LueCash feat. LVXAS - YAKVY - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction LueCash feat. LVXAS - YAKVY

Jsem high opět jak zmrd
I'm high again like an asshole
Dokud můžu psát na beat, jebat smrt
As long as I can write on the beat, fuck death
Každej day stejnej, stejně stoned furt
Every day the same, stoned anyway
Jednou stage destroy, rest in peace Kurt
One day, stage destroy, rest in peace Kurt
Jsem ready podávat bratrům na stůl
I'm ready to serve my brothers on the table
Chvíle často ostrý, more, jak kůl
The moments are often sharp, man, like a stake
Zahojim rány, nesypu sůl
I'll heal the wounds, I don't put salt on them
Procházim brány, neslyšim stůj, ale často
I pass through the gates, I don't hear stop, but often
Vidim překážky, jsou na way
I see obstacles, they're in my way
Kecy neslyšim, what the fuck they say?
I don't hear the talk, what the fuck do they say?
Jsem madafakin' player, nezastavěj game
I'm a motherfuckin' player, you won't stop the game
Nikdy nebudu s lidma co jsou stejný
I will never be with people who are the same
Same yakvy
Same yakvy
nikdy neovládne fame
I'll never be ruled by fame
Karma vždycky půjde naproti jenom těm zlejm
Karma will always go to meet only the evil ones
Nikdy nechci bejt s lidma co nevěřej svejm
I never want to be with people who don't believe in their own
Chápeš nikdy nebudu s těma co jsou stejný
You understand that I will never be with those who are the same
Yakvy, yakvy, yakvy, yakvy
Yakvy, yakvy, yakvy, yakvy
Yakvy, yakvy, yakvy, yakvy
Yakvy, yakvy, yakvy, yakvy
Yakvy, yakvy, yakvy, yakvy
Yakvy, yakvy, yakvy, yakvy
Yakvy, yakvy, yakvy, yakvy
Yakvy, yakvy, yakvy, yakvy
Zase píšu sloky na beat, yes, I love it
I'm writing verses on the beat again, yes, I love it
Jebat problémy, pak nic nemůže vadit
Fuck the problems, then nothing can bother you
Pomalu roste mi co jsem šel zasadit
What I went to plant is slowly growing
My chceme jen pohodu, hudbu a hulit
We just want to be chill, listen to music and smoke
Poslouchat ty basy a nechat je dunět
To listen to the bass and let it thunder
Žít svůj sen a nikdy se neprobudit
Live our dream and never wake up
Pak koukám na lidi, nemůžou se divit
Then I look at the people, they can't wonder
To, co zasadili, tak teď půjdou sklidit
What they planted, they will now go to reap
Soused píčuje, můj flow mu vzbudil čokla
The neighbor's freaking out, my flow woke up his dog
Fízl chce doklad, podej mi podklad
The cop wants a document, give me the background
To ubalim stokrát
I'll roll it a hundred times
Jedna věc, more, nikdy neprohrát
One thing, man, never to lose
Jsem daleko od vás, nezkoušejte dohnat
I'm far away from you, don't try to catch up with me
Chci klid, si to v hlavě srovnat
I want peace, to sort it out in my head
Můj rap, no cap karta, žádnej obrat
My rap, no cap card, no turn
Jsem high opět jak zmrd
I'm high again like an asshole
Dokud můžu psát na beat, jebat smrt
As long as I can write on the beat, fuck death
Každej day stejnej, stejně stoned furt
Every day the same, stoned anyway
Jednou stage destroy, rest in peace Kurt
One day, stage destroy, rest in peace Kurt
Jsem ready podávat bratrům na stůl
I'm ready to serve my brothers on the table
Chvíle často ostrý, more, jak kůl
The moments are often sharp, man, like a stake
Zahojim rány, nesypu sůl
I'll heal the wounds, I don't put salt on them
Procházim brány, neslyšim stůj, ale často
I pass through the gates, I don't hear stop, but often
Vidim překážky, jsou na way
I see obstacles, they're in my way
Kecy neslyšim, what the fuck they say?
I don't hear the talk, what the fuck do they say?
Jsem madafakin' player, nezastavěj game
I'm a motherfuckin' player, you won't stop the game
Nikdy nebudu s lidma co jsou stejný
I will never be with people who are the same
Same yakvy
Same yakvy
nikdy neovládne fame
I'll never be ruled by fame
Karma vždycky půjde naproti jenom těm zlejm
Karma will always go to meet only the evil ones
Nikdy nechci bejt s lidma co nevěřej svejm
I never want to be with people who don't believe in their own
Chápeš nikdy nebudu s těma co jsou stejný
You understand that I will never be with those who are the same
Yakvy, yakvy, yakvy, yakvy
Yakvy, yakvy, yakvy, yakvy
Yakvy, yakvy, yakvy, yakvy
Yakvy, yakvy, yakvy, yakvy
Yakvy, yakvy, yakvy, yakvy
Yakvy, yakvy, yakvy, yakvy
Yakvy, yakvy, yakvy, yakvy
Yakvy, yakvy, yakvy, yakvy

LueCash feat. LVXAS - Nebe, peklo, ráj
Nebe, peklo, ráj
date de sortie

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