Lágrimas De Sangre - Saber Quién Soy - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lágrimas De Sangre - Saber Quién Soy

Saber Quién Soy
Knowing Who I Am
Dame un minuto deja que te cuente
Give me a minute, let me tell you
Quiero elevarlo al edén, llevarlo al nivel siguiente
I want to elevate it to Eden, take it to the next level
Si quieres vente, voy con gente diferente
If you want to come, I'm going with different people
Que quieren que les recuerden sonrientes y sin estrés
Who want to be remembered smiling and without stress
Y si ves que tu corazón miedo siente
And if you see that your heart feels fear
Y te falta el abrigo que te caliente
And you lack the coat that warms you
Has de saber que todo está en tu mente, amigo
You have to know that everything is in your mind, friend
La clave está en vivir en el presente
The key is to live in the present
que hemos decidido nadar a contracorriente
I know we've decided to swim against the current
Y que vamos remontando el río
And that we are going up the river
Y que es muy difícil, yo hay días que no me río
And I know it's very difficult, there are days when I don't laugh
Pero los días que sí, son suficientes, Hoy quiero ser coherente
But the days that I do, they are enough, Today I want to be consistent
Y juntarme con tipos que se gocen el trabajo en equipo
And get together with guys who enjoy teamwork
Que prefieran amigos a clientes,
Who prefer friends to clients,
Periplos por las grutas de la mente de una cara sonriente
Journeys through the caves of the mind of a smiling face
Que disfruta el buen ambiente y que te invita, vente
That enjoys the good atmosphere and invites you, come on
Vente a descubrir otras ideas
Come discover other ideas
Existen muchos mundos, aunque ahora no los veas
There are many worlds, even if you don't see them now
La gente que reflexiona escasea, aquí cualquiera cacarea
People who reflect are scarce, here anyone shits
Aunque la caca de su área no la vea, créame
Although they don't see the shit in their area, believe me
Que no les culpo,
That I don't blame them,
Todos somos un producto de lo que este mundo nos inculcó
We are all a product of what this world has instilled in us
Igual que estoy yo
I'm the same as you
Haciendo examen de conciencia y barriendo mi casa
Doing an examination of conscience and sweeping my house
Un quiero y no puedo, si, ¿qué pasa? Yo es que debo ser un toy.
A want and I can't, yes, what's up? I must be a toy.
Pero me basta con saber quién soy
But it's enough for me to know who I am
A me basta con saber quién soy yo, hoy.
It's enough for me to know who I am, today.
A me basta con saber quién soy,
It's enough for me to know who I am,
A me basta con saberlo.
It's enough for me to know.
Estar de buen humor es necesario como el agua,
Being in a good mood is as necessary as water,
Es el pilar que aguanta un alma sana y la ira amansa,
It is the pillar that supports a healthy soul and tames anger,
Cuando la vida cansa, el mal mental avanza,
When life gets tiring, mental evil advances,
Ser feliz es la mejor de todas las venganzas
Being happy is the best of all revenges
Ya no me guían críticas, ni el "tú más" ni el "qué dirán",
I am no longer guided by criticism, neither "you more" nor "what will they say",
Soy un relativista metido en un mundo hooligan,
I'm a relativist stuck in a hooligan world,
Me basta con mirar al interior,
It's enough for me to look inside,
Me basta con ir a dormir pensando en "mañana lo harás mejor".
It's enough for me to go to sleep thinking "tomorrow you'll do better".
Rasgar bajo la máscara hasta quebrar la cáscara,
Scratching under the mask until the shell breaks,
Que más dará manchar la sábana si el sol la secará,
Who cares if the sheet gets stained if the sun will dry it,
Si va a llenarte el alma dale cancha
If it's going to fill your soul, give it space
Si va a mermarla marcha, mírala despídela y enséñale la espalda
If it's going to drown it, watch it, say goodbye and show it your back
A me basta con saber quién soy
It's enough for me to know who I am
No caben tus prejuicios en mi cápsula Hoi-poi
Your prejudices don't fit in my Hoi-poi capsule
Si vivo un estado anímico de manifiesto júbilo,
If I live a state of mind of manifest joy,
Efímero y cimero estímulo, ¡glorioso seas hoy!
Ephemeral and paramount stimulus, glorious be you today!
A me basta con saber quién soy
It's enough for me to know who I am
A me vale con saber quién soy yo, hoy.
It's enough for me to know who I am, today.
A me vale con saber quién soy,
It's enough for me to know who I am,
A me basta con saberlo.
It's enough for me to know.
Los días perdidos son pura anestesia,
Lost days are pure anesthesia,
Gira todo alrededor,
Everything revolves around,
El mundo en que vivo no si lo entiendo,
I don't know if I understand the world I live in,
Podría ser peor,
It could be worse,
Y es que me han robado la bici en medio de Barcelona,
And it is that they have stolen my bike in the middle of Barcelona,
El capital inculca la avaricia en las personas, fatal
Capital instills greed in people, fatal
Ya no me ato a quien conciba crecer sin dar,
I no longer tie myself to whoever conceives of growing without giving,
En mis momentos de necesidad,
In my moments of need,
¿Qué es lo que te falta? Me pregunté,
What are you missing? I asked myself,
¿Para qué quiero tenerlo?
What do I want to have it for?
Hay días, q no sonreiría si me miras,
There are days, that I wouldn't smile if you look at me,
Cansado de esquivar balas perdidas, pienso,
Tired of dodging stray bullets, I think,
¿Si hacia el campo podría ir? ¿O seria huir?
Could I go to the countryside? Or would it be running away?
¿Qué hago con mi vida? Se me juntan mil preguntas
What do I do with my life? A thousand questions come together
Que me atraen, me distraen y se olvidan
That attract me, distract me and are forgotten
A la primera bofetada dada de la realidad,
At the first slap given from reality,
Yo a veces también me apago,
Sometimes I turn off too,
Se me sube un nudo raro pero
I get a weird knot but
Voy a aprender a entenderme,
I'm going to learn to understand myself,
Porque si no se vivir con lo que tengo,
Because if you don't know how to live with what you have,
Tampoco sabré vivir con lo que tendré
I won't know how to live with what I will have either
Voy a curarme la alegría magullada entre semana
I'm going to heal the bruised joy during the week
Por el ruido de las máquinas,
For the noise of the machines,
Voy aliviarme las heridas con rabia liberadora,
I'm going to relieve my wounds with liberating rage,
Y voy a tender que ya es suficiente al menos hoy.
And I'm going to pretend that it's enough at least today.
Pero me basta con saber quién soy
But it's enough for me to know who I am
A me vale con saber quién soy yo, hoy.
It's enough for me to know who I am, today.
A me vale con saber quién soy,
It's enough for me to know who I am,
A me basta con saberlo.
It's enough for me to know.

Writer(s): Jordi Estivill Nonell, Nil Campderrich Delhort, Didac Riol Fernandez, Otger Ibars Almirall, Alejandro Garcia Verdasco, Ramon Anglada Jaraquemada

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