napule, tutt' stì puttane adiventene selvagge.
If we talk about Naples, all these whores become wild.
Mo ca' cumanno nun me sporco cchiù 'e mane
Now that I'm in charge, I don't get my hands dirty anymore
Tu afforza vuò 'na tarantella frà bello ma n'abball'.
You really want a tarantella, girl, you're handsome but you don't dance.
Me fai schifo comm' fa schifo 'o Maiale 'e Mussulmane.
You disgust me like the Muslims' Pig disgusts me.
Girl, GET OUT!
Invictus Paco Rabanne
Invictus Paco Rabanne
Me pave rappann'
I'm afraid they'll snatch me
Sto 'e case nd'a Banca
I'm at home in the Bank
Tu 'ngopp' 'a 'na panca
You're on a bench
Stai ancora apparann'
You're still learning
Nun affierre scrive in codice a barre
You don't understand, write in bar code
Te serve 'o scanne
You need the scan
'o 'cciro 'o scanno
If the circle scans it
Stamm' aspettann' a quase a n'Hachiko ca torn' 'a casa.
We're waiting for an Hachiko to come home.
Tengo cchiù barre 'e Pugguriale
I have more bars than Pugguriale
'O faccio p'a causa frà!
I do it for the cause, girl!
Tu fore 'a porta comm' 'e testimonie 'e Geova
You're outside the door like Jehovah's Witnesses
Te lassammo chine 'e buche comm' 'e scarpe da' Geox!
We leave you full of holes like Geox shoes!
Stai a telefono, 'o passaggio 'e mano se chiamm ricariche
You're on the phone, the handoff is called top-ups
'O caricatore se chiamme iPhone, è semp' scarico.
The charger is called iPhone, it's always dead.
Sciacquate 'a vocca, 'o nomme mije sape 'e veleno.
Rinse your mouth, my name tastes like poison.
So' nu tipo trasparente
I'm a transparent guy
me vuò ra tuorte t'e arrampicà sule 'ngopp' 'e specchie.
If you want to be wrong, you only have to climb on the mirrors.
Tengo paura 'e 'na persona sola
I'm afraid of only one person
Frà e se chiamme Luca Imprudente.
Girl, and his name is Luca Imprudente.
'Na memoria 'e merda ma perdono nun scordo.
I've got a shitty memory, baby, but if I forgive, I don't forget.
Nun parlo comm' 'e cane ma capisco tutte cose.
I don't talk like a dog, but I understand everything.
'Na cosa e sord' 'a teng', saccio chello che voglio... Saccio chello che voglio!
One thing is for sure, I know what I want... I know what I want!
N'tengo paura 'e nisciune!
I'm not afraid of nobody!
N'tengo paura 'e nisciune!
I'm not afraid of nobody!
N'tengo paura 'e nisciune!
I'm not afraid of nobody!
N'tengo paura 'e nisciune... 'E nisciune!
I'm not afraid of nobody... Nobody!
Tengo 'na memoria 'e merda ma perdono nun scorde!
I've got a shitty memory, but if I forgive, I don't forget!
N'tengo paura 'e nisciune... 'E nisciune!
I'm not afraid of nobody... Nobody!

Writer(s): G. Parisi, Luche

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