Lágrimas De Sangre - Cómetelo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lágrimas De Sangre - Cómetelo

Eat it
Vengo a decir lo que no quieren que diga
I come to say what they don't want me to say
Mi lengua es enemiga de su censura opresiva
My tongue is the enemy of their oppressive censorship
Vengo a hablar de que me da que pensar
I come to talk about something that's on my mind
Que el partido socialista sea más populista que el popular
That the Socialist Party is more populist than the popular one
Pero peperos són xenófobos y homófobos
But the Peperos are xenophobic and homophobic
El que no lo sea que no sea bobo y no les de su voto
He who is not, let him not be a fool and not give them his vote
En el fondo los curas están contra el aborto
Basically, the priests are against abortion
Porque cuando ven un bebé se ponen cachondos
Because when they see a baby, they get horny
"Jo-jo-jo" Es que me mondo del jefe de la patronal y su cara de mongo
"Ha-ha-ha" I'm cracking up at the head of the employers' association and his stupid face
Quieren que curremos más por menos y que no nos quejemos
They want us to work more for less and not to complain
Mientras engorda su culo en un asiento
While their ass gets fat in a seat
Nos trata como esclavos mientras él se sube el sueldo
He treats us like slaves while he raises his salary
Se siente muy seguro portegido por sus perros, ciervos
He feels very safe, protected by his dogs, deer
Brutos y violentos sin estudios, unos chonis
Ugly and violent without education, some thugs
Sabes que te digo? Fuck the police!
You know what I'm saying? Fuck the police!
Pu-Pu-Puta policía que se acerca vacilando
Pu-Pu-Fucking police approaching with an attitude
Puto juez dictando, político cobrando
Fucking judge dictating, politician collecting
Tocandose los huevos y cobrando
Fucking eggs and collecting
Del banco, que es el que de verdad está al mando
From the bank, which is the one that's really in charge
Y no saben la que estamos armando
And they don't know what we're up to
El rap está en la calle no te calles lo que estás pensando
Rap is on the street, don't shut up what you're thinking
"Hip-Hop" Está sonando en tu barrio,
"Hip-Hop" It's playing in your neighborhood,
Otra vez suena un himno revolucionario
A revolutionary anthem is playing again
Allá voy yo, a darlo todo a un escenario
There I go, giving it my all on a stage
"Que pasa bro?" Escucha bien lo que te canto
"What's up bro?" Listen carefully to what I'm singing to you
Si me la maman de canto esos políticos
If they suck me sideways those politicians
Eat it
Existen dos maneras de tomarle el pelo al pueblo
There are two ways to fool the people
Una, robandole el dinero, dos, comiendole el cerebro
One, by stealing their money, two, by eating their brains
Juan Carlos lo primero y Benedicto lo segundo
Juan Carlos the first and Benedict the second
Ambos patrocinan el hambre en el tercer mundo
Both sponsor hunger in the third world
El pueblo les saluda creyendo que son de ayuda
The people greet them believing that they are helpful
"Són de la nobleza!"
"They are of nobility!"
Tu habla de pobreza y verás como disimulan
You talk about poverty and you'll see how they pretend
"El pastel es para ellos!"
"The cake is for them!"
Y tu eres quien se traga su careto en los sellos
And you are the one who swallows her face on the stamps
Holgazanes en palacio
Idlers in the palace

Writer(s): Alejandro Garcia Verdasco, Jordi Estivill Nonell, Nil Campderrich Delhort

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