A dark shadow stood there in the corner, my sister is getting married.
Každý se ho trochu bál, každý si pozor dával.
Everyone was a little afraid of him, everyone was careful.
Z jeho očí cítím chlad, tenhle stín mohla bych milovat.
From his eyes, I feel cold, I could love this shadow.
Ruce studí, je kamarád to napsáno má v tváři.
His hands are cold, he is a friend, it is written on his face.
Nikdo ho tu nemá rád, že prý štěstí maří.
No one here likes him, they say he spoils happiness.
Ani já nemůžu uvěřit, že právě s ním chci žít.
I can't believe either that I want to live with him.
Srdce mý hoří jasným plamenem, ty kdo jsi bez viny hoď kamenem! po dívce, co ďábla miluje.
My heart burns with a bright flame, you who are without sin, cast a stone! At the girl who loves the devil.
Zkouším se marně s city prát, asi zasáhl mě černý šíp.
I try in vain to fight with my feelings, maybe a black arrow hit me.
To je ten, kdo se mi do snů v krad, chci utéct s ním, snad mi bude líp. Proč mě bůh touhle láskou potrestal, tak jak dřív radši bych žila dál.
He is the one who stole into my dreams, I want to run away with him, maybe I will feel better. Why did God punish me with this love? I'd rather live on as before.
Asi to takhle musí být, ...
I guess it has to be this way, ...
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