Luis y Julián - Todos Perdieron El Cuero - Remasterizado 2024 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Luis y Julián - Todos Perdieron El Cuero - Remasterizado 2024

Todos Perdieron El Cuero - Remasterizado 2024
Everyone Lost Their Hide - Remastered 2024
A ese rancho ganadero
To that cattle ranch, my darling,
Que está al pie de la montaña
Nestled at the foot of the mountain,
Llegaron tres pistoleros
Three gunslingers arrived, you see,
Buscando a Pablo Magaña
Searching for Pablo Magaña, sweetie.
Lo venían persiguiendo
They had been pursuing him, my dear,
De una provincia de España
From a province in Spain, I hear.
Le dicen al caporal
They told the foreman, it's true,
Queremos que entregue a Pablo
"We want you to hand over Pablo to us, too."
Ayer cruzamos el mar
Yesterday we crossed the sea, my love,
Nomás con el fin de hallarlo
Just to find him, it's clear from above.
No se nos puede escapar
He can't escape from our might,
Hemos venido a matarlo
We've come here to end his life tonight.
Pablo Magaña le estorba
Pablo Magaña is a thorn in the side,
A un hombre que es de dinero
Of a man of wealth and pride.
Quiere vengar la deshonra
He wants to avenge the dishonor, you see,
De su hermana la de en medio
Of his middle sister, unfortunately.
Nos han pagado de sobra
We've been paid handsomely, my dear,
Pa' despacharlo al infierno
To send him straight to hell, I fear.
Pablo se fue con los peones
Pablo left with the workers, it's true,
En la mañana temprano
Early this morning, just for you.
Pero yo saldré, señores
But I will stand up, gentlemen, and fight,
En defensa de mi hermano
In defense of my brother, with all my might.
Ustedes son españoles
You are Spaniards, from across the sea,
Aquí somos mexicanos
But here, we are Mexicans, wild and free.
La lucha fue desigual
The fight was unequal, it's a shame,
Pero intervino la suerte
But luck intervened in this deadly game.
Pues Magaña, el caporal
For Magaña, the brave foreman, I swear,
Les dio pruebas de valiente
Showed them his courage beyond compare.
Los que cruzaron el mar
Those who crossed the ocean wide,
Ahí encontraron la muerte
Found their death on this mountainside.
Ya se acabó la aventura
The adventure is over, it's done,
De aquellos tres pistoleros
For those three gunslingers, on the run.
Creyéndola muy segura
Thinking themselves invincible and bold,
Contaban con el dinero
They relied on their money and stories told.
Pero se la vieron dura
But they faced a harsh reality, my sweet,
Y hasta perdieron el cuero
And even lost their own skin in the heat.

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