Lukas - Back In Time - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lukas - Back In Time

Back In Time
Back In Time
Cuanto tiempo yo tengo que esperar
How long do I have to wait?
Cuanto tiempo yo tengo que pedir
How long do I have to beg?
Dime como vamo todo a cambiar
Tell me how we're going to change everything,
Si esto siempre se vio venir
If this was always coming.
Cuanto tiempo yo tengo que esperar
How long do I have to wait?
Cuanto tiempo yo tengo que pedir
How long do I have to beg?
Dime como vamo todo a cambiar
Tell me how we're going to change everything,
Si esto siempre se vio venir
If this was always coming.
Te digo las cosas que ya pasaron
I tell you the things that have already happened,
Año 2020 y todo esta acabado
The year 2020 and everything is over.
Volvi en el tiempo para avisarles
I went back in time to warn you,
Que si no cambian el mundo esta que arde
That if you don't change, the world is burning.
Teniendo mi tiempo siempre di placer
With my time, I always gave pleasure,
A la chica q quise siempre la tuve
To the girl I loved, I always had her.
Las cosas cambiaron y no puede ser
Things have changed and it can't be,
Ya no hay derecho no hay justicie
There is no more right, there is no justice.
Volviendo en el tiempo con todos mis panas
Going back in time with all my buddies,
Decimos las cosas q antes no pasaban
We say the things that didn't happen before.
Naci en el 90 Jordan ya jugaba
I was born in the 90s, Jordan was already playing,
Volvi a los 80 pa pasarte data
I went back to the 80s to give you the data.
Todos vestidos formados y unidos
Everyone dressed, formed and united,
Con esos colores parecen de un circo
With those colors they look like they're from a circus.
Volviendo al tiempo te explico y digo
Going back in time I explain and say,
Que si no cambian el mundo queda chico
That if you don't change, the world gets small.
Tu sabes que yo vivo adelantado
You know I live ahead of my time,
Tu sabes que otro milenio a llegado
You know another millennium has arrived,
Tu sabes que yo vengo coronado
You know I come crowned.
Tengo el flow tengo la magia
I have the flow, I have the magic,
Tengo el veneno para ver que pasa
I have the poison to see what happens.
Yo te aviso por eso aplico
I warn you, that's why I apply,
Mi ley marcial y despues no te aviso
My martial law and then I don't warn you.
Coronado o no sigo siendo rey
Crowned or not, I'm still king,
Lo demuestro en mis rimas aca no hay ley
I show it in my rhymes, there is no law here.
Por eso todos estan a mi merced
That's why everyone is at my mercy,
Llegue del futuro pa ver como es
I came from the future to see how it is.
Tene fe de lo que digo
Have faith in what I say,
Cambia tu vida sino sales jodido
Change your life or you'll end up screwed.
Ya no hay tiempo esta todo perdido
There is no more time, everything is lost,
Solo tu cambio y el de estar unidos
Only your change and that of being united.
No hables de armas, de droga o pasta
Don't talk about weapons, drugs or money,
Que en el 2020 todo eso ya pasa
That in 2020 all that already happens.
Tu eres la semilla en esta tierra
You are the seed in this land,
Pelear codo a codo y ganar esta pelea
Fight side by side and win this fight.
Cuanto tiempo yo tengo que esperar
How long do I have to wait?
Cuanto tiempo yo tengo que pedir
How long do I have to beg?
Dime como vamo todo a cambiar
Tell me how we're going to change everything,
Si esto siempre se vio venir
If this was always coming.
Cuanto tiempo yo tengo que esperar
How long do I have to wait?
Cuanto tiempo yo tengo que pedir
How long do I have to beg?
Dime como vamo todo a cambiar
Tell me how we're going to change everything,
Si esto siempre se vio venir
If this was always coming.
Twenty twenty and we are locked up here
Twenty twenty and we are locked up here,
Locked in our rooms unable to sleep
Locked in our rooms unable to sleep,
Remembering the time we are forgetting
Remembering the time we are forgetting,
The days when we were free and happy
The days when we were free and happy.
The simplest things today we need, a kiss, a caress, a hug
The simplest things today we need, a kiss, a caress, a hug,
We are less human
We are less human.
We are bound to repeat our mistakes over and over again
We are bound to repeat our mistakes over and over again,
Now we send people to the past to make sure this does not happen again
Now we send people to the past to make sure this does not happen again.
Many wars will happen
Many wars will happen,
But what matters most is protecting the earth and humanity
But what matters most is protecting the earth and humanity.
Luck, luck and luck is all we need on this path
Luck, luck and luck is all we need on this path,
The world defends itself from the atrocities that hurt it
The world defends itself from the atrocities that hurt it.
It all started years ago, but you can help
It all started years ago, but you can help,
Stop spending badly, be caring and kill consumerism
Stop spending badly, be caring and kill consumerism.
You have to kill consumerism
You have to kill consumerism,
You have to kill consumerism
You have to kill consumerism,
You have to kill consumerism
You have to kill consumerism.
Cuanto tiempo yo tengo que esperar
How long do I have to wait?
Cuanto tiempo yo tengo que pedir
How long do I have to beg?
Dime como vamo todo a cambiar
Tell me how we're going to change everything,
Si esto siempre se vio venir
If this was always coming.
Cuanto tiempo yo tengo que esperar
How long do I have to wait?
Cuanto tiempo yo tengo que pedir
How long do I have to beg?
Dime como vamo todo a cambiar
Tell me how we're going to change everything,
Si esto siempre se vio venir
If this was always coming.

Writer(s): Lucas Oddone

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