Má minimál, má minimál, má minimál, má minimál
- každý robí iba aby mini mal.
He has minimal, he has minimal, he has minimal, he has minimal
- everyone works just to have a little.
V gaťách nosí mini kokot, má dve výšky, mini obnos.
He carries a mini dick in his pants, he has two heights, mini clothes.
Mini šatník, ciele
- zbohom, nečakaj od neho mini pomoc.
Mini wardrobe, goals
- goodbye, don't expect mini help from him.
Spláca byt
- má mini pohov, je s prvou čo stretol (nech neni homo)
He pays for an apartment
- he has a mini conversation, he is with the first one he met (let him not be gay).
Mini ambície
- s práce domov, piatky a soboty mini alkohol.
Mini ambitions
- from work to home, Fridays and Saturdays mini alcohol.
Mini párty
- sem tam, stroho, má minimál, ajtak neni z čoho.
Mini parties
- here and there, sometimes, he has minimal, there's nothing to do anyway.
Každý mesiac uvidí kto z koho, keď výjde to, je mini rád on z toho.
Every month he will see who is who, when it comes out, he is mini glad of it.
Pozri sa okolo ňiak je to normálne
- žijeme tu všetci mini
- s "nimi".
Look around somehow it's normal
- we all live here mini
- with "them".
Tá istá banda si delí načierno, nás chcú zatvárať, siahať na príjmy.
The same gang is dividing in black, they want to lock us up, reach for income.
Mini, mini
- má dve mini, nevedia vykopať sa zo zeminy, tých čo išli si mimo systém potom postupne zavreli zato, že velili.
Mini, mini
- he has two minis, they can't dig themselves out of the ground, those who went outside the system then gradually closed it because they commanded.
Zotročení sú zato, že verili, sú chudobní tak, aby prežili.
They are enslaved because they believed, they are so poor that they survived.
Dostaneš po prstoch ak chceš tie výhody, čo mali, keď lóve si delili.
You get on your fingers if you want the benefits that they had when they shared the loot.
Jediná mafia polícia, jedna banda vláda.
The only mafia police, one gang government.
Oni môžu a my ne, z nás dojde na každého smrada.
They can and we can't, the stench will come from every one of us.
Nedotknuteľní sa smejú a každý len dvíha svätý grál, Ich maximum za naše minimum, preto väčšina z nás má minimál...
The untouchables laugh and everyone just lifts the holy grail, their maximum for our minimum, that's why most of us have minimal...
Má minimál, má minimál, má minimál, má minimál
- každý robí iba aby mini mal.
He has minimal, he has minimal, he has minimal, he has minimal
- everyone works just to have a little.
Minimálne šánce, ilegálne sa stáva normálne, prázdne sľuby pre nás bájne, intrigy sú legendárne, mal si nádej, tak ju spáľme, márne hľadáš pravdu v karme, zlé sny priamo z tvojej spálne, špiny všetci z jednej stajne.
Minimal chances, illegal becomes normal, empty promises for us mythical, intrigues are legendary, you had hope, so let's burn it, in vain you are looking for the truth in karma, bad dreams right from your bedroom, filth all from one stable.
Štátne krysy, tajné spisy, kompromisy v zákulisí, kam sa podel vyšší princíp, nemáš nič, len zopár mincí.
State rats, secret files, compromises behind the scenes, where did the higher principle go, you have nothing, just a few coins.
Chceš mať viac nepoznať pocit, po črepinách kráčať bosý, hoci v noci boha prosiť, ukáž tvár a povedz kto si.
You want to have more, don't know the feeling, walk barefoot on the crepins, even though you pray to God at night, show your face and tell me who you are.
Hľadáš nádej, strácaš zmysli, platíš leasing, život trýzni, tvoje krízy
- pre nich výhry, všetky plány dávno zmizli.
You're looking for hope, you're losing your mind, you're paying a lease, life is tormenting, your crises are their wins, all plans are long gone.
Otázky bez odpovede poznáš cestu kam to vedie, každý z nás sa niekam ženie, kým nepríde na hrob veniec.
Questions without answers you know the way where it leads, each of us is going somewhere until a wreath comes to the grave.
Lenže ich lúpeže sú bez medze, každý sa v tom veze, verže nikto nepopre že, tresty pre nich v cele mreže.
But their robberies are limitless, everyone is involved in it, of course no one will deny that, punishments for them in a cell bars.
Predné sú im tmavé kúty, zlaté prúty za pokuty, tvoje mini pre ich maxi
- tu si!
The front ones are their dark corners, golden rods for penalties, your mini for their maxi
- here you are!
Striehnu ako supy.
They watch like vultures.
Má minimál, má minimál, má minimál, má minimál
- každý robí iba aby mini mal.
He has minimal, he has minimal, he has minimal, he has minimal
- everyone works just to have a little.
Má minimál, má minimál, má minimál, má minimál, Má minimál, má minimál, má minimál, má minimál...
He has minimal, he has minimal, he has minimal, he has minimal, he has minimal, he has minimal, he has minimal, he has minimal...
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