Lágrimas De Sangre - A Ver Si Lo Pilláis Ya - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lágrimas De Sangre - A Ver Si Lo Pilláis Ya

A Ver Si Lo Pilláis Ya
See If You Get It Now
Lágrimas de sangre, inclasificable estilo
Tears of blood, unclassifiable style
Vengo a honrar al rap, tranquilos
I come to honor rap, relax
No somos de un gueto americano ni queremos parecerlo
We are not from an American ghetto nor do we want to seem like it
Tengo demasiado respeto para ser tan falso
I have too much respect to be so fake
No voy a venderte un cromo
I'm not going to sell you a sticker
No es una moda, es un modo
It's not a fashion, it's a way
A los "traperillos" que riman muy poco y se hacen mucha promo
To the "trappers" who rhyme very little and do a lot of promo
En serio no me los tomo
Seriously, I don't take them
En serio que me los como
Seriously, I eat them
Como si fueran libritos de lomo, escribo un tomo
As if they were small books, I write a volume
No hago clips, hago hits, me deslomo
I don't make clips, I make hits, I work my ass off
Junto palabras como quien fisiona átomos
I put words together as if I were splitting atoms
No soy tenor, de milagro entono
I'm not a tenor, I barely sing
Pero no pongo "autotune", novato
But I don't put "autotune", rookie
No es música cutre hecha rápido
It's not crappy music made quickly
Tampoco una súper producción de plástico
Neither a super plastic production
No es por pasar el rato
It's not to pass the time
Rasco y debajo de la piel hallo estratos de asco y hiel
I scratch and under my skin I find strata of disgust and bile
Canto y calmo el arrebato
I sing and calm the outburst
Si no ves pasión, vas cegato o no estás al nivel
If you don't see passion, you're blind or you're not up to the level
Maribel, veo la manivela
Maribel, I see the crank
Quieren que solo escuches mierda y te muevas y bebas
They want you to only listen to shit and move and drink
Y viejas y nuevas, no pienses, no sientas
And old and new, don't think, don't feel
Banaliza, no analices la letra
Trivialize, don't analyze the lyrics
Solo asimílala y baila
Just assimilate it and dance
Mueve las piernas, tu cabeza se desintegra
Move your legs, your head disintegrates
No hay melodía, solo bombo a negras
There is no melody, only bass drum on black
"Bon voyage", llama cuando vuelvas
"Bon voyage", call when you return
Aquí no verás esa mierda,
You won't see that shit here,
No hay novedad yo le canto a la izquierda
There is no novelty I sing to the left
Vengo a agitar conciencias y a hacerte pensar
I come to stir consciences and make you think
Con un verso que se quiere liberar, tiembla.
With a verse that wants to be free, it trembles.
Me asesoré y lo consulté con la almohada,
I advised myself and consulted with the pillow,
Anduve en el Youtube hasta que entró la madrugada,
I was on YouTube until dawn came,
Tras una larga jornada, ya no cabía duda,
After a long day, there was no doubt,
Se puede hacer hip hop sin llamar a nadie puta,
You can make hip hop without calling anyone a bitch,
Y aquí no acaban las revelaciones,
And the revelations don't end here,
Hay quien hace canciones en su idioma,
There are those who make songs in their language,
Hay quien no las entiende y en foros
There are those who don't understand them and in forums
No lo pregona, al letrista no cuestiona,
They don't proclaim it, they don't question the lyricist,
Y lo viste, esa gente existe, no es broma,
And you saw it, those people exist, it's no joke,
Están entre nosotros y no abundan en tu auricular,
They are among us and they are not abundant in your headset,
Incluso hay quien rapea sin llevar pinta ridícula,
There are even those who rap without wearing ridiculous paint,
Hay quien vive sin envidia,
There are those who live without envy,
Hay quien viene para hacer música y quien viene a comerciar,
There are those who come to make music and those who come to trade,
Hay de todo, amigo, en el mundillo, hay quien curra en letra
There's everything, friend, in the world, there are those who work on lyrics
Y no solo en estribillo, esto quede entre y yo,
And not only in the studio, this is between you and me,
Es raro, pero a veces acontece,
It's weird, but sometimes it happens,
Hay quien sube a un escenario y realmente lo merece
There are those who go on stage and really deserve it
Y no parece, que vayan a cambiar por hoy las cosas,
And it doesn't seem like things are going to change for today,
Alerta por chubascos de canciones pastelosas
Alert for showers of cheesy songs
LDS desea que sea LDS
LDS wishes it to be LDS
Lo que suena cuando la fuerza escasea,
What sounds when strength is scarce,
Cuando levantarse sea una odisea, y tus miedos ahí delante,
When getting up is an odyssey, and your fears right there in front,
Nosotros no te vamos a tomar por ignorante
We are not going to take you for ignorant
No queremos que nos compres cualquier mierda,
We don't want you to buy any shit from us,
Amor por esta ciencia y que la esencia no se pierda
Love for this science and that the essence is not lost
Llega la nueva temporada
The new season arrives
En una oficina traman, ultiman con su banda otra operación
In an office they plot, finalize with their band another operation
Triunfo, hecha tufo pero dan el empujón, ¡horror!
Triumph, it stinks but they give the push, horror!
Hoy la mafia decide en cada fiesta mayor ¡dolor!
Today the mafia decides in every major party pain!
Alguien con liquidez,
Someone with liquidity,
Le puso grupo al Youtuber de turno y obtuvo un producto en un plis,
He put a group to the Youtuber on duty and obtained a product in a jiffy,
Lo cuela en TV3 y lo pasea por los "festis"
It sneaks into TV3 and walks it through the "festis"
Pero se vacía la plaza aunque sea gratis,
But the square empties even if it's free,
¿Querías currar para hacerte un lugar?
Did you want to work to make a place for yourself?
Que putada han acordado la portada,
What a bummer they have agreed on the cover,
Unos premios de mierda, una rueda de prensa y una foto de cara,
Some shitty awards, a press conference and a face photo,
Unos cantan otros sacan tajada.
Some sing others cut.
Buscabas formula que lo petara,
You were looking for a formula that would hit it,
Y copiaste el hit de otro grupo sin que se notara,
And you copied another band's hit without being noticed,
Disimulabas, y si molaba,
You were pretending, and if it was cool,
Colabas una "colabo" que lo bordara por el panorama.
You sneaked in a "collab" that would embroider it across the scene.
Media escena llama aun productor que se auto plagia,
Half the scene still calls a producer who self-plagiarizes,
¿Hace magia? ¡Qué va!
Does he do magic? No way!
Cobra mucho y no se esmera nada,
He charges a lot and doesn't try at all,
En "festis" pagáis seis artistas pero veis la misma mierda enjabonada.
In "festis" you pay six artists but you see the same soapy shit.
Colaboro con la obra elaborada para darle bola
I collaborate with the elaborate work to give it a ball
A me mola apoyar si el mensaje se valora
I like to support if the message is valued
Me cautiva la rima que liga,
The rhyme that binds captivates me,
Cada silaba apila y deliras hasta que te agobia.
Each syllable stacks and deliriums until it overwhelms you.
LDS te da mensajes de calidad
LDS gives you quality messages
Y eso es un hándicap en este panorama, paramo intelectual
And that's a handicap in this panorama, intellectual wasteland
Y te damos más de este 4
And we give you more of this 4
Que a los puritas les jode tanto que les da flato
That the puritans hate it so much that it gives them a stitch
Con guitarra y sin platos, ingratos
With guitar and without cymbals, ungrateful
Nos tratan de traidores al hip hop
They treat us like traitors to hip hop
Cuando lo estamos expandiendo a saco
When we are expanding it a lot
¿Si no quién queda? ¿Pimp Flaco?
If not, who's left? Pimp Flaco?
El Trap es una moda y no nos mola, nosotros llevamos rato
Trap is a fad and we don't like it, we've been here for a while
Dándote párrafos largos sin argot para que entiendas de que hablamos
Giving you long paragraphs without slang so you understand what we are talking about
Si esto no es rap, montad un sindicato o algo
If this is not rap, start a union or something
Pero dile a Frank que se ahorre la preguntita,
But tell Frank to save the little question,
Si le damos al hip hop lo que el hip hop necesita
If we give hip hop what hip hop needs
Es mierda inédita inaudita, mira por como chillan
It's unreleased, unprecedented shit, look at how they yell
Juraría que celebran mi rap o se clavan mis cuchillas
I would swear they celebrate my rap or stick my blades
Es lo que he mamado, música real y explícita
It's what I've suckled, real and explicit music
Pero se publicita mejor la buena vibra.
But good vibes are better advertised.
No es fácil explicar porque estaba aparcando el Hardcore
It's not easy to explain why I was parking Hardcore
Cuando es evidente que me gusta tanto,
When it's obvious that I like it so much,
Pero no estoy aquí para hacer el tonto: compito contra Txarango
But I'm not here to play the fool: I compete against Txarango
Para sacar a los poetas urbanos del puto fango.
To get urban poets out of the fucking mud.
Por eso escribo y por eso sostengo,
That's why I write and that's why I maintain,
Que no se canta el trozo de otro en el lugar de donde vengo
That the piece of another is not sung in the place where I come from
Dejad de pedirnos los cachos de las
Stop asking us for the pieces of the
"Colabos" que es casi un sacrilegio cantarlos
"Colabos" which is almost a sacrilege to sing them
No seais toyacos.
Don't be foolish.
"Wake up, wake up"
"Wake up, wake up"
Somos Lágrimas de Sangre y le
We are Tears of Blood and we
Metemos Reggae y Rock al Rap, pero es Rap
We put Reggae and Rock to Rap, but it's Rap
"Wake up, wake up"
"Wake up, wake up"
Somos Lágrimas de Sangre y esto es
We are Tears of Blood and this is
"Yipi-yay-yow", a ver si lo pilláis ya
"Yipi-yay-yow", see if you get it now
"Wake up, wake up"
"Wake up, wake up"
Somos Lágrimas de Sangre y le metemos
We are Tears of Blood and we put
Reggae, rock y jaleo al rap de Barcelona
Reggae, rock and hype to Barcelona's rap
Wake up, vente a saltar con mi crew
Wake up, come jump with my crew
Blancs Wu, Blancs Wu, yaba-daba-daba-du, what!
Blancs Wu, Blancs Wu, yaba-daba-daba-du, what!

Writer(s): Jordi Estivill Nonell, Nil Campderrich Delhort, Didac Riol Fernandez, Alejandro Garcia Verdasco, Ramon Anglada Jaraquemada

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