Lágrimas De Sangre - El Último Grito en Detrito - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lágrimas De Sangre - El Último Grito en Detrito

El Último Grito en Detrito
The Last Scream in Debris
Me venden libertad a buen precio y el último grito en detrito,
They sell me freedom at a good price and the last scream in debris,
Un tipo en la tele insiste en que lo necesito,
A guy on TV insists that I need it,
Que de hecho tenerlo es signo to sexy de éxito,
That in fact having it is a sexy sign of success,
Lo pillo ya y lo pago en dieciocho mesecitos.
I'll take it now and pay it off in eighteen short months.
El bucle infinito: vendo mierda que genero,
The infinite loop: I sell the shit I generate,
A cambio de escaso dinero que gasto en basura que no quiero,
In exchange for little money that I spend on garbage that I don't want,
De corte efímero, ¡sé el primero,
Ephemeral, be the first,
En tirar tus ingresos por el sumidero!
To throw your income down the drain!
Adquiere esta basura nueva que deja obsoleta tu basura vieja,
Get this new trash that makes your old trash obsolete,
Ve a comprar como una oveja a esa tienda que te veja,
Go shopping like a sheep at that store that fleeces you,
Que te engaña para que compres el doble,
That tricks you into buying twice as much,
Que te humilla con ofertas pack ahorres.
That humiliates you with "save money" pack offers.
Todo el mundo pilla que la manzana es más sana si lleva más cera y brilla,
Everyone gets it that an apple is healthier if it has more wax and shines,
Y a nadie le importa cuánto dura una bombilla,
And nobody cares how long a light bulb lasts,
Nos seduce el envase, nos lo ofrece gente guapa de esa que se maquilla,
We are seduced by the packaging, offered by pretty people, the kind who wear makeup,
Felicidad en pastillas.
Happiness in pills.
Pero todo es una estafa y te astillan,
But it's all a scam and they'll chip you,
Te han atontado para que caigas en la trampa, come y calla te chillan,
They've dumbed you down to fall into the trap, eat and shut up, they tell you,
Y qué haces? No quieres tomar un rumbo drástico,
And what are you doing? You don't want to take a drastic course,
Pero ya ves el plástico llegando a la orilla.
But you already see the plastic reaching the shore.
Suciedad de consumo con humo y con grumo,
Consumer dirt with smoke and lumps,
Con negro engrudo y amorfo tumor futuro,
With black gunk and an amorphous future tumor,
El cúmulo de mugre cubre al hombre, y todos quieren un zurullo,
The accumulation of filth covers man, and everyone wants a turd,
Todo el mundo quiere el suyo, ¡compra uno, corre!
Everyone wants their own, buy one, run!
Quieren que consumas basura que sudas,
They want you to consume trash that you sweat,
Mientras atesoras basura que compras o usuras,
While you hoard trash that you buy or wear out,
Que adoras, que adulas, que a duras penas puedes pagar (pero)
That you adore, that you flatter, that you can barely afford (but)
Aún quedan bosques que talar.
There are still forests to cut down.
Nos sumamos a las voces que te dicen frena,
We join the voices that tell you to stop,
La segunda mano te vale la pena,
Second hand is worth it,
Hay formas de romper las cadenas,
There are ways to break the chains,
Solo es basura si no haces nada con ella.
It's only trash if you do nothing with it.
Nos sumamos a las voces que te dicen "decrezcamos",
We join the voices that tell you "let's decrease",
No sabemos hacia donde, pero dicen "progresamos",
We don't know where to, but they say "we're progressing",
De los fluidos ríos, y los idílicos páramos,
From the flowing rivers, and the idyllic wilderness,
Hicimos la pocilga en la que nos regocijamos.
We made the pigsty in which we rejoice.
Las empresas obran crimen, estados lo permiten,
Companies commit crimes, states allow it,
Dejando que contaminen, ¿qué me cuentas a mí, nen?
Letting them pollute, what are you telling me, babe?
Yo consumo lo justo y sumo lustros de consumo,
I consume just enough, and I add years of consumption,
Me encojo de hombros entre escombros muerte y humo.
I shrug my shoulders between rubble, death and smoke.
Mientras, ellos dicen compra y si no llegas pide crédito,
Meanwhile, they say buy and if you can't afford it, get credit,
Te cobran por la bolsa con todo el sano criterio,
They charge you for the bag with all the healthy criteria,
Todo son facilidades, es crecimiento ¿sabes?
It's all facilities, it's growth, you know?
Pero has crecido tanto que en tu casa ya no cabes,
But you've grown so much that you don't fit in your house anymore,
Ve a por otra contigua, un lugar donde lograr acumular
Go for another one next door, a place to accumulate
La futura versión de tu basura más antigua,
The future version of your oldest trash,
Santiguar la mugre del momento, averigua
Bless the filth of the moment, find out
Donde adquirirla y haz de ella un monumento,
Where to get it and make a monument of it,
Un absurdo culto al bulto, si te ves en la mierda
An absurd cult of bulk, if you see yourself in the shit
Aciertas, no sabes hasta qué punto,
You're right, you don't know to what extent,
Menda, te rodea jerna, mierda muy bien envasada
Babe, you're surrounded by junk, very well packaged shit
Y anunciada en tele mierda con mal gusto.
And advertised on shitty TV with bad taste.
Feliz con cualquier mierda, no aspiras a más,
Happy with any shit, you don't aspire to more,
Nos han acostumbrado a comprar precariedad,
We've been accustomed to buying precariousness,
Tu no odias los lunes, tu odias el sistema,
You don't hate Mondays, you hate the system,
Odias tu trabajo y odias la necesidad.
You hate your job and you hate necessity.
Walla, en el Walla Pop esta en stock miseria top,
Walla, top misery is in stock on Walla Pop,
Con el Photoshop disimulas mierda,
With Photoshop you disguise shit,
Mientras, inmundicia innecesaria inunda,
Meanwhile, unnecessary filth floods,
Tu pulmón poco a poco, el tabaco apesta.
Your lung little by little, tobacco stinks.
Un secreto, el vertedero verdadero de coltán,
A secret, the real coltan landfill,
Está en tu cuarto i lo tienes repleto,
Is in your room and you have it full,
Querrás uno nuevo porque está programado param
You'll want a new one because it's programmed so that
Que este pasado un rato se quede obsoleto.
After a while, it becomes obsolete.
La Coca Cola siempre está de moda,
Coca Cola is always fashionable,
Porque mola no controlar si tu aorta engorda, ahora importa?
Because it's cool not to control if your aorta gets fat, does it matter now?
Es agua sucia y cara pero no te cortas,
It's dirty and expensive water but you don't care,
Te lo dice una caja poco sospechosa de ser tonta.
A box hardly suspected of being stupid tells you so.
Eso que comentas en los bares es bazofia,
What you say in bars is crap,
Ves telebasura y vomitas escoria,
You watch trash TV and vomit scum,
Vuelves a engullirla, bollería maligna,
You gobble it up again, evil pastries,
Grasa en tu barriga, mugre en tu memoria.
Fat in your belly, grime in your memory.
Mecesito una letrina para mirar tele circo,
I need a latrine to watch circus TV,
Las migajas que ingerimos son despojos de los ricos,
The crumbs we eat are scraps from the rich,
Desperdicios que pagamos porque han dicho,
Waste we pay for because they said,
Mira el continente, olvida el contenido.
Look at the container, forget the contents.
Quieren que consumas basura que sudas,
They want you to consume trash that you sweat,
Mientras atesoras basura que compras o usuras,
While you hoard trash that you buy or wear out,
Que adoras, que adulas, que a duras penas puedes pagar (pero)
That you adore, that you flatter, that you can barely afford (but)
Aún quedan bosques que talar.
There are still forests to cut down.
Nos sumamos a las voces que te dicen frena,
We join the voices that tell you to stop,
La segunda mano te vale la pena,
Second hand is worth it,
Hay formas de romper las cadenas,
Hay formas de romper las cadenas,
Solo es basura si no haces nada con ella
It's only trash if you do nothing with it

Writer(s): Nil Campderrich Delhort, Didac Riol Fernandez, Alejandro Garcia Verdasco, Jordi Estivill Nonell, Ramon Anglada Jaraquemada

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